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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. correct and also depend on player mentality. OD6 it is the faster and easy way to farm gold and mix boxes and in average the best if you are under development trying to reach L250. So gold, parts and XP it is the best plus fast. Now, if you look for some fortune boxes, then play 2V2 OD8 and get gold and fortune boxes costing more fuel for less mix part grinding but can get lucky getting a nice part with fortune boxes. For me I should play another area, but it does work better for me to get mix boxes than F.B's and faster.
  2. Congrats. Yes, the capacity it is 75000. Used to be 25000. That gives enough time to collect gold every few days. Also, you want max parts? The reality is a constant farming during the day. To advance in some ways can be 4 times a day farming. It is very important because generate gold. Also, it is a balance between crafting and collecting mix boxes. You need to balance the use of craft with farming all the time. For example, you farm 5 days and let say 4 times every day. You will get around 500,000 or more depending on factors including 5 wins and base collection. If you farm that, 2.3millions will cost to craft 400 power kits having 100 per base or wait for it with one base. Will take 1.5 days to get 400 with 4 factories. If you accumulate mix boxes farming, will cost less to progress. That will allow to increase gold reserves. If goes to craft 400, will have 1.5 days of farming mix and getting old doing so. Now, when power kits are ready, that will cost again gold to max the part with the power kits straight for level up. At some point, gold will be too low and can't craft and will have to balance with already accumulated mix boxes next round of level up. This is an example of my account. I can actually level up few parts already with that number. Now, I do farm every day even no pvp and others, I get gold and mix and max. I have not been using the BASE doing slower progress but consistent. I drain to reach 500 then I push up again to 800+. Using those cost gold maxing parts but not the creation. Now, I used to use Power kits to speed up maxing parts but because it does cost gold, you can end up just flat all the time and require at some point to stop and get back gold balance to the coffers. To use BASE craft, you have to be a real grinder generally speaking. Trust me, I do know. Anyway, farm every day and take advantage of the extra fuel and gold like yesterday.
  3. Nice. Well, you can go with different sets depending on the way you prefer to play. This one can help for Drone selection. It will be able to select any around whatever prefer. Depending on can even have weight spare to change set up I just added a drone just to add one for weight. It will be decent. I used similar for fun. Just have in mind that many does have fast or decent cooling. or maybe As you mentioned, Swoop might be great because weight and effect and can add more module or weapon. Sure, some other ways. Also, depends on your second mech to complement strategy.
  4. Nice fight. You were abusing the kid. Nice set up. I like F2P guys showing the mele with limitations. Keep going. Awesome job. Join his clan guys.
  5. Just report to the administration about such things. copy his/her in game number and tell what happen.
  6. that mech is looking good for now as new player just guessing. Nice hard work. You have spare weight for some items if need. Good luck in the 3k offer. It should be around soon.
  7. OKI- I still slow and missing some days on farming been too busy at work but keeps moving to a decent speed to keep me keep going. I am trying to keep control making parts slowly and trying to eat parts no longer in need to make some room for the future opening of premium boxes. Sadly, many parts are hard to get them away, but I need the room. I will keep progressing in gold collection for the future openings, but I will get focus to dine common-rare-epic parts around 1 par per week or so due to gold cost and I want to keep increasing gold not a goal of gold accumulation but to be ready making power kits etc by the end of the year. Maxed few for collection. Not in need weapons. O.D.FARM- I have been farming a lot less than OKI. It can be seen in the amount of gold having now 20million gap between both accounts. I normally kept both in the same level of gold, but work is work and affected O.DFARM as sacrificed acc focusing more on OKI. Sure, when days are average normal, I do the same as OKI. Sure, still progressing focused into reach 500 million and trying to max out parts for months and I need some more months to get it done and have control in the account after my kid's mess. Just collection. I do not have good parts to make. CHEERS
  8. She loves to dance for me. I miss the school cheers girls. Had good friends there. I guess now in their 50's how they will look doing the same.
  9. Nice. So, we need to get all of the parts then get a special item module to make them work together?
  10. Sad, I do not have a divined one. I can provide only MYTH. I hope someone can give the DIVINE status. Here just MYTH
  11. It is up to the player to think about it. Your current status determinate what offer can be best for you. All offers are good according to player accounts. Some players buy every offer to enhance by luck regardless of the luck. They just want to get the part they look for. Some needs a particular module, and we have modules offers time to time. The offer of 4k it is an offer that is good for players looking for luck having a bigger pool of boxes but not a secure part. Maybe get something or not. Maybe just meat depending how advance can be the account. Many 3k comes with some goodies and a secure module. Some offers like the recent 15 boxes for 2k it is a target for luck. Sometimes when the player starts, any offer can be suitable because in the end, will need epics parts to enhance like it or not. Keep in mind about your current status and what for you want an offer. What will be the benefit according to your current inventory, part in need and what type of mech you prefer to play as personal taste. If you are free to play, you need to be very careful selecting the offer. The 3k can be a decent choice if need a module like a shield or energy or heat as cap or cooling and regeneration. Think properly. The 4k can give a lot of stuff but not what you really need and can be all meat unless that meat will be useful for your current condition. Like I said, all offers are decent according to player acc conditions.
  12. wow. time for phys competition. Nice weapon. I like the damage and weight too. I think resistance can be a bit upper but ok. I have some tokens to get it.
  13. Do not know. Adm have their criteria. Maybe from the top. Just be careful. Maybe they are tired to read the game is dead without proper info. Since many people keeps saying the same, that drives customers away instead to get them and have fun. Sure, I do not see much harm around from your post but just be careful with comments. You can still give ideas for the players from other games things that might be beneficial for this one including your own. This forum it is for contributors and fun between others including to vent frustration said by the own CEO and a page for it. Just have in mind what do you say and pm them and ask for the reason. That it is not wrong. Now, looks carefully about what you said and give a brainstorm what can trigger that reaction from the adm. Keep have fun around.
  14. Hi Pilots I am creating a farmer clan. The clan is for real grinders. Rank categories. R0= OKI DOKI DIVINE LEVEL. I know you won't make it so no details. Oh, just farm and that it is. R1= Saving 25million in gold per month and making 2 parts to L50. R2= Saving 20million in gold per month and making 2 parts to L50 R3= Saving 15million in gold per month and making 2 parts to L50 R4= Saving 12million in gold per month and making 2 parts to L50 No game rank preference. No war preference. No Titan preference. No win's preference Polite Helper choosing parts to max for your clan mates Helper in making mechs Good communication You have to be funny and Forum goer, poster and attract players to be part of the forum contributions and help players. You have to be relaxed farming and the fun need to be fun CHEERS OKI RANK OKI SPEED
  15. Congrats guys with your first clan silver medal. Nice, new clan and medal. Hope no Lawsuit from Miron.
  16. I think, someone did it in the old forum. This one looks cool too. Good to summit in the next Mix competition
  17. When I was kid, I watched a cartoon called BIRDMAN This cartoon is from the late 60's and still like. I was staying in my grandmother house during summertime. I watched the new old chapter re-run in my grandma house around 3:00pm. Late at night I went to bed following rules been 4 years old. That night, I had a dream with the cartoon me having the birdman powers. I was flying and shooting using my powers practicing. At some point, I landed in front of my grandma house street. I landed because my power it was getting off with too much overpower more than the cartoon itself. The funny thigs it was weird. When I landed, I wanted to shoot to the street light pole, and I was unable to knocked down no matter how much the attack was. Then I tried to use the power against the street and try to melt the street like a line all the way down the hill and was able to do it. Then I tried to destroy again the street light pole was didn't work. Then again, I tried to destroy the concrete street, but the burning power was too low, and I was losing power attack. I tried and tried, and I was unable to damage or melt the street. Sadly, when I was feeling I will get full power for whatever the reason was, my grandma called me around 5:00am to get ready for breakfast and help her in stuff. Funny, later on back in 2000 there was a cartoon with the same personality but instead of superhero, it was a funny TV show character been like idiot funny hero that last long. I cracked my pants all the time. I loved even more as an adult.
  18. yeah. there are basic rules to not be improper. Some leaders ban for improper stuff. Just keep in mind that. If you want to vent, go the vent page created for it. Search carefully and will find that. Sure, people say some bad words around and nothing happen but can happen. Just careful having fun and making comments that sometimes administrators weak up in the left side of the bed angry at home then BANG banned.
  19. Antima gave a good description of what to do. Let see the inventory... Hmm... Ok. You have some decent torsos and legs. Congrats on that. You have very good to start. Building a mech it does require to think about it and parts around understanding for how long play and if is free or a p2w plus goal in the game. Pictures above are parts that are great and helpful for your progress. Those 6 parts can be maxed but due to you are starting, you need to get focus first in 2 mechs not 3 for now till understand what to do properly. 1- You have to focus all the best parts to make the strongest mech possible available then the remaining parts goes toward the second. 2- Parts chosen to max it is about preferences or availability. 3- You max parts possible to L40 and analyze if new parts came in and if have to switch configuration, it won't be a full loss. In the case of parts mentioned, all of them can be maxed in the future and won't be a loss. 4- Max evenly as possible for balanced strength going up. Now, people will say go to the TORSO first which is common sense then legs and drone. Even can be TORSO then drone and legs. Drone it is very important to be maxed as the trio then weapons. In reality it is choice. What do you have to understand is that as higher the parts level, the stronger the opponent. Balancing power sometimes is best but no need too. Be careful maxing parts too because as higher power, higher consumption in energy and heat in the use plus that affect when opponent attack you reason every mech I built has been balanced in the making in every part equally and I can see my progress faster been steady per ranks. Just follow your personal desire understanding what the weapon stats are and the effect against you with modules available. This picture below it is an example of my natural progress development always keeping same level progress one level per parts till is done. Maxing a part L1-L50 MYTH it does take too much gold and mix boxes and takes long and require a hell of time. 5- As mentioned, study the part attribute before commit to use the weapon etc. Let's check few of your weapons in current set up and effect. Excellent weapon starting in the game and can be use till get the premium even can be use at top position for some types of mechs and can be useful to R3 but have seen even with R1 players sure with proper mechs. Naturally is a weapon for R7 arena position if decent built. 1- The Transformation Range indicate that my weapon it is at MYTH status seen on those circular colors in blue"Rare", purple"Epic", gold"Legend", orange"Myth" and can go to wite"Divine". That mean, the weapon can be granted normally as RARE part and EPIC part. Generally speaking, lower parts can be granted in 2 different statuses. Premium parts start at Legend and RARE and EPIC circles won't be present. We want to get parts that can go all the way to DIVINE to max. Sure, at lower rank, we max some to the max of the part because we just started, and it is natural evolution. 2- Power Level is 50. L50 itis a MYTH already maxed. When you decide to max a part, you need to understand that maxing a part will provide more power but at the expenses of the functionality requiring more consumption in some ways. It is like in your house, you spend some electricity to have in your room a light bulb to have light but then you want the room to have more light and add another light bulb. That will pull more energy out of the grip to make work the other light bulb. So, as you level up the weapon, the consumption of module resources will be higher. That it is represented in this case in the 110 Energy cost. That means, you need to have 110 available in energy cap to use the weapon. The weapon Range it is 3-6. That means if the opponent it is face to face won't work and if is in a step back also it won't work. Same happen with the effect of the weapon against you about heat. In this case, your mech do not suffer to be overheat using the weapon because use energy only for the shot and create damage to the opponent in the cap and temporary overheating them. 3- Knowing the effect of the weapon, can give to you an idea how to set up your module's requirement at the moment. Sure, you need to think in weapons combination affecting combo attacks and damage receive buy your own weapon usage and opponent. 4- Knowing the basic then let see basic set up now you currently have. a- Your HP is low at 1607 of course because starting and developing parts now. That it is totally normal. to happen. b- 44 in energy regeneration. That it is very low to recover energy use to recover your own energy reserve to use weapons again. It gets harder when an energy mech opponent attack you draining energy in your mech. c- Energy CAP at 107. If you were not to increase torso stats, as I mentioned before, that FLAMINATOR will need 110 in energy to make an attack at L50. That means, if you level up just that part to L50, you won't be able to use the weapon because your energy cap is less than it will require to be use at that level. d- For energy cap and regeneration, you have not set up modules to sustain the use of your weapons. That goes for every weapon in use right now in that mech. Sure, some consume less energy to use weapon in current status like recoil just for say but when do a combo attack of 3 weapons then maybe you won't have enough energy to support the attacks and not enough regeneration to get back energy to max cap to attack again. e- You have good heat cooling modules installed and plates to increase the mech HP. Sure, no energy and they will kill you fast at low rank. They will exploit that condition and will lose very often. f- Because the lack of energy modules, using a torso to address more heat attack with less energy resource, it can be tuff to win pvp. Let's put things with few examples. Let say current leg and torso maxed at Divine The torso and legs alone will reach 2619 in HP. Now, those numbers are related to my account that it is maxed at ARENA SHOP. Your numbers will be lower and it is divined not just simple L50 MYTH that will be even lower. The regeneration alone will be at 77 which it is a bit average and energy cap it is not super but some decency around. The heat cap it is very decent at 339 and cooling at 116 is good. If you observe carefully, there are no shields in place. That means, it is a torso without shield protection added to the torso itself apart of shield modules plus shield extras from the ARENA SHOP account improvement. That makes the mech easy to be sliced against any type of mechs specially versus physical mechs. Sure, it compensates having more natural higher HP that can hold up a bit more attacks in some ways but for some others will be really easy to destroy for now in your current status. Let's use same legs different torso 1- With this torso the HP will go a lot lower. Sure, weight will be better off. This torso weight is 346 and the other is 370 making harder to make modules usage and this one is a bit better to use modules but not the best but decent. 2- Energy and regen increased nicely but cooling and heat cap decreased. versus the other torso. 3- The resistance now 77 phys, 23 energy and 31 in heat it does makes a decent torso to use. Not the best but is one of the best. 4- Having difficulty with resistance and energy availability, maybe can be a good option to gain some energy in need to use current weapons and make a better mech for now based in energy issue. Don't have to be like that or same torso. Just giving an idea of possibilities. Can be different but just think properly how you do will like to play in your own ways and likes. Let's takes a look with similar parts but sadly I do not have all of them in the lower side. Just illustration in this case but weight will be to the same. Looks fun having 3400 in HP Sadly, every time you are attacked with energy mech, you will lose all of them. Why? Simple, no REGENERATION and low ENRGY CAP even many set ups can work with low energy cap as counters, but they use decent regeneration to get back in full cap. In your case, you do not have modules for it so will be at current set up impossible to win as well against any energy mech. Will require luck and think properly in moves. Let's see same set up with different torso no other change. 1- Less HP but more resistance defense against all type of attacks. Sure, not super but an enhancement. 2- The energy cap and regen went up and the cooling and heat are decent. Sure, regeneration still a disgrace and need to move up some. Sure, cap is bad but taking energy loses are ok but can stand a bit better vs physical and still decent vs heat mechs. Do not forget those are my stats as maxed account in the arena shop not your real ones. 3- You will have more weight to use a hook and a charger in the future. 4- Dual teleportation it is fun to have for sure, just have in mind, that having low energy cap and so poor energy regeneration, the dual tele can be good or bad. When the energy is low to recover, it is better to go to the simple way looking to avoid use energy that might not damage much the opponent but can be use as escape or to attack with minimal effect against you. For example Dual teleporter weight more and can be use that weight when limited in modules and add more modules for energy and heat or maybe as counter with more HP. It cost more at 20 using the part and can cripple a move to scape against energy mech and having a lower tele can be useful having limitations because the energy to be use will be less. You can make changes according of what you see here. These are just ideas when max parts. What do you want to do, it is your preferences. Test parts in different ways even take loses on purpose. Learn how to use parts. Focus in your primary mech to make it stronger and use those recourse there. Just make changes at will and compare results. Do not worry about loses to learn. Hope this help you a bit as TIP and make your own conclusions. Other players can make contributions and help you out with other tips and combinations. I try to make you understand basics.
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