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Everything posted by OKI DOKI


    Let's Fight

    WOW, WARRMACHINE. OK LIRAN Missing around Maxx. Time for a WARRMACHINE fast funny video.
  2. I think someone asked last week about his account. Here is the answer GORGONA-Atusiff "our missing in action " and Hauer too.
  3. I will miss my FARMING. I NEED MY GOLD PRONTO.
  4. Hey Pilots. Yes you. Join the tournament and have fun. Time is running out. Anyone can join. Make it big.
  5. you already have 1000 in weight out of 1000. max is 1010. add a torso that weight 10 or the legs to kick someone.
  6. good reason my kids do not want to play not even R7 now with TEST mechs belong to R7. They get all the time 3-3.6k powerful mechs in full for R1 one after another. Time to time they switched to more power and when they do, then the game gives them weak players and they quit to no take their wins. Ridiculous... Those players should drop HP and shields. Not fair to be honest but normal since I play. I was crushed all the time from R25. My kids switch just for pay back and then get them and later switch back to test mode. Well, when play and that is limited.
  7. wow, another set to add to the game. I hope the game owner are taking notes to add all of those babies' sprites and competitions as new weapons for portals. Tons of good stuff.
  8. Yes. it is cool to see great possibilities for everyone around. Guys, Algeriano is ready to destroy you. BRING YOUR PRO. BE A GRATE COWBOY WITH YOUR GUNS.
  9. it is time for improvement. Enhancing power
  10. That is my man. Kill kill kill.
  11. Dream it is the reality in the game. Not even with premium packs can get parts. I still have many no granted dreaming.
  12. COOL. What happen with the clan? Dispute and you killed them in the arena?
  13. I think, I saw that picture in the old forum. Someone mentioned. Do not play auto. If is the first time, maybe you need to arrange your mech for it. Play manual and figure out how to win. If you are trying to farm gold in that spot, forget about it. Just win one time then move to OD6 Insane for good XP, GOLD, FUEL efficiency and mix boxes and auto play if fast. Maybe a glitch when opened the account of some old set ups in the game as beta or else. That looks it is the Normal stage been green color. Get stronger and like I said, when we are new and less power, passing OD8 it is much difficult specially for auto. Do not drain your fuel trying or spend tokens if limited. just walk away for now if have too. In my case I had to combine my 2 mechs power in one to pass back then. This is the current layout OD8 INSANE
  14. Oh, cool. Back to be the killing machine I know always killing me. Welcome back Sensei.
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