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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. True Next watch Harem anime
  2. I am not a Legacy player. Just Legacy players can tell you exactly what happen back then in their accounts, I hope they help you. There are many around. What I do remember about some comments from them, is that there was a package to converts the parts or something like that practically losing all parts to make few new ones. There are few parts still working like old repulser or dual hook as far I remember seen around and of course some old legs used on purpose for some current set ups due to weight wise. Do not eat everything but basically, you have to start over because old parts do not have power or not even function plus some parts are similar but different function. Do not destroy the account till get some answers from those that went through the changes back in 2017 or before that.
  3. Well, you can start a different account. The results can be better or worse. 1- That torso is bad. Use Nightmare easy to get in common or rare farming. 2- The leg is basic for now but do not enhance beyond L40 in case you get better 3- I do not know your modules 4- You have only one weapon Hybrid that it is a top weapon. The rest of weapons are trash but are normal when the account is open and play for some days or a week or so. No shame on it. It is totally normal for everyone. I used all of those weapons back then. So, it is up to you if wants to create a different acc. Just be careful how to use parts grants and farmed. The drone it is ok to start.
  4. let's combine their names. Maybe will be like "TAKE LOOK AT UR SKILL ISSUE". Cole, they are there because skills. You have to report properly if you see something is wrong. Don't get banned.
  5. cool music video. No sound and keeps you looking at. new game entertainment.
  6. OKI DOKI- I keep focus in gold accumulation till reach 500 million. I am getting very close. After completing that goal, I will get re-focus into increase some more gold for next step into divine some parts and I will continue to make slowly parts till complete that task, then I will switch to use the BASE for power kits as I used to do often. My first Vandal. It is for collection plus I do not have much test with it. Never been fan of the weapon. O.D. FARM my first Purifier. Oh well, and eye sore there so for collection to have one around. Tested in low but not at high. Need to do more test. CHEERS
  7. The answer is both. There are different types of mechs. I will not mention all of them but basic: 1- Attack to resistance 2- Attack to HP caps Those have subdivisions and some of them are. 1- Overheating 2- Draining 3- Explosive For example This one does have few categories. 1- It is a drainer over heater. It is use based to overheat the opponent. The differences are the use of what type of weapons can help to make the condition faster and keep the opponent close to you. We call this a heat hugger. 2- The top weapon does not affect directly to the resistance but damage to the heat cap and to the HP is high. The parts it is excellent to help overheat and to keep close your opponent. 3- To help the effect of overheat, it uses a side weapon to damage the heat cap available and will reduce it permanently per attack. 4- Use a side weapon that will help reduce the resistance and that resistance damage is combined with 1-2 heat drainers and the drone that also help to damage resistance. Why resistance drain it is important? Simple, if does not have the attack to do so, it is like hit a wall with your hands so other attacks can work the magic. So, sometimes I call this a resistance over heater hugger. Just me . The others will call heat hugger as standard name. This other it is a jumper based to damage resistance in order can penetrate and start to damage HP. It is hard to destroy this one in the physical way. A bit weaker in energy attack and middle of the ground vs heat mechs different types but it is a good one to use against the first mech if know how to use it. 1- The 3 side weapons are based on resistance drain in order can start to damage HP faster. To make the attack even more effective, the drone and jumper weapons also helps to damage drain. It is an overall resistance drainer sniper. When you build a mech, you are looking normally to maximize a particular effect on damage. Sure, every mech does have a counter mech meaning there is not a perfect mech because all of them can be destroy. Those are basics mechs that can give a bit of ideas. Now, not all mechs will be set in that way as the super Dupper beast mech to annihilate everyone. Some mechs are designed to work on pair or for a triple attack. In the 2 mechs illustrated, a player with luck can make 3 of those. Sure, those 2 types of mechs that you might like to have all the parts for 3 of them but is hard to get for the majorities. So, some people build mechs to complement the others in ways that can provide that help. The order of mechs set ups are important when go to do pvp. For example, this mech below, as solo mech it is easy to be bitten if do not know how to use it. Sure, in the hands of Warrmachine is lethal just for saying. Now, as you can see, use different elements making this mech a mix mechs sniper. It is functional, yes does work but the right function per season. It is not good for 1V1 but can be use on 2v2 and 3v3 according to how you will support the other mech. I used and bitten top players for fun. It is grate mech, nope, but the support can be great if know the reason why was built in first place to complement the other mech. When you build a first mech, you put the best assets there that can be combined in a way that will be functional for the type of attack you would like to have maximizing that effect like in the first 2 top mechs above. Another example is this test mech. It does works? Sure, for low ranks maybe till R5 but it is a mech based for R7-R6. I use this one in a cripple way for test on purpose to see damage, match maker and few others. Can help a player to rank up having just limited parts? Yes, it does. All parts are available farming and can be fun to use and I won against top players R1 mechs many times in the pass and my kids I saw many fights against R1 mechs winning against them. Now, for some top players, will be easy to kill like a fly. The things for this one, was based more for explosive damage and chicken out covering almost all ranges. In the end, all elements do have similar effects and we combine weapons to maximize the effect as combo attack reason top players always will tell you that you need to build an element mech in full and how much damage can create based on stats. Build with logic. Observe properly the weapon functionality with the item description below as example. It weights ok at 37 but heat damage cap is low but can help overheat some. It works when the opponents it is away from you one step to 3 meaning if the mech is faced to face it won't work but if is too far it won't work. It jumps back one space but require having energy to function and will create heat on your mech using the item plus it will eat the HP per attack. That information it is crucial to understand because it is the way to control your loss of Hp using the weapon, or how fast will overheat your mech etc. I hope I answered your question.
  8. you are welcome. Have fun and remember this is a game.
  9. now old and married Welcome
  10. sorry. your account might already change. You will have to summit again current inventory. No all the time players that help is connected or check everything.
  11. no one can help without providing your full account inventory. That is normal for everyone.
  12. WOW, Nice account. A lot of goodies on reserve. Cool fights. Nice to hear your voice. Cool to see a real farmer.
  13. wow, another portal weapons. Time to release new weapons. nice design.
  14. must have. also, for a free player in the majority of cases, it is hard to get. Also, it is not common opening premium boxes. you will need 3
  15. Do you mean to be at Rank 10 and hit rank 5? Rank and level it is a different thing. If you mean rank? 1- Focus power in your best mech you can build. a) Why? Maybe you can cross to R5 in 1v1 if have a solid one and for that, the best resources go to that one. 2- Remaining parts will be for your second. 3- Do not waste resources trying to make a 3er mech. a) Why? You will constrain the first two mechs needing parts and you will eat farmed parts and gold for nothing. b) Focus in first then in second. That will help you enter to R5 in 1v1 and maybe 2v2. Basic understanding of the game it is ranks to be understood properly. There are some bottle necks in the game. Let's talk about just one but there are others before and after this one. R10 it is a rank hard to pass for basic reasons having many players around trying to escape the cluster. 1- R10, it is a rank that by default everyone will be almost or all complete MYTH L50 in weapons, drones, legs and torso. 2- They normally will lack in modules keeping them in lower HP and protections like resistance, energy and heat. 3- They built a basic mech that can reach the rank but will begging the mechs modifications because maybe started to get parts not obtained before and it is the rank to do so focused in the primary and secondary not a 3er even people do that often. 4- Smurfs create a problem for them because many stay in the R8-R6 for some reasons a) They are collecting wins b) Some are there too powerful, but they do not have a 3er mech to compete in the 3v3 so that season will be plague of top gunners that can even reach R1 but can't fight in 3v3 and will take constant losses not been able to win and takes too long to get a lucky pass. So, those players end up pushing down natural rankers belong to R8-R6 down to R10-R8 and that keeps going to lower rankers so R10 it is a mess. I was one of them too. -So, basic things to do if you are not a pay to win player, 1- FARM like there is no tomorrow- LITTERALLY SLAVE- I am one of those slave masochists. 2- Properly use the tokens granted in the game. a) Daily 3 wins b) Raid c) Game daily offers some grating tokens to destroy enemy structures or getting some wins. d) Portals if any e) Clan wins f) commercials g) Complete Achievements h) Campaign bosses in normal hard and insane i) others About many years to get there? Well, luck depend on a lot in this game to get granted decent part but as free player, you need to be a consistent gold farmer and to progress the level of the account doing so and to play 7 days 5 wins minimal for the silver coins. Join a decent clan regardless their rank but look for those with wins and play titan and do war and like some wins like 1000 wins per season. You need to farm more than one time a day. Let say, if you go to school and your parents allow you to play just a little to complete the wins, titan, war, raid and farm one time an account with just 40 in fuel as maximum, that will take way too long in the years for a real reality chock. Only players paying can push up faster and if they have real money then buy gold etc but even pay to win and bad luck on grants, can be hard too. Some others can buy some offers not many but have to farm to push up if luck strike them. Been a pay to win, do not translate to get every part around. Every account is different in grants. Sometimes you can even wait 5 years or more and no get the item even paying. I am one of those for 4 years and still waiting for parts even with premium packs purchases and others with little have them by luck. Now, if you farm 4 times and use gold and mix parts granted properly, you can push in 5-6 months to R5. I did 8 times so if I did, everyone could do it too. Sure, it is dependent of how life it is per person. Everyone has different life reality.
  16. They do. Top Gun-ACE, LLYL, RF, TF and few others that I can't see now for been low rank. According to what I can see now is LLYL just as guess. Clans like RR, WLG, INMAX will be more competitive for a spot. You can ask any. Because they are not posting current requirements, we do not know their clan state of what they want now according to the game status with less players and more relaxed. in some ways. Before was a top gunner to be R1 in all seasons and average to hit 200 AP. Mow too many semi-retired, lack of wins or even ranks can change the entry. You should post what you can offer as player like Titan attack and ticket collection, War, wins, ranks per season, if play every day, no troublemaker, clans medals, steady no changing clans after clans and things like that. Like I mentioned, things have changed a bit because players are no longer as used to be, so clans have changed a bit. Post something requesting for top clan and some of those details mentioned. They will look into. Wish you good luck NOTE: Join request to the clan on your own seen a spot? Normally the top ones they block entries and used to be after they have an agreement of how thing works. If you already requested to entry to a clan, try to contact the leader if still here in the forum and PM him or her. The leader might have to ask to other players to let you in.
  17. OKI DOKI


    maybe born in August Leo zodiacal.
  18. maybe updates. It happens sometimes. Yesterday and today some.
  19. nice, oh, 5 shots. now I can see better
  20. OKI DOKI


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