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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Thx. It has been a while doing this for fun. I originally never planned to accumulate gold, but I was running low all the time back then then I wanted to have some around for crazy things and decided to go for 20 then 30 by steps then reached 100like that and decided to go to 300 but then been retired I decided to keep going to 500. Now I will hold back on that to divine some parts around slowly together maxing just one part till get those divined are completed then will make power kits the rest of the year preparing for 1000 premium pack opening early next year or so. It will take time but will get done. I should be able to do it already, but my kids last summer opened many making a mess that I have been correcting till now. The mess now is gone and working in a few touches here and there to get ready for the opening. Lot of farming to come.
  3. Holy Macaroni. That is cool. I want one. I have few tokens to spare.
  4. I used to play to have them at the same AP next to each together, but my kids don't have idea they did. That is a sign. Maybe I should rank up and break havoc.
  5. What is going on? With great players and the leader is a good one. I do not understand why walking away of a decent clan been at TOP 10 now with 12 members. Ridiculous. Does not make sense. Players should have a bit more of integrity to be honest in my personal opinion. Sure, it is just a game but man....
  6. yes, farming in this game is ruled to advance. Ha ha, the gold disappears really fast. It is very hard to get back in particular if use power kits. I no longer farm as used to do but it will take to average real farmer at least basic to get 4-6 million in a week depending on factors like the daily sequences and pvp. You will have to surpass that 20 million in order you can be stable on 20. What I normally used to do was to balance between power kits making 400 of them 100 per factory and be focus only into make slow level up with the daily of 20 parts collection and 15 consumed and no extra advancement. The reason is because making the power kits consume around 2.3 million but also will need more than a million to work in the level up of one part and during that time my mix parts can growth. When the gold was tuff to get back into because the power kit consumption, then I switched to mix boxes consumption after reaching around 850 and with that I used to finish then a part without power kit and save gold and go back to make power kit and stayed in that sequence but require proper grinding every day and 5 pvp plus using properly days like today with more gold and maybe tomorrow for the extra fuel day. Right now, I am just making parts with mix parts farmed and saving the gold to reach 500 million. Slow progress but controlling for a while. I will need a lot of gold when I reach 1000 premium packs collection then open all of them for fun.
  7. Nice fight. More than 3 years to get 1000 wins? wow, that took long. How many fights you do daily or per week? I did really fast that when I started. Later just went down to 5 wins. I haven't completed the achievements. I have not been paying attention to them for very long until last week that I decided to play few. Maybe next year play few more. Keeping them for boring days. Cool to see your progress. Keep going and have fun.
  8. Holy Macaroni. So many parts. NICE
  9. wow, that will hit hard. nice design. Another weapon to be added to the game.
  10. You can post about anything. Can be games, follow the games around, make jokes, post memes, pictures or your hand, tell history about you like been at school, crazy girlfriend had, your car, crazy bro, work but you do not have to tell the places, country stuff, your sexy neighbor, goals, weekly progress in SM, flex that legend or myth created, levels up of the week, your best T-shirt, going to the beach, vacation, food etc. don't have to be every day but time to time a different thing and that can be normal, funny or idiotic fun. The fingers are your limit Ok, a challenge. Max 3 modules to Myth L50 in Feb. Use the proper area to create a post. This is introduction. That will be info about you in a general way and why you play this game. You can go to the Discussion area and create a post that you can use as post about you or else. Is like come with simple things like who is your favorite player in the game watching their videos fights, or ask for the best in the past like old teams, and current players old names or why left a clan or who you want to beat, or why you play and what do you want to achieve etc.
  11. retired before I even started, and I am retired already. They got tired of farming.
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