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Kiwi Bird

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About Kiwi Bird

  • Birthday November 28

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  1. About progress: I take some brake from the game and play in Stardew Valley, Bow I returned and start farming again. That's why I don't have a big progress Just divined Malice Beam and start to upgrade modules
  2. Avenger is not a better variant, don't upgrade him Use the torso you already have until you get something better
  3. Hi all my progress in these 3 days: A full mystical Windigo, a full mystical Bunker Shell, and a full mystical Malice Beam. I also completed the 1v1 campaign completely and made great progress in the 2v2 campaign аnd there some problems with the 3v3 campaign. Unfortunately, I didn’t receive any good new legendary things.
  4. from easy mode, from hard - Rolling Beasts and 2 legendary relics
  5. I think you can use: 1,2. 2 skull drones(forgot their name) 3.Transform relic 4.Battery armor 5.And something what you don't need (because I don't know what u need, all this items can be used)
  6. It stop give me fortune boxes when I reach 50% of 78 lvl:(
  7. its true? I lvl 78 now Yea its working, I got legendary Face shoker from first fortune box
  8. I got Hardened Platinum West, Windigo or he?
  9. Hello everyone, I haven’t written anything for quite a while so here’s my progress, I opened 3 premium packages and that were full of trash.
  10. no, they will actually be displayed on your balance, but only visually, in fact you will not be able to spend them I discovered this bug by accident, so I didn’t use it anymore
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