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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. depending on comments, you can get banned. Just be careful posting. We do not want to lose another player from the game and forum. Sometimes exposing players bad comments can be a double edge but our own comments can be bad for us, and the players here normally are minors. Keep having fun posting funny stuff and advancing your account. That mech is looking nice.
  2. The system allows to use different language formats. People generally speaking, choose keyboard language preference. The game also provide information like offers and others in their respective language and location a good thing because everyone likes to use their own language which should be. For example, below picture, something that is basic and logical.
  3. you have been for long already and know the drill. Nice inventory. Next step, kill kill kill No worry, I was called a liar too. Then BANG on your face.
  4. Nice. He is not saying he is actually a PRO crushing me with those.
  5. Yes, I am busy but, in few days, might be able to help. Currently dealing with work stuff. The first mech can work. Just focus on learning and try different moves. Do not worry about a loss. That will help you to makes cool moves soon. The second mech.. 1- Low HP. Sure, I do understand that. 2- Frantic, Night Eagle and Unrepaired Laser Cannon are weapons that require energy. Your energy is very low even can work taking the loss for energy mechs. If you observe well, the bad issue it is the energy regeneration at 72 and that it is way too low to recover using the weapons even can work in some ways. 3- Rock Polisher it is another good weapon, but the weapon eats HP and normally is better to use that having more HP. Just give a try and see how does work. Remember, that mech does not use a resist drainer and sadly the resistance are very high to penetrate the shield and make physical damage.
  6. nice design but stats are off. Weight impossible and damage needs a bit more.
  7. First, you have a decent account. Sure, does have limitations and for sure it is a reason why R9 but the issue for R9 is that at that rank there are matches against higher ranked players that are in R6-R7 not belong to there and are pushing down others powerful players against you. Natural mechs players to R7-R6 are struggling. For what I can see, you are natural belong to R7-R6 with parts already maxed and possible R5 in 1v1 matches. Will have to concentrate power in one mech to make it stronger for that possibility. Sure, it is hard to do it because those players around. I do not have much time right now maybe later today or so can add something or in the weekend. I am at work right now. One of the factors also affecting is the lack of resistance drainer. You have few around for the 3 elements and will need to use them at least one maxed per kind. I do not know what you are aiming for now. If you want to cross to touch R7, it is possible and get that box. Sure, will be more changes later to improve for R5. Let's focus on R7 basic to be stable at that rank. It is important sometimes because will be hard to get out of there. R6 normally are for mechs already natural R5 player because R6 have to deal with R5-R4 in normal and even higher. So, you need to be careful making parts from left to right. You need to think carefully. Do not make parts if limited grinding without thinking because will eat your gold and mixed parts really fast. You can build few different of one kind. Just example of what do you have around. From this, the other players will give you tips to make changes as they might use some similar and what does work for them in their current level and play time. 1- This mech can get you to R7. You need to think carefully that it does have limitations on resistance because it is using a defense matrix which will not cover the full resistance. I am trying to make it balanced and of course can go different as counter with more resistance but can be bad against energy. loaded in those ranks. When you use this kind of mech, it is better to use a teleporter as lower can be. Higher teleporters consume too much energy and can neutralize you fast. The energy in use it is not the best. Sure, will work nicely to get there as solo mech. I am a tester and test about everything playing with difficulties on purpose. I have tested this one in the past and the result was R3 been persistent but luck etc I will call it an R7. You can go using previous drone and few changes. This one takes to R5 or more but R7 in this case due to the mess in R7-R6 around till adapt in the use of the mech. The change made is because the top weapon range. It can be nightfall both, but range are different and for Spartan is best to use recoil than Mercy. This one can will get you to R7 with more resistance but less HP at 2600 or so. Sure, modules still be able to change and alter with more heat/energy depending how what to play. Every player plays different and feel better to play in some ways. These options are not aiming to be the best are best set ups but can take you to the next level and observe what can you do and improve as player. Basic to use and very simple mech that everyone without the parts hate to fight against. I have not changed drone. It can be the protector you have maxed. There are more combinations with legs or claw for sure but just ideas you can use as preference and will take you to next level. If will combine, sure can use another physical but if you do not like then go for some heat. You have the parts for an R5 heat mech. The tradeoff is that you will have to make the heat mech as primary and maybe a physical as secondary maybe counter with lower energy but average decent in heat caps because modules limitations. You can also build an energy mech but better to hold back on that one for now. You need to tell the players what you do like better so they can help build the preference as primary then use remaining parts for a second. Sorry, I ran out of time.
  8. you lose your account?
  9. I still confused. I am Socol too? Even we play next to each other no O.D.FARM.
  10. Para entender un poco el juego por qué las cosas son como son, hay que pensar en términos de la vida real, pero también porque es un juego, la realidad no se aplica a la lógica de cómo funcionan las armas de la forma en que son en algunos casos. Solo piensa un poco. Las armas generan calor en términos generales en el mundo real. Pensemos en un arma física. Si usamos un cañón "obús", el arma no necesita energía eléctrica sino que usa pólvora generando calor. Es por eso que puedes tener armas físicas que son de uso gratuito de energía. Por el contrario, el juego tiene armas físicas que requieren el uso de energía. Es lógico que algunas armas físicas funcionen utilizando energía para liberar la acción a través de los controles de la cabina de un piloto en la era moderna, digamos un retroceso. Ahora, si se usa un retroceso como ejemplo, también puede generar calor porque tal vez active el arma electrónicamente, pero tal vez sea un arma hidráulica y el uso hidráulico podría generar ese calor, incluso no mucho para un solo disparo, pero si es frecuente, puede acumularse rápidamente. Claro, será complicado entender la lógica de un FALCON físico, que sería mejor decir que es un juego y queremos que las mismas armas funcionen de la misma manera, pero se estableció así por diversión. Entendiendo la lógica de las armas físicas, ahora puedes entender por qué un arma física genera calor y requiere energía para que funcione, por lo que como penalización y para el equilibrio del juego entre los elementos en uso, puede ser vulnerable contra los mechs de calor y energía si no está bien preparado para contrarrestar a los enemigos naturales, especialmente los mechs elementales de energía. Claro, el daño físico puede ser más pronunciado porque es la naturaleza del elemento físico herir más de la manera física. En el caso del calor, piénsalo. Normalmente, para generar calor como un láser, solo por mencionar el salvajismo, se necesita energía, pero un láser necesita un sistema de enfriamiento real en la vida real muy funcional porque generará calor en el uso. Por lo tanto, al usar un arma de calor, normalmente necesitará energía y también necesitará un gran enfriamiento para enfriarse dos veces. ¿Por qué? Si tu mecha genera mucho calor para sobrecalentar al oponente, tu mecha se calentará demasiado y más aún cuando el oponente sea en realidad un calor. En el caso de la Energía, bueno... No hay más remedio que usar correctamente el mecha. Por lógica, para usar un arma de energía, necesitará energía para funcionar. Si usa la batería en el robot, la energía se agotará rápidamente cuando ataque, además, si el oponente también es un robot de energía, es posible que esté muerto porque está agotado y no puede hacer mucho más que caminar y tal vez saltar si está cerca de él. Las armas de energía son un poco más débiles pero también más pesadas y requieren mucha regeneración de energía. Es normal que para usar energía en el mundo actual en la vida real, el equipo sea pesado por lo que pesa más. Hay excepciones a la regla porque es un juego y no aplica la lógica, digamos como PARTY CRASHER como ejemplo. Esos son conceptos básicos porque las cosas son como son, y tienes que ponerte a pensar que es solo un juego, pero se aplica cierta lógica a la función de las armas. Esta es una de las razones por las que necesitas estudiar la funcionalidad de las armas para combinarlas en un solo mech. La forma más fácil es comprobar la descripción del arma. En términos generales, queremos construir un robot elemental por elemento, de modo que los ataques sean consistentes con un daño en particular y seguir atacando de esa manera hasta que el oponente sea destruido. Es normal que un asesor diga que un MIX MECH no es ficticio. El consejo no es erróneo hasta cierto punto. Algunos MIX Mechs están configurados para tener una función cuando se juega en 2V2 y 3V3 para compensar un ataque como estrategia.
  11. Oh, ya veo. Quieres utilizar el idioma Espanol. Perdona pero uso systema ingles en la computadora y me como los acentos etc. Hay un canal en Espanol o mejor decir un CLUB creado por Electrico01. El es un jugador de mucho tiempo gratis y sigue progresando y es rango1, Nose enque euipo esta ahora pero estaba en los the arriba. Hay canal de Espanol y si quieres puedes puedes hacer un club o una pagina dedicada a eso. Hay distintas paginas y previous jugadores que hicieron algunas. El caso aqui es que el foro fue mas creado para ser en ingles para mejor entendimiento general atraves the los paises pero si puedes usar el idioma que quieras. Perdimos muchos de los jugadores viejos que ya no ayudan.
  12. There are but they use normally English for greater audience. Si hay, pero la mayoria usan Ingles para la audiencia. Puedes ver iDaniRF que utiliza los dos idiomas escritos en sus mensajes.
  13. you are really lucky. I just get common or rare and very rare to get epic and to get a legendary pass a bunch of months.
  14. you can but you need to open the game in another device not the same. For example, you have a phone and registered there so go to a PC and download and make another account. Even so, you can overwrite current account if have too in the same device and open as new one and that will erase the old account. Just be careful no losing what you do not want to lose.
  15. actually, there are few clubs for it, but people do not use them. People need to join the club's areas and will find many already created from the beginning of this new forum. Below few examples. There were some separations in order can focus on particular issues addressed for elements and mix or general. There is also some info about it from few players hard workers that were providing through web pages what can work or not and basic about it, but players are lazy to read and what videos to learn. http://www.puresimplicity.net/~oneeyedcat/misc/supermechs.html check this as example
  16. There is no offence. The weapon is a weapon that has been in controversy before I started to play this game. Back then, it was a real theme and hate for the weapon in particular for the top players losing all the time. The weapon was nerfed. The current status I do consider it is right and no need to have changes. Also, that gives some opportunities for free to play and rank up faster to some degree. The weapon it is in need for free to play as simple can be said with luck. Not everyone gets it fast and can take long too to get one. Sure, using the weapon maxed at rank R15 or lower to get wins it is abusive but that it has been like that as far I know. The only thing you can do is to be focus on your development and overcome the spot as everyone else went through including me. Also, I was free and reached top as free and was harder in those days to get out from that issue. Focus in farming and advance parts. Sure, sometimes administration should look at some of those guys and ban them from those ranks abusing too much. I am original Frantic user in my first mech even so, the output was weak the majority of time and still doing the same in my account reason I do not use the weapon. I do recommend the weapon for starters if luck with the weapon. You have to understand, that any weapon maxed can be use at any rank, does no matter the weapon, if any player wants to harm in R15 can do it at that rank and does not have to be Frantic. Any weapon can do the damage so there is no necessity to remove any weapon. Sure, can report few of those guys if are repetitive players trolling. It can be reported. Now, trolling can be in different ways. In R7-R6 just as example, it is loaded of R1 mechs. I have been watching my kids' videos and it is very hard for them to use R7 made mechs often because are matched with full flesh R1 mechs there at those ranks. If they do not want to play R3-R1, they should lower power. Now, some of them do not use the accounts all the time and their rank stank but then they go in full power to go up. Too me sometimes that it is not nice but are forced to do it sometimes because the match maker matches them with R5-R1 getting out of R6. Anyway, case by case can be considered in the R15 issues and get few of those players out of the game. What do you have to understand, is that banning a player and open a new account searching for the weapon, they will make another fast and will do the same over and over reason is better to get focus into your own account and improve and move on. The trolls are up to R3 in general bases and not related just to R15. It is almost all the way up.
  17. Sadly, I can't but I have never been selfish. If were possible, I can give some time to time to players that showed consistency in farming and developing having difficulties to move on because bad luck. I for sure don't like to give to people that want things without working hard their accounts. Forum members for long they know I have even offered to give in the competitions. I work in real life since the age of 5 so for me work ethic it is as high can be in all aspects regardless the outcomes.
  18. wow . I did not see this one. nice nice weapons you did there for sure. CONGRATS TO EVERYONE PARTICIPATING. REALLY NICE WORK. Will love to see you in the next competition.
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