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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. very rare in Tier 4 I am this up. Oh well, will drop but fun to see it.
  2. I just keep making my own legends to myth transformation from epics reserves
  3. I am not getting legendary drops in a while. All my FB's are just common or rare or common-rare and no even epics. Farming nothing at all. The last item I got 3 weeks ago was the clan 2k WINS Burning Shower in OKI DOKI account. In O.D FARM nothing in reality. Boxes also are been not that great for relics. If we are going to talk current advance of the account is been null. What I am doing is maxing old parts accumulated but nothing else except the recent drained offers I purchased but is till in the box. No room and focused to grind for gold. I have lots of epics but very old on reserve and some are been there for over a year. In other words, "Su###". No hopes and in mean time I am focus into max parts around that can be ok for future combos or I have the parts for a set but completing them not necessarily will use them for now. I keep basic weak line up.
  4. I haven't played in very long time. Too lazy for it. Funny, Same gray stars.
  5. 1- Oh, nice. Yeah, I remember you used to play legacy. I never played Legacy except like over a year ago a link on MADAO SAN video page and I connected and entered and played for few days. I play since 10/3/19. 2- Hmm, I do not remember the clan name. Imperial Japanese. Legacy time or reloaded? 3- A.T.O.M. was on Legacy or current game? I am OKI DOKI never changed in this game. I use the name since I was teenage for over 40 years playing games. Sometimes just OKI, OKIE DOKIE, OKIE. From a TV show back in the 50's and as you know is part of USA ways to say I am ready or understood or I will, bring it on etc. 4- ZeRo, Shoultz262, epicspeedster, Chaotic Shadow, Simpleon, Manolis, Spam. I like those guys too and were very active back on the old forum of course Spam is the active dude of the forum. 5- I like this game you tubers. I will say all of them because some are funny, some very informational, some trying to learn how to do videos or to play the game, fights ideas and their show off and more. I need to watch others I am missing but no time for now. 6- Ah, Pen State. I am from the east as well. I am from New England but moved here for work years ago due to job transfer. 7- Good, go for collage and do not waste the time drinking beer and chasing girls all the time. Get some books time to time and read them not just carry them. I spend many years at University. Oh well. I miss some of those days dating someone new al the time. I had to work and no money to spend with the gals. 8- I like Naga. My first torso. 9- I do not have time to play this game. I play because family want me to play the game with them. I like MechWarrior. Sorry, I am not SM guy. If was not for them I will move on. Oh well, in mean time I farm and advance the accounts till say good bye like CLEVER. Well, I like the people here in the game. That is the other reason I haven't left. Many cool people around. 10- I like mix mech without sense. I like outrageous mechs like my original. Those are more fun to play because you can see players having hard time to deal with on first impression. You can see them like WTF what I do now. Can you believe I reached R2 full stars with R10 mechs during the massive counter makers back then? They were like dummy's to my mechs. Not now for sure but fun back then.
  6. Have fun, enjoy, go for it. You are active member of the forum and make contributions all the time. 1-For how long you play the game? 2- What clan was your first clan you joined apart of your own mech clan? 3- It is been always your mech name as it is? I forgot. I think you said something before. 4- Fav Player in the game for whatever the reason might be? I am sure it is not me. I mean a real top gunner. 5- Any game you tuber you like to watch? 6- What country you are from? I do not remember. I am from USA living in Oregon West coast above California 7- What do you do for living? I am Engineer and work repairing high tech machinery. 8- Your best body in the game? 9- Are you planning for now to keep playing the game? 10- What type of mech you like the most regardless is meta or not but for your own fun to have fun as should? OK, too many questions.
  7. you are not alone. I have same issues and bad positions all the time.
  8. Oh man. I will miss the old forum and the drama with the best players around in the game all around you. Just kidding. In a serious note, is sad after lot of work fun plays and showing how pro you have been. Not about medals and achievements but the plays in the arena were very interesting. As a player you have been one of the best so far in the game and who come with ideas together with your peers to change a bit the game layout as I remember when I started this game no long ago and how used to be. Game changed a lot and in some ways and was good making players to become even better on the top side. It was a challenge. Me as not pro player just a farmer I had the opportunity to have some pvp with you and you won all of them. I was too weak and still for your set but I can say I was very close the last few by margin. You were a good supporter on like on my progress and I appreciate that for sure. You came with good ideas in the game forum and I like it to see the others tops getting into their grove to come with others ideas to challenge. I think in some ways the game progressed. Now the game stall not moving in the sense of new items for players like you and others very advanced and makes the game a bit the same old same and no where to go. That is one reason I decided to farm and do in a slower pace to no feel bored fast watching my account progress. Great videos and fun to watch. Thx for the hard work on it as I appreciate a lot to the rest of the game your tuber making the game more fun. Maybe some day with enter to your account again to have a pvp with the people around maybe every 6 months just for the fun to kill them. I know I am not a trusted person of your account. I got not a PM saying I trust my account to you OKI. Good choice I do not know what the heck will happen to an account like that in my hands. Sure secure no doubt. I wish you good luck in your busier life been that young and others better things to do to progress in life as best you can and playing the game takes too much time and can be use that time better. I was waiting for the lady proposal. Good luck in your romantic and future family. Enjoy life due to it is just one. Best for you Wally CHEERS Have a sip one day on my name.
  9. Hi pilots. How are you? Great. Good to hear you are doing cool and the gang. As I previously mentioned, I am doing basically the same like my other account OKI DOKI. I am increasing gold reserve then I will crank up factories to craft power kits and max parts for now. Nothing new in reality just a basic progress this week. Let see. Gold reserve moved up as I was expecting. My goal now is to go as high as OKI till reach 82 millions then crank up factories. Progress this week in gold was decent. Factories still idle till reach that goal. Base looking so sad. Rank box- SAD R1 box- So happy. Finally something decent. CHREERS
  10. happens sometimes. Give some time. Happens to me before.
  11. Ron-Good. Keep saving as I said. Do not max those weapons I saw in the account. Hold back and save. I saw you tried to max one I said to not do. It will harm you than to help you. Max the Mercy for now. Wait saving and max the second one at the time to keep gold moving up and do it only with the mix boxes accumulation. Buy the 2 items I indicated if sales but do not spend tokens on boxes for now. I saw you got the money I sent. Get the offer I said no other. If no offer in 2 months then buy some boxes with weapon or offer like this one but not now. If you get those 2 items you will be much stronger than OKI with current set up. OK. Now to my thread up date. Well, I was thinking to go for 90 millions but I got bored again to see too many weapons not max out. I will start to craft power kits maybe for 2 weeks and gold will drop really hard. Ok, I can recover without lot of issues. Gold increased to 82 millions. I might get into 12-16 weapons to max out then increase gold back. Yes, will drop a lot but it is the game idea. Anyway, let see. Lets crank up that idle base. Is look so sad been idle. I will make it happy again. Lets do the 4 to be happier Oh yeah. Lets spend gold like rich and become poor again. WAR BOX RANK BOX-SAD Forgot to add I myth one part. The other R1 box. CHEERS
  12. Increase level to 500 no less so can move up as grinder. It is been a year watching my acc at L250 and I finished that level in 9 months from start. Its does get boring for a grinder not able to see that number moving up and get some goodies. Passing L250 grants should be a milestone grants to pick a weapon as choice to complete needs every 50 level pass together with 10 slots space and gold relics 5-10 as part of combo package. That is showing the player is commit in the game and should be rewarded at those level. Less than that it is worthless. Owner need to reward those accomplishment properly. I will kill those other 250 in another 9 months and I will ask right at the spot to increase to 750 to not get bored again with even better rewards. I like WarrMachine ideas too of course the others players ideas but I think we need to go further due to reach L250 is difficult and is showing a player compromised in the game.
  13. congrats bro. I hope that number keep moving up. Great job with videos.
  14. Yes. I have now 80 millions. First time. Now to keep grinding a bit more to make some power kits and mX few items.
  15. Nice. You are a sweet talker. I need to learn from you.
  16. u have insane amount of items like wtfaaak? Hmm, O.D. FARM was lucky at when account was opened doing farming, FB's etc. I mean, from early stage as free player account, the account got nice weapons and I was able to start to develop in the side apart of regular mechs in use. Sadly many weapons I was unable to use them or max them because lack of gold and not extra weapons to use as combo properly so those stayed there as dead meat. For example the resent max out parts, if you go back to my development thread you will see them way back in the storage not using them. The only weapon of those resent max out is the red rain that I got few months ago 2-3 months and the others been there for a while. OKI DOKI is my first account opened and I learned a bit from that one then I created this one post base integration how to farm better. At some point my niece who used to play with me OKI DOKI wanted a weapon and asked me to buy the weapon for her and I did but then she stop to play due to work and university and I ended up playing solo OKI DOKI even is my account because I opened under my accounts. And how the hell you have so much tokens? Damn OKI DOKI was unlucky and still unlucky getting parts in need and due to I purchased $100 tokens option and used only for the weapon requested I ended up saving the rest of the tokens. The game then gave offers of $75 at discount for 6500 but not buying. At some point there was a particular weapon I decided to get and used tokens. I decided then to get some of the $75 6500 tokens offers and saved. By Summer 2020 there were some decent sales like bunkers, magma, sword between regular summer sale and few for the forum members in a link and I got those. I kept them never developed till recently. During that time I accumulated premium packs getting few offers and opened all at once and got few decent parts and the rest trash. At some point the game started to give me top weapons with fortune boxes then stopped to give them but I accumulated enough weapons but no gold to develop them. By the time I decided to get the OKI weapon I got same one for O.D FARM and purchased the $75 offer and got summer sales but OD is a younger account and no enough gold and developing base at the same time. For a period of time gave me nothing then decided to give many good weapons but unable to develop. I got few more tokens offers and saved. I used those to get offers time to time but rare like the recent . In other words, takes time and I get tokens for 2 accounts with real dollars post been free player. The key is farming too due to I farm everyday and the accounts has been played without missing a single day till today.
  17. long term players are been playing for x-years and took them that amount of time to get relics. If sales start, everyone will get them without going trough the pain as they did to get them. Now, players with less time playing the game after advance some ranks, the system match them against divined mechs vs not divined mechs. Sure divined mechs might be part of old accounts that went through the pain playing every day and in clans but when we talk about match making "fair play match" they have the edge to win. Sure it is a process to develop and get parts by luck but affect a lot the out comes of fights. Not mean that a no divined mech can't win against a full divined mech but the edge is real. For example when I was low rank every time I increased the weapons or modules level the game compensated with even stronger players and I did tons of test. The game kept me and still keeping me in fighting with higher hp mechs and divined. The effect to win is harder. Now, selling some relics I think is not that bad idea but we have to consider the time frame of older players to get their current relics obtained in the current format. In my case I can say I have a young account vs old players accounts regardless I get R1 in every season. Apart of torsos L-M that I have just few of them divined to get extra health, I have only 2 L-M weapons divined in OKI DOKI not even 1 on O.D. FARM. Sure my accounts are newer and I was solo player not clan player. In some ways I feels unfair to be punish to not get more relics due to war misses not been part of clans. I do not complain due to is the game base of progress but when the match does happen then divined vs not divined I will say it is not a fair match. I am pro some relics sales but I just give some points of considerations to past and new players status. We have to see and learn from old guys and ladies in the game and their base opinion vs newer players as match making happens today. Selling relics will increase even further the power of older players and new players also will get into the wagon in particular with those having some cash to spend vs free to play. The gap vs buy and free will be bigger. Sure it is optional to buy and free player should not complain not spending and getting behind. I was free player and reached top spot but now I buy time to time if something is good.
  18. in some ways not fair for old players but due to match making match against those having them so selling some every 6 months and few portals for it apart of the regular stuff will help. Sure long terms players will get 500 parts divined in a blink of an eye.
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