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The Road to Perfection


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Hello. I'm Leo. I (somewhat arrogantly) made this thread in order to record the progress of my account. 

In March 2021, I finished maxing all of the L-Ds I had in my inventory, and honestly, I became pretty bored with SuperMechs. The idea of climbing arena ranks never really appealed to me, and I didn't see what else I could do.

That's when I got the idea of a perfect inventory: one whose items lined up exactly with the inventory screen.

I set two rules for myself:

  1. I would divine 4 of every non-L-D item in the game, except for modules, of which I would divine 12; and
  2. If I were to get an L-D, I would max it before continuing with Rule 1.

All told, this would mean divining 380 items. A fool's errand, but who better to do it than a fool such as myself?

C-D Items (August 14, 2021)


R-D Items (December 19, 2022)


Future Plans

This is still very much an ongoing project, as the E-D items, which make up 328 of the 380 items, remain to be divined. I shall keep updating this thread with my progress, although for the next few months I shall be grinding base. I anticipate completion of the E-D torsos in late December 2023. If you've read this far, thank you.

Important links:
Base disable (only one per person, not one per account): Create New Request - SuperMechs Community
Junior mod applications: Create New Application - SuperMechs Community
Item artist applications: Create New Record - SuperMechs Community 


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5 minutes ago, Wombat said:

why 4 and not 3 for torsos or legs? seems wasteful

Every row in the inventory UI has 4 slots; 3 of an item wouldn't fill out a complete row.


1 minute ago, Lord Gorgon said:

How to hide severe OCDs behind fancy words like "perfection" or "goals" - 101.

Never before have I been so offended at something I 100% agree with.

Important links:
Base disable (only one per person, not one per account): Create New Request - SuperMechs Community
Junior mod applications: Create New Application - SuperMechs Community
Item artist applications: Create New Record - SuperMechs Community 


Why are you looking at this? Go check out the next post.


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This is beautiful, keep going. As a person with severe OCD I am enthralled at the sight of this.


One critique though, why make 4 of the Torsos and Legs if you can only use 3 mechs? Isn't that a bit wasteful on resources?

Edited by Cole_Since_2012
Didn't specify which item. (see edit history)
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  • 9 months later...

And now, nearly ten months later and two months before I was expecting it, I am proud to present:

All Non-Premium Torsos (October 17, 2023)


Future Plans

Unfortunately, this is the end of the road. By June 26, the cracks began to appear in this project. By then, I had run out of surplus epics to use for food and, needing all the tokens I could get for my path to 1000 inventory slots, couldn't afford to buy premium packs. Forced to craft epics, wait for arena boxes, and buy Level 20 Rare Iron Platings from the clan shop, my speed was slashed.

Simply put, it's no longer viable for me to complete the 380-item set, and I'd like to end things on a high note.

That doesn't mean I'm leaving the game. I've got some premiums that I'd like to max, and of course I'm still grinding towards 1000 inventory slots. After that, I might divine 4 of each non-premium item I've maxed at least one of. After that, who knows?

Once again, if you're still reading, thank you. I wish this had a happier ending, but even still, this journey of two and a half years really has been the most fun I've ever had in this game; perhaps the struggle truly is enough to fill someone's heart. Goodnight.

- Liioh

Important links:
Base disable (only one per person, not one per account): Create New Request - SuperMechs Community
Junior mod applications: Create New Application - SuperMechs Community
Item artist applications: Create New Record - SuperMechs Community 


Why are you looking at this? Go check out the next post.


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Just now, Liioh said:

And now, nearly ten months later and two months before I was expecting it, I am proud to present:

All Non-Premium Torsos (October 17, 2023)


Future Plans

Unfortunately, this is the end of the road. By June 26, the cracks began to appear in this project. By then, I had run out of surplus epics to use for food and, needing all the tokens I could get for my path to 1000 inventory slots, couldn't afford to buy premium packs. Forced to craft epics, wait for arena boxes, and buy Level 20 Rare Iron Platings from the clan shop, my speed was slashed.

Simply put, it's no longer viable for me to complete the 380-item set, and I'd like to end things on a high note.

That doesn't mean I'm leaving the game. I've got some premiums that I'd like to max, and of course I'm still grinding towards 1000 inventory slots. After that, I might divine 4 of each non-premium item I've maxed at least one of. After that, who knows?

Once again, if you're still reading, thank you. I wish this had a happier ending, but even still, this journey of two and a half years really has been the most fun I've ever had in this game; perhaps the struggle truly is enough to fill someone's heart. Goodnight.

- Liioh

I guess I have OCD because I think this looks really cool

By someone, somewhere.

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