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We are tired of these guys crashing the game when they are losing the match


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Just a question to the admins and everybody else: how is this possible?



Anyway I think we, those who dont cheat and Love the game, should make clear that we gonna stop to support the game when the bugs are wont be repaired or the admins dont become active to stop this.

Its a shame that they dont even react to the begs of the Community.Β 

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1 hour ago, Stevcelord said:

I really wanna destroy Gatogames they dont do shit they don't wanna sell the game to another game company so it doesn't die I can't stand anymore this crashes it's all the time can't play and can't record a good video for my yt channel or community i got 20 crashes and got 1 arena fight without this is fking insane so for the admins and gato and @alexander START SELLING THE GAME TO ANOTHER COMPANY TO FIX IT OR IF YOU DON'T WANT TO START UPDATING IT AND BRINGING IT BACK TO LIFE YOU FKING.......MOTHER...... F.......KERS I PLAYED THIS GAME FROM THE BEGINNING ALLY LIFE MY FIRST EVER CHILDHOOD GAME MORE THAN 10 YEARS AND STARTED A YT CHANNEL BECAUSE OF IT AND I DON'T WANT TO QUIT IT BECAUSE OF SOME LAZYYYYYY LAZYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAME DEVELOPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAITED YEARS AND YEARS FOR HOPE THEY WILL UPDATE AND FIX BUT THIS IS GETTING INSANE!!!!!!   STOP IGNORING THE COMMUNITY!!!!!!!! AND FIX THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!   😑😑😑😑😑🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬

give this man a beer he jusr said everything we have been thinking gato freaking games make EA look goodΒ  either fix it sell it or kill it

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