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Everything posted by Spam

  1. I don't know how many people read the tips that popup in arena but one of them said that items of the same type give a better boost than items of a different type.
  2. Why is this in introductions? Also how are you rank 10-11 when you have better stuff than me and I'm rank 10-12
  3. Gato Games is working on the SM server right now so any big updates probably won't happen until it's done
  4. pls this thread could have been so much more
  5. Spam


    sure do whatever you want
  6. why its the best true next person follows this thread
  7. Spam


    Why did I make this? because I thought it would be funny. Just so this thread has some use post random things here if you want them judged
  8. True next person farms 1v1 overlords den level 6 in insane mode
  9. I don't have chores XD also for anyone wondering Clicking the big disagree button for all of them makes you a virtuoso Clicking the grey middle button for all of them makes you a virtuoso Clicking the bid agree button for all of them make you a protagonist
  10. True, though it's time was one of the best
  11. false. im a boy. next person knows at least 6 digits of pi
  12. I hate them to, but lets not make this thread about frantic brute
  13. Yeah, Dragon Slayers a clan mate of mine and has the phys monkey so it make sense to ask if its good anymore
  14. Personally I wouldn't remove it because seeing the old stuff makes me feel nostalgic for the old times
  15. False... next person likes pie
  16. this is a recording of me beating 3v3 danger zone level 9 in easy mode but losing some how this is the 3rd time this has happened Impossible level.mp4
  17. Can I give a shout out to every phys mech that doesn't use brute and make my life harder?
  18. no it wouldn't because re-breakers are the current meta. Also it would have to do around 400 damage for it to be viable, and even if this was in game it would suck and no one would use it. The art is good though, just leave the stats to the community and you'll probably get good stats for it.
  19. Campaign is pretty easy to finish and nerfing anything in campaign wouldn't help, but in hard and insane mode the mechs have there offensive stats and health increased, but if this is increased then shouldn't the heat and energy consumption be increased? even though this is easy to get around it just doesn't make sense that a heat bomb could do 400 heat and only take 200 heat consumption. This a very easy problem to get around but still it would be nice if what the energy and heat cost of the weapon was also increased.
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