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How to beat dual frantic (Not Complaining about it)

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The time is millenium 50.000, Roboutte Guilliman The Primarch of The Ultramarines has successfully gathered all remaining loyalist Primarchs together under one banner and refortified the safety and might of The Imperium Of Man, The God Emperor of mankind has been successfully resurrected after 30000 years lay dormant on the Golden Throne, through the combined force of The Imperium Of Man, The Aeldari, The T'au Empire along with several enlightened Ork Warbands united under one banner and pushed the remaining forces of chaos back into the Warp along with their wretched leader, Horus Lupercal and the traitorous Primarchs to a final decisive strike for the order of the galaxy near the warp, where Cadia once stood proud and strong.

And even at this current time, in the year 50.000, people are still complaining about Frantic Brute.

Edited by AionionWindWeaver (see edit history)

You can cure yourselves, all you need to escape the plague was to never embracing it to begin with, you are given that choice each time, i am not your cure to salvation, my wonderful relic of Mortal Pride, for you are your own infection, the helpless look on your faces is my favorite part for i have enjoyed it a thousand times already. - Herald Of The Ravens.


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3 hours ago, AionionWindWeaver said:

The time is millenium 50.000, Roboutte Guilliman The Primarch of The Ultramarines has successfully gathered all remaining loyalist Primarchs together under one banner and refortified the safety and might of The Imperium Of Man, The God Emperor of mankind has been successfully resurrected after 30000 years lay dormant on the Golden Throne, through the combined force of The Imperium Of Man, The Aeldari, The T'au Empire along with several enlightened Ork Warbands united under one banner and pushed the remaining forces of chaos back into the Warp along with their wretched leader, Horus Lupercal and the traitorous Primarchs to a final decisive strike for the order of the galaxy near the warp, where Cadia once stood proud and strong.

And even at this current time, in the year 50.000, people are still complaining about Frantic Brute.


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  • VT0022-REC Sheepdog changed the title to How to beat dual frantic (Not Complaining about it)

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