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What's the best out of these? Fractured heat armor, nightmare, or windigo?



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it is all depend on mech set up.

Fractured it is a premium torso not that common on grants and can give good HP but easy to kill due to lack of resistance. You can add plating to get 3.2-3.8k on HP as decent mech to win against heat and phys mechs due to will consume weapons and still have some hp spare for the kill. Nightmare it is a bit harder in configuration needing the proper modules to make a good one and the torso still been in use with top players plus it is easy to get from common to epic grants in particular common and rare. Windigo it is an overall mech in particular for low, mid till R3 even it is use on 1V1 with some players for R1 but more friendly to set up and is obtained normally as Epic. Windigo can help in any type of mech for a secure R3 sure need the modules too but ok. If you need to select one of them it will be choice according to weapons available in your storage. 

Some people will give different answers, but Windigo will be for many the choice because can give stability to move up. Fractured is used now more in the mid ranks to overpower on HP but players are near no resistance and for 1V1 can be useful for many to play at R5 wins having 3.2K plus in HP. 

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I use all time zarkares. Windigo is the mix of the torso for psychical and Heath opponets, but... in my opinion, this is not good torso, in fact, he is useless for even everything. Raids? Very bad idea. You never win full raid on good place with windigo. Arena? Only to 10 rank, because psych. res with max Platinum fortress, is only 144 res. And other res? Only 20 explosive. And łów HP. I win with every player with windigo. From 3 months, I don't loose any battle with windigo player. Maybe 20 kg less, 30 HP more, but... zarkares have more Heath, the most explosive res, from all torsos and is more frequent than windigo. It is not for everyehere, surely dont use it on arena. Similaty as windigo, if you dont got Heath opponet, you most probaly loose. This torso is for raids, titan and first month on arena. And nightmare... hmmm nobody use this. This is so weak torso. Only for sometimes in raid, for many modules. 


Windigo - weak, but od you dont have better - arena

Zarkares - Raid, titan and low rank

Nightmare - a few high raid types

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9 minutes ago, Mieszko581945 said:

I use all time zarkares. Windigo is the mix of the torso for psychical and Heath opponets, but... in my opinion, this is not good torso, in fact, he is useless for even everything. Raids? Very bad idea. You never win full raid on good place with windigo. Arena? Only to 10 rank, because psych. res with max Platinum fortress, is only 144 res. And other res? Only 20 explosive. And łów HP. I win with every player with windigo. From 3 months, I don't loose any battle with windigo player. Maybe 20 kg less, 30 HP more, but... zarkares have more Heath, the most explosive res, from all torsos and is more frequent than windigo. It is not for everyehere, surely dont use it on arena. Similaty as windigo, if you dont got Heath opponet, you most probaly loose. This torso is for raids, titan and first month on arena. And nightmare... hmmm nobody use this. This is so weak torso. Only for sometimes in raid, for many modules. 


Windigo - weak, but od you dont have better - arena

Zarkares - Raid, titan and low rank

Nightmare - a few high raid types


Try comparing these 

see which ones best




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18 minutes ago, Mieszko581945 said:

I use all time zarkares. Windigo is the mix of the torso for psychical and Heath opponets, but... in my opinion, this is not good torso, in fact, he is useless for even everything. Raids? Very bad idea. You never win full raid on good place with windigo. Arena? Only to 10 rank, because psych. res with max Platinum fortress, is only 144 res. And other res? Only 20 explosive. And łów HP. I win with every player with windigo. From 3 months, I don't loose any battle with windigo player. Maybe 20 kg less, 30 HP more, but... zarkares have more Heath, the most explosive res, from all torsos and is more frequent than windigo. It is not for everyehere, surely dont use it on arena. Similaty as windigo, if you dont got Heath opponet, you most probaly loose. This torso is for raids, titan and first month on arena. And nightmare... hmmm nobody use this. This is so weak torso. Only for sometimes in raid, for many modules. 


Windigo - weak, but od you dont have better - arena

Zarkares - Raid, titan and low rank

Nightmare - a few high raid types

Bro windigo got buffed, zarkares is now almost useless, barely used for raid.

You come from 2019 or sum?

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