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Idea for grappling hook buff



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I feel like grappling hooks need a large buff, since their damage is vastly outclassed by the superb charge engine.
This is a bit weird since these are both top-tier items with about the same rarity, and yet the charge is much more powerful


I think we should give the grappling hooks a high resistance drain value of about 15-20 (max mythical)  to compensate for the minimal damage, it's a bit more creative than just a flat damage increase

Edited by Wombat (see edit history)
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Grappling Hooks aren't used for damage but rather, their only purpose is to pull opponents into 1 range from any distance. That's why it doesn't matter as to which rarity of grappling hook that you use.

Unless you want Superb Charge Engine users to have a Spartan Grappler, it's probably for the best that they stay the way that they are.

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