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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Not a ranker player but the mech it is ok as R1 mech. With 3 of this can do a big deal damage in the hands of serious serious top players. Well, back to my R3 relaxed ways. OKI and OD FARM are doing ok. Need to finish to develop FARM still under progress.
  2. just a joke. it is a game glitch in my accounts when I switch from OKI to OD or vise versa in pc.
  3. because like it or not is calling at you. I am trying to see the light through the hole.
  4. oh man, I want to see the clan healthy. I hope it is a short thing and move up fast again.
  5. Hey rc, I think The Dog it is no longer with HTK. You might try Lord. I do not know what happen but some people dropped from the clan maybe today. Seems he made or joined a different clan.
  6. have an ice cream waiting for the drops
  7. nice video and cool progress. It give me the chill to make others acc but I am busy. good deal of resist damage and good fights. nice video to watch that was funny. nice mechs and fights. interesting videos. Music is catchy
  8. It does depend according your modules set up. Sure stone deal more phys damage no doubt but sometimes the heat version can help you out to maximize your mech orientation and seems to be heat. Do not do changes unless you do have enough gold and do not affect your current goal with gold, base and some parts under development or hoping to get. Just analyze what will be proper. I played with limitations always till step by step I am getting a bit stronger. Do not rush because others are pushing you for the change. According your avatar you even have a bunker no Magma which also hold you a bit more to be effective to damage heat as resist and hp been mix. Use what you have and develop those parts if no more options according your way of play and gain gold for it. Sometimes is good to make the change and sometimes not. If you decide to change then develop the lava at the stone current level before switch part. No matter what all the parts I can see can be max out. I am not fan of rocket battery but can help you out to jump back. No worries. Take it easy and do not succumb to others pressure. Follow your strategy if have one. Do proper arena shop items to max, do enough pvp since help to accumulate gold and mix parts, do not go crazy with the base and just max base till get all mines then level them up one at the time one level to keep balance in budget because if you go all the way will be tuff on gold focus in one mine. You no need to increase factories to the max, if you are short in gold just level up to L2 and use rare option if need to craft something if not hold back in crafting and increase gold reserve. Do titan and raid always because will help you out in the short and long run and be part of clan one that it is not full of trouble makers. Check you modules as base to rank up because will get stranded for long if not proper modules around and level parts in equal level not just one part to L50 since is harder in gold. One level at time will make you stronger and will control gold usage.
  9. Good, I am Eng. Work in W.S. like Clever and will be in better position.
  10. some items like the new legs and some new modules are op and the game morphed since last summer 4-5 times. Some due to new meta ideas jumping, sniper, high hp, low hp hardened plus 2-3 recent item rebalance to adjust some premium parts like swoop that was lacking of use as example has been buff a tiny bit and adjusted the Frantic from high output inconsistent nerfed but with more stability between others plus more metas ideas with those changes again. For farmers like me it is hard to keep up if someone wants to get at top level but also some of those items were already in the long term players stash in their garage not in use now back in use.
  11. I am user of charge since my first mech built and I like the item. It is an item important for claw but also for any kind of build and if is possible I build everything having one regardless legs in use and yes help against energy and can save your mech
  12. if you are at distance with charge max out or maybe divined as some top players do have available and you are not using a VEST or lack of phys resist can do a good deal of damage. Close and against VEST with good resist is like hit a concrete wall and will be good only for the push.
  13. FALSE I had to buy 2 of them recently one for my niece and one for my nephew and they are adult working but sure let ask uncle. Sure, I do not have family of my own asking too. Next person live close to a lake.
  14. Yes, for people who forget to collect during the day at lit one time and end up max out not doing more regen till is collected it does help. For me it is not useful since I collect all the time but it is ok in general. 75K of room storage help a lot to many players. I will like gold increase a bit more so new players can enhance mechs and move faster to high ranks and have better match diversity plus desire to play the game because can see progress and not abandoning the game because not hope in the way it is with lack of time to play since majority of players are minors and many have parental rules and control about playing for too many hrs. I need room so making meat with this one
  15. My S Box. I have been forgetting to add my clan war and rank rewards. Hmm, all my comments are gone with system glitch but oh well I do not have intension to repeat. Done-- Will max part today when get some parts from factory currently crafting some for it then move back to gold savings. I was at 26mill but sadly I totally forgot I made some changes and I need to max this and another part too in process.
  16. it is rare as valiant level in my opinion. I have few of them one granted and one pack and the other acc one grant and one pack, Bulldog sale item and I got and reckoning one grant and one sale in accounts. I do not have valiant.
  17. hmm, first time I see that. Maybe you are the entire SM data center search engine. Gross it instead of google it
  18. Welcome back. Some of the BTB former members are around this forum and might answer your question. Congrats having work and going to collage. I do play during lunch at work. About communication with clans, the game have a discord and clans have their own discord if created.
  19. I forgot I wanted to Divine part to have one at list of that kind divined. Sorry, I do not have many relics been poor on it playing at clan for some months only. Will take years to get some. I do not want to spend the gold but lets do it for fun. Energy part will take even longer. Lets do legs too. Oh well, hard come easy goes the gold. Holding back crafting till can come up with some gold. CHEERS
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