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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Yes, the reason for it is cost plus gives you time to farm and pvp to come with more gold and keep the craft moving without stop factory or factories. You can manage 2 factories with that one and still be in positive saving if need the craft. Sure can enhance the factory to others levels for others options. It is op to the player how will see it and fit independently according play time and how prefer do things as priorities. Giving some inputs can make him to decide what fit best for him. There are many ways how to do it according player situation. In my case that work excellent for me but not mean will work for others. Some others players can give some others ideas and bring more light for his taste.
  2. Ok, check my base status. I should finished my base last May let say 1 year ago but in order to advance and no be in cash trapped all the time and in need of extra parts to enhance my mechs, I balanced the base progress level by level one at the time like carousel. One mine level 5 then do next from L4 to L5 then move to the other from L4 to L5 just as example and that control gold instead to go all the ways focus in just one mine or base. What I mean, the base need to be upgrade to get factories and mines. Just upgrade till get the 4 mines and forget about the final factory due to cost it is too high to enhance base after level 10 and farming everyday like me still not good enough to sustain the gold cost. My factories are in this example L15 just good enough to get power kits when I was able to increase level step by step later on post max out mines. The cost to make mines it is a lot cheaper than to make factory level so mines need to be first as soon you get them to get more gold out of them plus need to enhance arena shop item to be faster and more gold if need later. Level 2 give you enough option to craft like having silver box average drops. Level 2 will open the rare option and you can use that one to craft when it is in need after balance properly the use of gold and to have a healthy reserve at list 1.5mill and that will be ok to craft at that cost 2-3 factories and advance mechs level then back to saving and accumulate mix boxes from farming. All depend of how much you farm. No need to be that option but will help to preserve gold been low in gold reserve unless wants to hold back mechs level progress to accumulate gold for a month farming a lot and doing insane pvp to get even more gold out of it. Sure I can use tokens and progress them just clicking but I progress them as normal player when have gold and no items to enhance. Unless the reserve of gold become very high to use L20 option forget about to enhance factories at your current level since the cost it is too high to afford. Just in the resent months I increased to L15 and you can see still have one at L11 but I keep progressing in the game. Do not worry about to complete base factories but yes the 4 mines and when you get stronger and make more gold in pvp as example per fight then work on them one level at the time switching factories. L20 is for those playing ton of pvp and farm a lot and the cash will be there to use higher factory option and the cost it is high. Even power kit using 2 factories and farming and pvp at high rank like me, it drain your gold to be in negative balance and gold reserve will drop during that crafting unless go for 300 wins plus getting 20,000 per fight in that season.
  3. Nice video. That was one of the original OKI weapon. I like the weapon. Your inventory it is getting groovy. Getting stronger day by day. Unfair matches giving you more high hp against your mechs hp. I had and still have same issues normally against higher hp and every time I increase the game compensate with even higher.
  4. All happens at the time when happen. You might had others priorities than this game. Not everyone can play everyday so the development takes longer. Family, school, work, others games, sports etc....
  5. Ah, Thank you. It is been hard to do the progress grinding. I have been playing the game every single day since 10/3/19 not missing a single day so far but OKI DOKI was used by my niece too for few months alone requested by her since we created the account together and I was focus in others accounts. Sure not a lot of pvp due to time limitation but I can grind all day long clicking here and there when can look to the side to my phone or comp at work or home for few min. It is about to be consistent to see the progress. I like to see others doing great in particular for those free to play having the opportunity and time to do it and move up ranks to join tops. I progressed as free player to top and was hard for sure and still hard because I still doing the same. The good thing it is to have a direction and goal. My goal was to make parts as fast possible for free and haven't change that and did and still doing regardless items with some cash lately. Many people complain about others progress and what they have thinking that everyone clicked and presto with cash but they have no idea of those people hard work to be there for years. Having the same utilities to make it even better with real time not like me limited having family, work etc working 6-7 days 14-19hrs+ a day. It is 4:00am here and finishing a report for the boss and was working all day long none stop. Soon will summit info and go to bed to be later at work. People have the tendency to assume all it is granted. My work it is been by farming not because I got few items around with some cash later on post been already at top position. Those people wants all for free and no want to work hard always asking for accounts and free wins etc. I work hard my accounts in an honest way for sure and I like to see honest people progress with their hard work paying off and to enjoy their happiness about it watching their results day by day. I have developed 8 accounts tops farming and 6 of them full free given to family since no longer can play them busy at work but keep these two OKI DOKI and O.D. FARM around. People even tops ask for accounts because no want to go and work a new one. Ah yeah, relics for divine status not easy. In my case I joined clan last December so of course I barely have some around recently thanks to my clan help. I will keep moving both accounts to higher status farming. Will take time for sure but will happen unless game is close or another reload and start from scratch. Now, just building acc foundation. I hope your progress can advance but you do not have to be seating farming instead click here and there around walking or preparing coffee etc and will see faster result.
  6. yes. it is a building block brick by brick. Progress it is slow regardless how much farm but constant and be daily is what does make the progress faster but it is very slow if the farming it is one time or 2 times let say post school and before go to sleep.
  7. A yes, the res gives a bit of weight. Hmm, Have you verified the extra hp will give you the claw at L50 and rebalancing the modules by that time?
  8. Nice progress. Hmm, try to save a bit if luck with basic pvp and some farm around. Try to build up a bit your coffers. Rebalance gold usage a bit.
  9. cool. How goes the gold reserves? Any more progress in saving?
  10. How will be the combo with the backstabber? What do you have in your plan?
  11. you can make an account R5 in 5 months if farm enough with base. I did with brand new account to test base. All depend of how you balance gold usage and how much you farm in daily bases. Do base to get the mines. Do not upgrade factories beyond L2. Max mines. Forget the rest of the base till get stronger and save enough gold for it. You can use L2 rare crafting if need to make some mechs but preserve gold and use mix boxes to sustain operation growth. Patience...
  12. Well, I will give more but I am short always. Just few allowed. I need to give like 3k but don't have them
  13. Nice car. By the way, my best friend name I call him Pipo.
  14. My first car 1978 mazda hatchback Too many high school histories
  15. No that bad test with different modules and weapons. Steady for R2 in my case and for a good player an R1.
  16. No that bad test with different modules and weapons. Steady for R2 in my case and for a good player an R1.
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