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Burn Baby Burn

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    Burn Baby Burn reacted to WinzKay in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    # What's up Pilots!
    With a new Forum, comes a new Flex Thread 👏
    I call this one Flex Thread: The Revival. 
    I hope this new series continues to be as popular as the same beloved Flex Thread in the old forum 😄
    The new layout will take a while to get used to and I"m not sure it's suitable for a flex thread but here we go again :)))))))
  2. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to Jiyoon in Flex Thread I   
    Drone flex

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    Burn Baby Burn got a reaction from Yuki_20 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    my 2nd 🥳

  4. Like
    Burn Baby Burn got a reaction from Benja07 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    my 2nd 🥳

  5. Like
    Burn Baby Burn got a reaction from T110E3 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    my 2nd 🥳

  6. Like
    Burn Baby Burn got a reaction from AudiGodzilla111 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    my 2nd 🥳

  7. Like
    Burn Baby Burn got a reaction from Kurt in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    my 2nd 🥳

  8. Like
    Burn Baby Burn got a reaction from The_Yo_Yo_Man in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    my 2nd 🥳

  9. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to Jiyoon in Jiyoon's vids   
    Nice battle 😄
  10. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to Jiyoon in Jiyoon's vids   
    Continue from my old topic http://community.tacticsoft.net/t/jiyoon-is-back-for-vids/
    I'll post all my new videos in this thread from now on 
    Let's start with a video guide to the hardest raid 🙂
    Don't forget to like and subscribe 😙
  11. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to Jiyoon in Remove Hybid Cannons   
    But why are you only taking about the hybrid cannons, not annihilation and disintegration, charge engine and superb charge engine, even single modules and l-m combined modules? Their l-m counterparts were much stronger than e-m counterpart, a lot far from e-m and l-m hybrid cannon.
    I don't think hybrid cannon's were broken, I saw they were completely outdated, as I seen on top ranks.
    Energy hybrid cannon's were overweighted, 66kg is way too heary for an energy weapon with that much heat cost, even energy itself was the weakest element, you only need to equip heat modules on physical and heat nowadays, for a rounded build. But for energy, you need to equip both energy and heat modules, that's a lots of kg. Also most weapon's energy counterpart were heavier than their physical and heat counterparts. 
    You would have overweight difficulties if you tried to build a rounded energy mech with hybrid cannons.
    Heat hybrid cannons were absolutely useless in arena, since meta heat builds nowadays require high damage and high hp, with that much energy cost, you need to equip energy modules, which will affect the overall hp badly.
    I see both hybrid cannons doesn't need nerf at all, they need buff instead, removing them from the game is totally nonsence.
    If you really want to nerf them, Why not nerf the other items I mentioned before? Since they were way more broken than hybrid cannons.
  12. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to Borked_Guy_27 in #JusticeForKongPlayers   
    To my fellow Kong pilots,
    We need justice! There are very nice players on kong, and what will they do when flash dies? Eat your poo? NO!
    You HAVE to create a way in which we, the kong players, can move our account over to the main site, Quick before flash dies!
    Thats it.  --Peace
  13. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to BigDawg in Hi, BigDawg onboard   
    Hi All, BigDawg from Trolls here!
  14. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to Miron_Mironovich in Trolls fast   
    Welcome to the new SuperMechs community.
    We create a new clan thread to find new players and to promote clan activities.
    Due to the fact that the Trolls fight every week for the highest place on the podium - we have certain requirements for potential newcomers. If anyone is interested - leave a message here and we will discuss all aspects in private communication.
    Feel free to offer yourself. If you need help building .. if you want to be competitive - you're on the right track.
    We also have a little secret - we don't know what an S  box looks like .........
    We will gladly accept new members to our family and give them the joy of playing and communicating (medal pixels guaranteed)
    Trolls Team

  15. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to Jiyoon in Flex Thread I   
    Flex maxing 3rd superb charge

  16. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to CleverName in Flex Thread I   
    Flex beating Alex (close one!!) 🙂

  17. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to Lord Curzon in Flex Thread I   
    Man, getting this back seems like a tall order
  18. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to The_Yo_Yo_Man in Flex Thread I   
    I'm flexing this:

    No offense heat users
  19. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to Liam.M.Lucas_2020 in Flex Thread I   
    This is the best thing I got whilst away.
    It was from a rank 3 box LOL
  20. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to Lord Curzon in Flex Thread I   
  21. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to Ozen in Flex Thread I   
    I flex getting overloaded EMP 1st pack

  22. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to StormWeaver in Flex Thread I   
  23. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to BigDawg in Frantic Brute Suggestion - Rework it to be less random, increase its energy weakness   
    I always liked the idea of single use with this weapon too.

    I suppose if the rng was narrower and the cost in energy/heat/weight was added then it's on the road to being repaired.  I'm not a fan of backfire weapons but I guess there's an argument for frantic having backfire too.
    I know this topic is going to see a lot of different opinions though.
  24. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to Atusiff in "Invitation Declined"   
    I'm just going about my day, decided I'd hop in chat to do a friendly 3v3 with a friend. I send an invite and oop, Invitation Declined. He's online and is also trying to send me a 3v3 invite, but it almost never works. I see no reasoning to this, just chance. This has been an issue for a while and some have accepted it while others have not. 
    Yes, we both have invites enabled. 
  25. Like
    Burn Baby Burn reacted to L4K3 in Frantic Brute Suggestion - Rework it to be less random, increase its energy weakness   
    Hello,this is Lake from the old forum and I'm still getting used to this place as I've spent my last years on the other one,which was much simpler and faster to use.Please be patient since there's a long one incoming,but I am really trying...It's been a long year with this weapon and I'll do my outmost best to help fix it.
    @Alexander You might already know,but I was always that one guy who bragged about this item the most and wished it was changed from Day 1 of its existence,since such an item has nothing to do and should have no tangency with a strategy game.I am very glad that there is developer initiative on this issue now and will do my best to objectively explain and then leave some suggestions regarding it.
    First of all,the Frantic brute is an Epic-tier top weapon,capable of delivering very low,average or very high blows to the opponent.What makes it unbalanced and unfair in a way that the previous devs failed to consider is that afct that,given its damage range and the usual average damage,it tends to have a much higher percentage towards hitting much,*much* higher than average.And so,the chance to crit is always higher than the chance to miss in theory and,in most case,also in practice.
    Second of all,the item is unfair in the inventory as well as it is unfair (especially) in the Arena,which is why I consider a ''damage straightening'' inefficient.The weapon is a combination between NightFall and Spartan Carnage,yet it deals more damage than both of them.If you tweak the damage,the percentages wouldn't really change and it'd still tend to crit,and thus...It will remain a weapon with the rarity of an Epic,the range and essential functionality of an L-M and damage still above them.In other words,it'll still be a budget Spartan that's actually harder hitting than the original in general.And so,the situation will be ameliorated since there won't be 800 crist anymore,yet 700/650 crits will continue to go on and thus the situation is still there.FUndamentally,nothing has changed;thorns are smaller and easier to swallow but still hurt.
    If you tweak the damage properly,however,then it's not a viable solution,either.Because then it'll be the same with weapon we already have.It's just going to be a longer-range NightFall or a direct downgrade to a Spartan variant...And nobody needs item duplicates.Or else what'd the purpose of getting a NightFall be or what value would a little extra damage from a Spartan have?Almost none,so hard-fixing Frantic isn't really do-able since it'll make it ''just another copy''.
    And then adding backfire or double energy costs to it would be obsolete...Because giving 100 HP against a phys mech to inflict 800 at least twice is quite the bargain.And then the energy cost is irrelevant when fighting phys or heats,so this would only offer a slight advantage to energy mechs (that will still die before they drain the enemy,since 3 crits are enough to finish any electric and 700 energy isn't so easily drained in 1 turn).
    So sorry,Alexander,but it seems at least to me that the changes proposed are...Still underwhelming compared to the massive denting capability of that thing.It's one beast impossible to tame like that.
    After much though over many months of enduring this,I could only come up with two suggestions that I would dearly like you to consider and think about.
    Since there is no ''middle way'' to make this balanced and still retain its purpose,I though it may as well go ''full luck mode''.
    My first suggestion it to (maybe) raise the damage a little (even though it already hits 2x as hard than usual E-Ms but hey,fine,there's that) BUT! give it one use.
    Like this,it's a total luck weapon.High risk-high reward (as where now there's little risk with super abusable reward) weapon.I'm thinking like 0-900 (with Arena Buffs) instead of 100-800 and the same 50kgs of weight and costs (maybe),but JUST 1 use.Because 2 uses is too much,especially when they come in 650/700+ rows,during which you just want to uninstall the game and yourself from life and cuss at how unfair and unbalanced that was.Seriously,not even Magmas or Bunkers when drained can hit that high and that constant.With that,you'd risk doing 0 damage or killing your enemy in like 1 turn if you dual-weild them (like most abusers do,anyways,so no change there).
    It's either that or...removal.
    Rather than taming the damage from 800 to around 700,as suggested above,and not fixing but rather just simply ameliorating the issue a little,I think it's better to delete it.Rather than live like that,still a nightmare,then it's better off gone.
    And it's not even that big a deal.The users have had a long and good time to abuse it so there they go.They still gained more than they lost.And if compensation is still in order,it's just an E-M item anyways that doesn't cost much.I reckon it costs at most 1 million gold (if you buy Silver Boxes to upgrade) to fully max it.So it can be *very* easily compensated since it's pretty much just a glass cannon and there's no real loss.But one thing is to gain:balance and fairness.
    Especially in lower ranks,when R15s with 800 HP go against people that chose Frantics as a first myth and maxed item.Nonetheless,in R1,when Frantics kill you before you have any chance to drain and defend yourself or when your Spartans,Magmas and Bunkers,again,are clearly outclasses by the damage.
    Thank you and I hope this has been helpful.We've has enough of this weapon and I'm sad to see that those biased users will do everything they can to keep abusing it and evade a fix.
    Wow,it seems I'm clearly not the only one that thinks that the suggested changed are not enough.
    I think there needs to be further discussing on this theme and maybe more options in the poll.
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