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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. do you want a VEST? now you you were came from hope battery do not run out
  2. I just maxed all of those parts except the drone. hmm, next boy will be energy parts first victim c'est la vie
  3. looking as should having a second it is better don't go away oops. forgot the image now is looking hottie I am hungry hmm, interesting I like the second. lets jump stay close and have a drink with me
  4. I play in pc, note pad, phone. You can use your phone to play different accounts. Just log out of your account and log in with different acc user and pass and presto. Download the app. I downloaded from the game web with a google base. Atusiff have a point, careful if you see that warning and if that happen you can overwrite your account and say goodbye.
  5. nice. get a progress thread page and post what you have and your goal. it might be interesting to others and see progress and others can give you tips to improve. Ideas come from different point of views by experienced and newbies members in the game and forum. Good job.
  6. I do not get it. Why fuse parts when can make so easy legends from epic? You fuse those are no longer functional to your account like extra stuff no matter what can't use. For example, I fused those in the picture below because I have 3 claws ready and still one more, guardian energy I have 5, I had 5 rusty, i had 5 max, and 4 hardened vest so no matter what I can't use them and can be meat for a myth transformation. Now, if you are short in legends why you do not farm and make them since mix boxes give not useful epics. Looks this picture below. I have 3 epics to transform to legend for future myth parts. You need to use properly your epics. Ok to do crazy things but with common sense. Another example I have in this picture below with electrolyte, firefly, Viking hammer, recoil stomper, flaming hammer, EMP and heat bomb I made them for myth parts from epics. so easy to make legends if you farm but if you eat epics one after another to level up a part I get you but meat parts that you do not have available to spare like a platin, wow. what it is the rush to meat those?
  7. I do not know if there has been an enhancement to the drop rate for FB's
  8. I think FB's needed to enhance. I think now is better if is the trending. Better for players and normally are young players.
  9. I do not buy tokens per week. When I get tokens I get the $75 offer and save them. Now, it is not often rather say rare purchases between months but don't spend them buying boxes from left to right. I got few items offered in summer time and never developed and parts that the game granted never used but keeping in reserve. I got few 15 packs offers and I accumulated them and still in reserve and I use some of the tokens when we have drop rate for a good item like the new modules fortress something like that and a particular item not in the garage. My last 2 items are swoop and abomination not in use at this point been focus in farming advancing others parts I had for long in the storage. I got swoop since too many swoop users around so I need to counter a bit to be toe to toe and abomination to have optional configuration to make and not get bored playing at chat or at low rank for test. I am not that fan of the item to be honest. I like to go for specific item not packs so my expenditure it is not high as many can think but sure it is higher in the sense that I get similar items in both accounts OKI DOKI and in O.D.FARM that you can see here in the forum progress as OKI if I like them for fun or to be in the future a bit serious to play the game in the case if I do not have the item in both acc but if I have the item in one acc I just get the item for the acc missing the item. I only farm in OD6 daily because I work all day long and when I am back at home I am connected too and get call during the night and normally my working hours are 14-19 straight 6-7 days a week so playing the boss or trying to farm for fortune boxes it does make things harder on me plus collecting tickets for the clan is very slow and have to time how to do it to get enough amount to help the clan. I play the portal to get the gold or items in the free way not using tokens. I let the regen to add bars. I do not like to use tokens to get energy when I can farm for free and when portal comes I am close to reach 95 and use them and then wait to get more. I farm looking for a sec the screen and click but I can't pvp because need focus and bosses around and my eyes get really tired like the last 2 days just few pvp because excess of work at work and can't pvp not even in my breaks but I keep advancing farming all day long and that is been the way of my progress so far. By the time covid affected all got complicated for me at work but before that I used to developed others accounts at the same time and developed 8 acc at r5+ but no longer play them and gave them to the family but never invested in them been free to play those accounts. I invested in OKI because my niece wanted an item and she started the account with me to play with her nephew but the account was free to play and became top as free later then got that item and some tokens and few more items so became a pay to play but not to become top player because remain as fun account to play for fun and build parts farming. I can advance with gold if I want but is boring in that way so I keep farming to see a normal development process leveling up. Hope that answer your question. why that picture is there? where came from.
  10. good video. for how long you play? Sorry, I do not have like at this moment. no available.
  11. Sad to know about your former lady. Hope you get someone worthy. you use 4 platin. I do not use them. I used only one in my first mech made and was just a 2030 mech. I am normally rounded user. 2 mechs using 4 is fine. you need another 4
  12. I was low in space and was at 900+ in mix boxes and needed to reduce them if not wont get more so I decided to use some gold and make a bit of room with this item for now. I might have to do another soon holding me back a bit more to reach 40mill. Do not worry, those items I have enough of them and can't use them and need to go, Sad but see ya friends. Ok for now. Back to saving mode. CHEERS
  13. me no. I have enough platin for now and max protector not in need. In the current meta stuff with vest it is good to have a platin for those not having at list one around and good to have a max around if still incomplete regardless the new fortress due to weight combination reason why I will say ok sale for real need been desesperado.
  14. the sale it is not bad for those not having max or missing max and need a platin, I meat max and I have enough platin for what I use them at this current level. I will like to have a good weapon to mix like valiant so I can make other mech and motivation to max other parts not in use and remove their dust
  15. I think no long ago there was 2 offers of platin and getting back like 3000 tokens or something like that for 50 box.
  16. I am missing 1 plat vest to have 3 in both acc but I have heat set in both. In both acc I had to meat some molten since I get them in rare moments but I get them and use for meat. I won't get the offer no need at this point and might get lucky later with another one with reserve packs but in case no matter since I have enough. so you decided to get the offer and posted platin? hmm. interesting and a hammer in myth plus a relic.
  17. I think Alex said something of some issue yesterday and screw up everything. don't remember or I was drunk reading mumbo jumbo
  18. just curious, similar amount of tokens but different item. I do not know what if is the intended offer from yesterday according owner comment I think due to some issue something like that. I see, I just clicked and send me to the vest offer not to the platin
  19. do you have dual offer in your acc? I just noticed this
  20. yeah, I wish to be able to do something like that. I am terrible even in my calligraphy. I am worse than a doctor prescription.
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