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Important question



Hi, can I make a thread complaining about the game update that messed up SM legacy , the same update that disabled shields and healing drones and messed up campaign and bot AI and added  mandatory 2v2 and 3v3 arena battles , and after that , recycled old sprites for renew them in weapons , torsos and legs with cartoon style (not all the items, there are some that are cool)... And finally, can I make a thread to complain about Frantic Brute? (constructive criticism obviously) thx.

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Frantic Brute's already nerfed of it's abomination of a list of stats as well as getting itself another indirect nerf due to mobility and durability inflation that make it's viability barely gets higher than rank 5 and 4, the fact that you are complaining about it really means something is wrong with you, not the weapon itself, no offence.

You can cure yourselves, all you need to escape the plague was to never embracing it to begin with, you are given that choice each time, i am not your cure to salvation, my wonderful relic of Mortal Pride, for you are your own infection, the helpless look on your faces is my favorite part for i have enjoyed it a thousand times already. - Herald Of The Ravens.


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On 18.10.2022 at 03:49, DecepT.com said:

Привет, могу ли я создать ветку с жалобами на обновление игры, которое испортило наследие SM , то же самое обновление, которое отключило щиты и исцеляющие дроны, испортило кампанию и искусственный интеллект ботов и добавило обязательные сражения на аренах 2 на 2 и 3 на 3, а после этого переработало старые спрайты. для обновления их оружия, туловища и ног в мультяшном стиле (не все предметы, есть и крутые)... И, наконец, могу ли я создать тему, чтобы пожаловаться на Неистового Брута? (конструктивная критика, очевидно) спасибо.

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I think we are angry nearly all last upgrades, because we haven't new updates 🤯


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