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I really wish those still existed


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any of you remember the silver boxes ?

I really used to love them and I don't think they should have removed these.

I mean why not just add base and let people keep them? 

still miss the 
silver boxes? cuz I do.. I really do honesty..


Quit the game today because of my bad drops with no items that'd help me progress, I know it comes with time but come on, I was tired of seeing people who play less but still have lots of stuff like heat/energy engines, recoilers, good drones etc. not even premiums that I'm complaining about.

I'm thinking that if somewhat I disabled the base and got silver boxes back, I'd be happier, I was told it's possible but I don't exactly know what to do, I sent support a mail about it. and probably gonna be back to the game right after I get them, cuz it seems more fun with silver boxes x3

how many of you, would be happy to see silver boxes again?


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1 hour ago, FlamerKiwi said:

spending millions to get just one legendary, in a place where I need a lot of epics which cost like 50k and 8 hours, and doesn't even guarentee one. intelligence of the community is really questionable yeah.

don't try to turn my ad hominem around after saying the most vapid dense nonsense you can think of

if you still need epics, then you're in no position to judge the efficiency or viability of a system which you haven't even stopped to bother to ruminate about longer than the millisecond it took you to muster up your first (of many) tear because you have to wait for longer than a second to receive the very thing you just said you so desperately needed.

if you had bothered to get to a higher level of play and out of rank 20, you would've realized that subsiding on epics alone is ludicrously moronic and pointless, as everyone around you would have gotten to rank 5+ with the premiums they got after a month of using the base, leaving you in their dust clinging to false hope of the next epic drop finally carrying you out of rank 19 after the same number of months.

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We got the power kits too for upgrading.

18 minutes ago, life king said:

the base is better than silver boxes, you really shouldn't disable your base

I can agree that.

Retired SM pilot, nothing interesting, and I have once lived in infamy.
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I am not looking for trouble here, and don't try.

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Both sliver boxes and the base has their downside

Not a lot of people liked when the base update come around due being like most building city mobile games like clash of clans note:clash of clans isn't really bad mobile game

The sliver box were like the daily boxes but costs a little coins also having chance of epic items

Downside is really big but as stefix5000 said

The base:is like mobile games: 1st upgrade 2nd wait 3rd comeback 4th upgrade 5th wait you get the idea

It gives free coins thorough the gold miners

The factory kinda suck especially the chance of epic item card but it takes forever so it's not worth like cheap but slow item production but some cards are great best example is power kits which is great for boosting items because power kits are hard to obtain from boxes

The downside for the base is basically this (1st upgrade 2nd wait 3rd comeback 4th upgrade 5th wait) you can't really upgrade anything you without the other upgrading the base to lv15 will take month my base is currently level 13 today i upgrade it to level 14 but it will take 3 days to be finished the gold miners all are lv13 and 1 lv13 factory and the others are 10 and 4.

Its up to you to decide what you prefer 

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To even out and balance what both system of resources provide:

Silver boxes will consistently offer you fusion fodder at any time of your need as long as you have enough gold, having the capabilities of providing you epics as well is a very useful mechanic, in return you can't just have legendary randomly popping up in there.

Bases trade off the no waiting time perk of silver boxes for giving you self-regenerating nonstop resources that is gold and allow you to pull legendaries without the need of having to pop prenium packs, which is huge, for prenium packs are crucial for mid-late game players.

As a mid-late game player, you should have little to none issue with base due to how little interactions you have to do with base to benefit from it as you literally let the game play itself while you off to do something else, while as a newbie player it will be very frustrating, as for a newbie its not real fun or interactive that you just press a button and wait a few days for a base upgrade.

I say eventually you will have to switch to base when you come crashing into the wall of weapon and module requirements, you can only choose one.

Edited by The Rabbity (see edit history)

Buckshot Frenzy [Burst Type: Third Cycle]SG - Children Of Anarchy enters full auto and reload drum mags instead of single shells, bolstering it's own Clip Size by ▲200% and all ally's SG - Class ATK Speed and ATK by ▲50%, consistent "meat shot" buckshot spreads will rewards Buckshot Frenzy Duration for another 1 second per shot, Buckshot Frenzy do bonus ▲35% D.M.T.R Code Based Damage against enemy shields and barriers .[CD: 115 Seconds][Active]
SG - Children Of Anarchy 「Squad Café Sweety」: SG - Children Of Anarchy fires Black Typhoon Shells with 50% more pellets per buckshot and passively boost all ally SG - Class with ▲25% bonus clip size when deployed at the cost of ▼25% reduced reload speed per reload cycle. 
[Passive] [Squad Synergy : SR - Efficient Slacker SR - Haymaker]

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3 hours ago, Darkkillerultimatespeed said:

Bro, ever heard of chances of getting a legendary. besides, your garunteed to get an epic so win -win

Yeah but by the time you unlock your base is already max level but yeah its good unless you get epic you can't items that wouldn't go mythcial.

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On 1/14/2023 at 10:32 PM, FlamerKiwi said:

any of you remember the silver boxes ?

I really used to love them and I don't think they should have removed these.

I mean why not just add base and let people keep them? 

still miss the 
silver boxes? cuz I do.. I really do honesty..


Quit the game today because of my bad drops with no items that'd help me progress, I know it comes with time but come on, I was tired of seeing people who play less but still have lots of stuff like heat/energy engines, recoilers, good drones etc. not even premiums that I'm complaining about.

I'm thinking that if somewhat I disabled the base and got silver boxes back, I'd be happier, I was told it's possible but I don't exactly know what to do, I sent support a mail about it. and probably gonna be back to the game right after I get them, cuz it seems more fun with silver boxes x3

how many of you, would be happy to see silver boxes again?


Oh, Kiwi

Just noticed this post 🤗

@FlamerKiwi Are you leaving the game now?



I like Fluffeh 💀

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