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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. WOW, I cannot believe I got a good part in the portal. actually the first. I just started the portal and surprise.
  2. Hi Ayron, we are going to have an opening in 2 weeks since a team member will get retired due to school. Scorpion it is the new leader and here in the forum it is Bonboy. I will let him know about you. He normally check the forum and me too. Thx OKI
  3. I had similar offer one time in each account related to modules but of course not the new ones back then.
  4. will be nice to have few more quad core for sure. I think everyone will like to have them too in particular top players salivating for them to keep the edge against the others top players or go down to be an average joe or a farmer like me and that will be sad
  5. thx, I have never been selfish person. If can help I help not waiting for something in return.
  6. I am writing from that computer right now so something happens today maybe some program upgrade and I now having network access issues with the game itself. No issues in the phone.
  7. hmm, super charge engine... I do have those used in my first original mech and have them for long. I meat them all the time since I get them time to time. I have like 5 of them in every acc at this point and will meat the extra at some point to make myth parts.
  8. Sorry, if this can be save I probably fixed the forum access in one of my pc. Hope worked. oh cool. it does work now after 3 weeks working on it. Bad glitch. well, forum access work but not game in pc. annoying
  9. Hi guys, are you having today problems to connect to SM in your PC? I can connect to my phone but not pc today but was working early this morning. Thx OKI
  10. As new items i think I reported but the last 2 items I got are abomination and swoop. Both are not under development Nd will seat there for a while. Currently working in some 20 items pictures above plus need to work in nee modules so for now it is about to save gold, get mix boxes, max those parts and craft some power kits. I will keep current mechs even are a bit weak for current arena mech power from top players and advanced players But still decent to reach all ranks but r1 with real difficulty since are not r1 mechs with current environment just will say are pure r4-r3. Good enough for what I want at this point with box and decent gold without killing myself and not time for it. How far I have grown? The question it is a bit difficult to answer. I you refer as player so the answer will be I still the same without growth since I play for fun not for r1 and be consistent at that rank every season. If you refer about parts I do not know on this monet since will have to check but last time I remember I had 143 myth parts some L50 like 65-70% and the rest at myth L1 and legends no clue but I will say I can have like 280 to 300 between myth and legends and another 250 in epics around but not sure. I think I have a total space of 560 but sure 60% are myth and legends. Some legends will be use to make myths and will make more legends from epics but holding back on epics to max some parts around. I need diversity since I do not have that not even to fight properly titan or raid. If I am satisfied with what I do have? In reality I do not need more parts and can develope some from epics that are basic for mech usage not been developed and to complete those myth at L1 to L50 it will take very long to achieve that farming because it is the way I progress the game not buying gold. I think can take a year to finish those so more items will be a pain. Now, sure I need some items like valiant,UPC, and some others that are basic for the top players that I do not have to make different combinations that I do not posses. Sure I can use what I do have and to try to become a real player and give some hard time around but there is no need to prove that since I have prove I can go against the best players around and get wins against them with current basic set up. There are just a few players I never won because never had a match or just a few opportunities been limited or testing their style against me. I normally lose checking been my style of current play. I am not into wins things just fun. I like to be match with top players and their new ideas and be destroyed but testing mech capacity and possibilities and see their deficiencies as mech. I.like to use the same.normally and go for the challenge been limited and figure out how to destroy them or get to close to drain as much health. New metas can be destroy but all depend of how good it is the player. Let say like invictus that come with good ideas in the fight, clever always to max power close or at distance and good pad user or mechzilla tidy fights and some others like you another example of good player. In my current state of play I repeat movement to test outcomes against same players or different positions to get the hang against their mech plus the game set up about who start and in what position we are set at the beginning. Since I am a player of mood days some days I get bored and want to kill my mechs and very rare moments I get focus against a player. I think many of the top players knows when I play serious against them and when not. Very easy to see in my movements I do and they can question themselves why I did such things and not matter at what rank I can be I will do it in r1 or r2 or else and actually I do st those ranks. I need to play for fun or will get bored fast. About what I have achieved in life and if I am happy with what I do have in life in the material aspec? Hmm, let see a y different things here. By nature I am not a.materialistic guy. In other words I do not care been poor, rich or middle class guy. I do not measure my person in positions or someone else. Success come in different ways of course depend from many factors. Some of those factors come from where did you grew up meaning the environment surrounding you and family values regardless country etc. Another factor it is luck. That it is a real factor about timing so things can happen and many have that timing and others not. Some are go getter and eager to be the best and some do not care and some are happy with what they have according personal satisfaction. Some influences are mental capacity or manual ability affected by ideas and creativity. In many aspects I do not judge anyone because there are so many factors to be on top and just an few achieve that and some get frustrated and give up. In my case as American who lived abroad and in the country I see some things in different ways than pure American who never traveled or lived abroad to understand basics. Me as person regardless people can say will be wrong to say but it is real. Mental capacity it is a factor th as t influenced a lot in me. I have never been smart or intelligent. Sure, I have good education and had to work hard for it and to study every day to understand and sometimes I no even understood but get the idea not the process. I went to try my best but always limited and that holder back many things I might like to achieve but capacity to not allow. No matter how much I can try there are some limitations but till now I keep trying in life never give up. Now I make a decent salary, I have a hose and cars etc and all is paid not having debts in life. The company or bosses known my wood so they are very happy with my performance always doing great but I recognize I will like to advance more in life but that natur a l wall like lack of creativity etc it is real because I was born without it and no matter what or how much I try the wall it is there. So, been by nature and with some lack of mental abilities and happy because we I know I do my best and earn a pay in an honest way and I am sure I earned due to I have work ethics and working since the age of 5 and knowing the value of my hard work and what I get pay in life even it is not the best but good for any American I am happy in life about my achievements. I have all what I need generally speaking but of course I need to work more and hopping investments do well in the future and save properly and if luck to keep health I will be fine in my elderly years to come. I do not smoke, or get drunk but get a beer time to time with some dinner. No having bad habits generally speaking so all is fine I think. If I will say if something will need in life it is about to have the necessary financial stability to go trough old age and medical expenses and to have a place where to be and if possible to be working since I can't see my person out of work because it is very stressful on me not been at work.Those words it is about only toward my person not family included. You are the only one who can measure your success in life no one else. Your personal success and happiness it is about what drives you as person no others people opinions of what can be if not you will be unhappy comparing your person with others achievements. Hope I answered you r questions. I think 143 in OKI DOKI and 117 in O.D. FARM in my last count. I think I haven't created more been focus in maxing some parts. If you are curious for how long I play. I do play OKI DOKI since October 3er 2019 with my niece since we opened the acc together to play with her nephew an old SM player back 2012 something like that.
  11. The true answer I really do not know. I might say 1k-$2k between both accounts. Who knows...but I have all receipts but looking into it is a pain.
  12. No, the acc was free to play the first 4 months and reached top rank in the free way with parts granted but was weak. I created this acc as test for the base to no change OKI DOKI without know what was and how will work. By the time my niece decided to stop to play my OKi DOKI in which she asked me to buy an item I was playing others already created currently advanced accounts plus added this one. I decided one day to get an Item in OKI DOKi in summer time and got same item in this acc and tested but never developed. I got few more items in OKI and this one at the same time during summer sale in the forum with SARAH offers. I was busy dealing with others parts currently in use but the items I purchased never used or rather say never developed and used just to play at chat at L1. I am currently maxing some of those parts been there for long without been use. Hmm, seems to me the progress is looking good. New color of motivation. Trsting parts a t lower rank but an hour ago I level up more both mechs. Cheer
  13. Screaming loud to turn on the heat
  14. Cool video . Interesting to see again your old clans. another cool side is that you act natural. I remember the old videos since I started to play this game with my niece.
  15. Good music choice. Drop rate was not that good. Nice video . Not seen you in a while
  16. Hmmm, terrible drop rate. 4 items ok but the rest just meat . Intersting initial music. first time I heard. Excellent from start to end. Funny to see and rewatching some old have seen. Nice touch Good to hear your voice. Very nice to see those familiar players old profile from previous forum. Miss them since changed a bit. Every time I see a NAGA two person come to my head, you and your Naga mech and OKI original mech. Funny but true. Cool new mechs. The game do not match us as used to be for long. Good fights with the music rhythm. Interesting interaction with streamers. Nice video. Catchy music with video. Good fights there.
  17. Interesting intro and cool ending. Good fights pn pvp and titans.
  18. 2000 coins was good. progressing in a steady way. congrats on your 200 level acievement and reward. 1
  19. Yes, I remember. Was decent deal.
  20. I think it is good choice for free players. Maybe making a cool promo with wow factor to open eyes 👁👁in an advanced promo ahead like saying one time in life or whatever so get your packs or cry later.
  21. Will be cool and won't happen but still cool
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