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Everything posted by OKI DOKI


    silver box

    it was replaced with the Base back on 1/25/21. There were disputes what was better. Some wanted to stay silver box and others moved fast to Base. Some undecided made a second account to test then later change like me. Some others still using silvers because never changed because like the way it was. One time someone requested to change the Base cack to silver. The reason was because there was a glitch. The Base selection icon will appear that say then we had to select the item if wanted. The Base option was intended to be permanent, and selectors will have to live with the Base active forever. The glitch caused some players to activate not wanting to activate because used to pop every change. They got mad and requested to change back and administration helped one or two for it then many wanted to change back and started this constant request to change back to silver. Some requested but were too many and without reason, so the change back has been cancelled and it was a game update no reason why to grant a change back. In the end, many test has been done and Base is superior no matter those complaining. It is a Fact. I tested before change and was beneficial. for my progress. Hope this answer your question
  2. Really hard to tell at least for me. Regardless of mechs, the factor it is the player. There are competitive players that are very smart regardless mechs in use. Sure, match maker it is a huge factor to account and mech selection between others. Another big factor will be the season. If players keep the same mech without changes, can get different outcomes. Phys recoil sniper jumper can be a top contender in this case. As a factor to consider, it is the factor at what rank normally dos play or which to be at. The Phys jumper can be a good option in the R1/R2 with less energy mechs but heavy in heat. I have been watching tops for very long even no been active and have been usual to see their fights for fun. Heat hugger declined due to recoils in 1v1 and 2v2 but still great at 3V3. I consider this mech one of the superiors in the sense of versatility to be use as R1, titan, war and raid plus campaign without any changes. Ton of others can be included but the factor still in the player. Ton of set ups can be a scary thing in the hands of WM, GZ, Lan, kitty, LG and others because they play ahead with desire to win vs players like me that are casual having same mechs playing without motivations to win or in the hands of players having that power but still need to learn how use it properly as I have seen many around with that power for long but they don't get it.
  3. That does not make sense. Looks like that you are belong to the old squad of TF. I think the old team can have you. You are an inspiration and I hope to give that flame back to the team and get together. You guys are doing a great job. There is a lot of talent in the current clan.
  4. There is no substitute for real good player regardless limitations on mechs to rank up.
  5. WOW. Nice drop and max out. Good offer luck.
  6. great design and the name are perfect. I want one too. that is cool. a valiant triple gunner. nice for next competition. very interesting. looks like a heat laser cutter. thin heat cut attack very powerful.
  7. yes. Nightmare can help weight wise
  8. yes. Burn it is an expert on set ups and it is wise to follow his recommendations. He is one of the best top gunners for very long in this game. Top weapon in the long run will have to go. The weight will be too much even having premium parts with resistance module like Defense Matrix and HP will stay lower reason why is transitory option at this point. You need a drone so top weapon might go.
  9. Well, the basic problem for everyone is that we do not have all the modules looking for. It is not your fault. It is really hard to get them even with premium packs purchases. If you use Molten the heat version, as you can see, the resistance is a bit lower in heat and stronger in energy and phys. With energy torso the resistance against heat attack is a bit better Now, the tradeoff will be the heat/energy caps in an inverse way which you need to compensate in an inverse way. The torso it is not bad. It is a good one and I use that one too. Actually 3 of them. You can use Nightmare if you want. It is a good one that can help you set up according to modules availability. I do not have one developed because no needed in the way I played but it is a great torso and players do not think properly about it because start as common. Using Nightmare can free you up some weight versus current torso. Also, it will work like MPV with a little less of resistances and caps will be a bit different. It is a good item to be use. About your current mech. Even with parts maxed out "my h/e combine are premium but close", your cooling will be decent, but energy regeneration will be too low. Even changing a bit, still a bit low in energy regen. It will be somewhat ok in heat condition and energy cap will be ok to manage switches if have to but will need to play smart against energy mechs. They can drain 650 mechs in energy cap and 350 regen fast and no recover. Sure, resistance is low so phys mechs can abuse but it is normal for now. HP is low and, in the future, will have to add modules to increase HP. It is just you do not have the modules for now starting the game. That it is totally normal. I was like that even with less I had to survive in some way. I lacked those regular modules. The only way I got those regulars was using the achievements tokens grants and got old offers that use to come both energy and heat regular modules for 500 tokens or so and without them, will take much longer to move up. Do not get frustrated and forget about the other players about what they have. Focus on your own progress based on your own play time limitations. It will help you play more relax not been worried of ranks or someone else better at this point than yours. I never did and still don't and play relax for my fun. NOTE: You have a decent mech. Focus in basic and target a basic rank that you can be stable until you get much stronger with other parts. Reality: It is a transitory mech design. It won't be a top mech. Some parts will be useful at top. The mech can give you a particular. Even won't cross, people do not realize that advantage in some ways. You will know where you at and how much you can make to then focus in other mechs in the side.
  10. welcome to the grinding life
  11. oh cool. I know now from the chat.
  12. it happens time to time. When I was new it happens to me using the terror cry and I was looking what the hell I did. It is when expecting a particular risky move and not do then is telling chicken.
  13. hmm, nice work. I will give some likes later. ran out.
  14. Yes, I remember about it.
  15. No, I do not have an ideal build. I am retired but never had one particular build as preference because I play for fun with weird combinations just playing for fun no ranks. Now, your mech can be ok with just a basalt for now. Also, the builds are according of inventory availability, and we do what we can with it. Maybe the inventory has other type of mech that can help better. That type of mech is old style used a lot by the time I started to play. Then changes forced to change to others new ways but still a good mech. If you need something in particular, you need to show your full inventory so the other players can help out with some ideas then you will decide what is best for you with the learning.
  16. chances are 50%. cool to happen time to time.
  17. If you need me to help you to smurf, let me know so you can't lose the touch against them. Well, I do not play but just the thought.
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