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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. This is the fun way to win against the tops at same power level and weapon power output got at that moment. Beat them and then you can say "ON YOUR FACE ROOKIE". The difference between a top and a newbie it is just raw mech power. There is so much talent at lower rank but no mechs to match their pro. Every player in the game should join. Talk to your teammates or solo friends and make this fun with many. Be a showoff and have a lot of fun. Ensure you can coordinate fights with opponents. Even if you do not make the top 4, it will help you as experience for the next tournament. Get experience, fun, destroy top players in the tournament, get tokens and a perk. Marija is doing a great thing for all of us. Read instructions above and follow rules.
  2. nice. Quieres pan? Me dio hambre. Pan y un poco de mortadella y que so de media luna.
  3. Hey players. Do not be shy. Play and have fun. Everyone can win.


    Hi Welcome to the Forum. Hope you have fun.
  5. LLYL #20. WTH. 513- Never seen at least do not recall. - Oh yeah, the leader has been around as long I am maybe or more. Welcome to Pen-No idea. Sure, I have seen the leader's name in the past. UNLEAH HELL-SANMINTA. Sure been around. Hmm, Jasper Clan. Should be higher been a top. MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE. I think seen before but can't recall. Atom, do not remember. Polaris- Hmm maybe newer. ROSMO leader has been around. Holy and The inbet been around some time. Sumeriam been longer than me. Rusia- Shadow.Sure seen around. Few others I do not know. COOL TO SEE
  6. Natural rank. Nice torso. That was my first torso in my first account to test the game as guest before OKI.
  7. cool ah. My Primary OKI DOKI is now A bIllion man.
  9. HAPPY BIRTH DAY O.D.FARM Hi Pilots I just want to celebrate O.D.FARM account now in his 4 births day. It has been a truly hard work to improve the account during this time. CHEERS
  10. Oh, nice. I appreciate. It has been very long I see clans at that area. WOW, Deos lower than some others? Hmm, weird. Great people there and good leader. TROLL FAST COPY now declining after medal. Only one with SUS. No idea, I think I know SUS. BR TOP that low. It was a top 10. U.S.S.R. still holding around. Thunderdome- Oh, bumbum clan. LLYL good to see them at top. INMAX holding. JASMC- still high. cool. Few others maybe recent. At least for me that I have not been playing or seen well what it is there. Very strange, to see my buddies Reign Forever at 17. WYH. C'mon guys, you are a group of tops. I left and you dropped? Push up. WOW, lots of changes. @GreedyMC Thank you very much. I appreciate your help.
  11. Sad, I haven't returned to play pvp. Yesterday I played 5 wins for fun been sick at home. Sad to know the clan is disbanded. I saw Kitty in a different and Mary out of clans watching if my kids played in the replays. Ayron in different, chat01 in different and on. They need a leader. Sorry for not joining back. My kids never decided to join clans and not even are playing their accounts.
  12. yes, also can be game glitch. It happens to me 2 times and I had to let go next fights to avoid a ban.
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