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OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little


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4 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hi Pilots

How are you? 

I am kind of ok better than last week dealing with my parent's health. It is hard to deal with because they live in the other side of the country thousands of miles away. Anyway, they are a little bit better. 

About the game....

As many know already, I have been retired since the end of last November. Sad moments but work pay my bills specially of my wife because my wife own my paycheck. 😭I work and she spend. Great combo MECH. 🤣

Last time I updated, my kids started to play a bit the accounts OKI DOKI and O.D.FARM even the accounts were idle for months. The progress has been very slow since then, but I am happy that my kids started to farm the accounts. Sadly, they do not want to join clans for now. Looks like they no want clan drama of be compromise on anything not even to help me. You know that rebellious age that comes close to teenage age. They have their own stuff to do and the days to be daddy SUPER HERO 350229214dd2c468da9dfaadf3142bdf.gif&ehk

now they starting to ignore me a bit and I starting to feel like tumblr_nxir587H221qlr8pbo1_500.gifv&ehk=

and when I talk to them is like 8=

Anyway, I am happy that they are farming now and if very helpful for the account. No TITAN for now because too many tickets to collect and waiting to the titan assignment drop more. Previous were 7 stars now to 3 starts but still over 700 tickets. Ridiculous....

They play RAID but they miss some on and off weeks. At least they collect something.  

They were asking to open boxes and because I never let them do it, this time I let them open some but to let drop from 500 in OKI or O.D. FARM but they did it on O.D. FARM forgetting about it. I was not that happy but ok to let it go for their own fun. 

Sadly, they created a mess in both accounts with parts and I had to clean up the mess to get back a bit in order. They had really bad luck on O.D.FARM and some few parts ok in OKI. Just few the rest just meat. 

I will update the accounts in both sides with same comments but different pictures of the inventory. I am tired to make different comments right now. 

OK, Let see what we have here...... 

Gold is currently increasing and my goal it is, if possible, is to get into the 300 millions and 300 parts in both accounts by the end of the year. I am not sure if O.D. will be able to get there but OKI is very close to achieving that. 


Nothing is going on in the BASE


I decided to create OKI and O.D.FARM their own independent clans like used to be. Back to solo original flags and clan names. I just added the version 5.0. I did it in case they decide to play TITAN.  




It is sad to see clan coins in the same state since my last time I played TITAN. 


I still have some boxes around to later own open. Maybe I will let the kids to open them.


I wish I can use those coins in new items or to enhance current ones. 


Ok, let see inventory. 




CHEERS Pilots. Do not forget to farm. 😁



Great work man

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  • 2 months later...

Hi awesome Pilots!

How are you today?

I am fine. Currently on my break time at work. 🤡 

As I mentioned yesterday in O.D. FARM ACCT, my wife sister kids are here at home for the entire summer and OIP.h76TuS4VygLLtCNjC7B8ugAAAA?pid=ImgDe.

Well, the kids are having fun and playing games and my kid's cousins are learning to play SM and are making a mess opening some premium boxes for fun. Well, kids are kids so let it be a bit on summer. 

I have not been playing the game except the grinding part recently and covering sometimes a day for raid or titan but rare mostly grinding reason the resent progress limited but some.

I was able to complete 300 million and 300 parts transformed to MYTH state, sure, now I need to max them out currently working on it. My OKI DOKI goal right now it is to increase gold so I can use some for divine status transformations and maxing parts for now with just daily's. 

Next stage, I will get 100k clan coins soon in this titan. I need to fix a bit the account mess that my kids are doing then I will look into making more parts but for now maxing what I have at Myth status. 

About the account...

I was able to increase from 278 million to 330 million at the same time making parts. It is sad that I do not play and farming it is not optimal but there is a slow progress keeping the account alive. 

This is the current status


The BASE still not in use for close to a year. Not in need for now. 


Mix boxes still controlled making parts.


Premium packs my kids used some of them for fun with their cousins.


OKI still in his solo clan till my kids decide to join any clan or return to the old clan before my retirement. 


Ok, let see the parts. 





I did not include the parts maxed as individuals but all it is in the pictures. 



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6 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hi awesome Pilots!

How are you today?

I am fine. Currently on my break time at work. 🤡 

As I mentioned yesterday in O.D. FARM ACCT, my wife sister kids are here at home for the entire summer and OIP.h76TuS4VygLLtCNjC7B8ugAAAA?pid=ImgDe.

Well, the kids are having fun and playing games and my kid's cousins are learning to play SM and are making a mess opening some premium boxes for fun. Well, kids are kids so let it be a bit on summer. 

I have not been playing the game except the grinding part recently and covering sometimes a day for raid or titan but rare mostly grinding reason the resent progress limited but some.

I was able to complete 300 million and 300 parts transformed to MYTH state, sure, now I need to max them out currently working on it. My OKI DOKI goal right now it is to increase gold so I can use some for divine status transformations and maxing parts for now with just daily's. 

Next stage, I will get 100k clan coins soon in this titan. I need to fix a bit the account mess that my kids are doing then I will look into making more parts but for now maxing what I have at Myth status. 

About the account...

I was able to increase from 278 million to 330 million at the same time making parts. It is sad that I do not play and farming it is not optimal but there is a slow progress keeping the account alive. 

This is the current status


The BASE still not in use for close to a year. Not in need for now. 


Mix boxes still controlled making parts.


Premium packs my kids used some of them for fun with their cousins.


OKI still in his solo clan till my kids decide to join any clan or return to the old clan before my retirement. 


Ok, let see the parts. 





I did not include the parts maxed as individuals but all it is in the pictures. 



Oki what is your  pcs count MAX out ?

counted about 100 mystic 

Edited by AcE BaRoN (see edit history)
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3 minutes ago, AcE BaRoN said:

Oki what is your  pcs count MAX out ?



EPIC= 161

TOTAL SPACE= 610 the same as O.D FARM image.png.0ad9845db9bb724ddec5c68a35124407.png I haven't added more since 2021. It is too expensive. 


So I am just eating legends around and stopped to make them and eating epics because running out of space all the time. 😶


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4 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:



EPIC= 161

TOTAL SPACE= 610 the same as O.D FARM image.png.0ad9845db9bb724ddec5c68a35124407.png I haven't added more since 2021. It is too expensive. 


So I am just eating legends around and stopped to make them and eating epics because running out of space all the time. 😶


Candela back on line !



Just now, AcE BaRoN said:

Candela back on line !





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  • 1 month later...

Hi Pilots

How are you and your farming? 🤣

I am fine generally speaking with my normal daily pain here and pain there getting older and older as days passing by. 

My wife nieces are almost ready to go back to their home this week. I will have a bit of more piece but at the same time I will miss them having fun with my children doing their cousin things like I did with my own a bit but limited because moving from places according to my father military assignments. 

I hope all is going well to you all.

About OKI DOKI update, there is not much to add this time. I have been focusing just on farming but limited and leveling up parts and time to time I do the Titan and sometimes if I noticed the misses of Raid I try to go for it but because I do not pay attention there are always misses. At least I can collect few tokens now and then. 

Daily wins are barely to nothing passing days and or a week without plays. I am not playing been retired just my kids, but they are busy with their cousins and other games and traveling together to see and to enjoy the STATE and the attractions. 

Yesterday I played few for test making some modules test changes for the kids and data collection. I saw few people around and they kicked my butt. 😂 Lucky I was having just fun. 🤡

Anyway, been focus just on grinding it does help to increase gold reserves and limiting my fast level ups that I like to do has been cut having already 300 parts around.

I am currently finishing to max out those 300 parts, but I made more to open some storage space to level up parts in an easier way. 

 My current goal is to increase the gold reserve to 400 million and to finish the remaining Myth parts not at L50. Maybe later, I will get focus into Divine some parts but that require a lot of gold and I will have to increase the reserve for it. I will be holding to make parts for the rest of the year even might have to do few to control the mix boxes accumulation maybe around November. 

Ok, let see the inventory, shall we...😃

My kids went crazy with their cousin and opened premium boxes that was ok by me, but they created a real mess in the account and without my permission they got some offers. My kid's cousin just wanted to do it for fun, but I was a bit upset because I told everyone not to use my TOKENS, but they did reason I have few offers around not in need. 

Increased gold to 369.5 million. Not that bad. Closing to 400. 


The base has been inactive since last year. I do not know for how long, but I am guessing for an entire year already trying to increase gold reserve. At some point, I will L20 the factories and will use all the gold in reserve. 🤡


 Mix boxes still decent. I was able to increase back to 800's but I decided to cut back and enhance some parts. 


Yes, I still play the Titan time to time maybe every other week or weekly depending on tickets requirements. If is too high, I no longer go for it. The clan coins still growing limited but growing 😁


I have now

MYTH=308 including divined

Legend= 168 

EPICS= 87- I am surprised to see that number so low because running out of room.  I am eating those no longer in need with complete set that are important like recoils.










Don't forget to farm 




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3 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hi Pilots

How are you and your farming? 🤣

I am fine generally speaking with my normal daily pain here and pain there getting older and older as days passing by. 

My wife nieces are almost ready to go back to their home this week. I will have a bit of more piece but at the same time I will miss them having fun with my children doing their cousin things like I did with my own a bit but limited because moving from places according to my father military assignments. 

I hope all is going well to you all.

About OKI DOKI update, there is not much to add this time. I have been focusing just on farming but limited and leveling up parts and time to time I do the Titan and sometimes if I noticed the misses of Raid I try to go for it but because I do not pay attention there are always misses. At least I can collect few tokens now and then. 

Daily wins are barely to nothing passing days and or a week without plays. I am not playing been retired just my kids, but they are busy with their cousins and other games and traveling together to see and to enjoy the STATE and the attractions. 

Yesterday I played few for test making some modules test changes for the kids and data collection. I saw few people around and they kicked my butt. 😂 Lucky I was having just fun. 🤡

Anyway, been focus just on grinding it does help to increase gold reserves and limiting my fast level ups that I like to do has been cut having already 300 parts around.

I am currently finishing to max out those 300 parts, but I made more to open some storage space to level up parts in an easier way. 

 My current goal is to increase the gold reserve to 400 million and to finish the remaining Myth parts not at L50. Maybe later, I will get focus into Divine some parts but that require a lot of gold and I will have to increase the reserve for it. I will be holding to make parts for the rest of the year even might have to do few to control the mix boxes accumulation maybe around November. 

Ok, let see the inventory, shall we...😃

My kids went crazy with their cousin and opened premium boxes that was ok by me, but they created a real mess in the account and without my permission they got some offers. My kid's cousin just wanted to do it for fun, but I was a bit upset because I told everyone not to use my TOKENS, but they did reason I have few offers around not in need. 

Increased gold to 369.5 million. Not that bad. Closing to 400. 


The base has been inactive since last year. I do not know for how long, but I am guessing for an entire year already trying to increase gold reserve. At some point, I will L20 the factories and will use all the gold in reserve. 🤡


 Mix boxes still decent. I was able to increase back to 800's but I decided to cut back and enhance some parts. 


Yes, I still play the Titan time to time maybe every other week or weekly depending on tickets requirements. If is too high, I no longer go for it. The clan coins still growing limited but growing 😁


I have now

MYTH=308 including divined

Legend= 168 

EPICS= 87- I am surprised to see that number so low because running out of room.  I am eating those no longer in need with complete set that are important like recoils.










Don't forget to farm 




What with your screens? Do you play in puffin flash store?! 



I like Fluffeh 💀

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41 minutes ago, Scarlet Lorv said:

What with your screens? Do you play in puffin flash store?! 

My screens? 

Nope, I do not use puffin flash store. 

I use phones, PC or pads with regular google or microsoft browsers or software. If you refer to the GIF looks, those are like that on the internet. If you do refer to the size of the parts posted, well, I reduced a bit too much but too busy to re-do it. 🤔

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2 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

My screens? 

Nope, I do not use puffin flash store. 

I use phones, PC or pads with regular google or microsoft browsers or software. If you refer to the GIF looks, those are like that on the internet. If you do refer to the size of the parts posted, well, I reduced a bit too much but too busy to re-do it. 🤔

Your screenshots are of very poor quality



I like Fluffeh 💀

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  • 1 month later...

Hi cool pilots!

How are you? 

I am back to home from work few mins ago.  It is 10pm local time. 🤣 My wife and kids are on bed. My daughter has not been playing the game studding for some school test.  My son has been playing few rounds now and then in both accounts nothing else been too busy at school and playing other games. 

I just served myself my meal and I am trying to avoid making noise. My lady was not feeling well. 

Tomorrow I won't work taking the day off as compensation day for working 7 days. I need to rest a bit. 

When I was a young man, I used to work 7 days every week not having personal time to hang enough fooling around trying to pay my university bills, rent, girlfriend complaining time to time "my actual wife 🤣 " and the rest. I was trying to avoid debts accumulation, so I worked a lot and still doing so. I started to work at the age of 5. My first payment was 5 dollars in a 5-dollar bill brand new from the year 1973. Nice satisfaction to get my first real paycheck for working in a store. 

Many things have changed since then on labor etc. Now the kids play SM and complain about the game crashing even it is a free game. 🤣 That it is a real hard time for the new kids' generation. I can't imagine how frustrating can be for them unable to play the game. I don't want to be in their shoes. 


Anyway.... Let's go back to the game. 

I still focus only on grinding for gold and time to time I play the TITAN if tickets collection it is not high. I verify the Raid if I remember checking if my kids did it or not because they forget all the time. Sure, I have misses too not been focus into play the game. 

I was able to increase the gold to 400million gold reserves and no longer a goal to increase much the gold except to finish the remaining MYTH parts at L1. 



The BASE still unused. 


Mix boxes still controlled to keep it not below 500 but I was finishing a part and crossed a just few down the 500.  I will move up to 750-800 in a few weeks.


Clan coins still growing playing the TITAN with low tickets collection.


OK, let's see the parts. 

MYTH/DIVINE= 307 the same as the last report. No changes focused into finish level up to L50 all of them.

Legendary's= 207

EPICS= 80 

I already completed 300 MYTH parts at L50. Remaining just 7 around. 🤡

















Have fun farming. 😋




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  • 4 weeks later...
11 hours ago, GORGONA said:

I'm too lazy for searching your post about farming level. Sorry, It's not me, it's my interest, forcing me to do  these bad affairs...

Where do you usually farm premium items?

I've been farming for a year, using all my fuel, But I didn't get even a 1/10 of your O.D.Farm inventory...

Hi bro.

Well, all my accounts 8 of them became top rank in the freeway. Lack of time I handed over to the family so the other 6 acc have pass down to my wife kid's nieces and nephew. I have not touched those accounts since then. They are the real owners not me. 

The accounts back then, some were good giving top items from start and some later on. 

All was base according to the level progress farming at different stages of the progress. At low rank playing or better say at the beginning making the account playing campaign, there were some spots at Normal Missions that I used to play over and over to gain gold and max parts to get strength and to max the HP granted and to controlled in the same way. 

I do not remember now where those spots were, what I can tell is that some of those spots provided Fortune boxes at Normal 1v1 just at certain account Level. What I do mean is that the game provided many Legends good parts on those locations as beginner and me repetitively played there but as the Level was moving on, those spots stopped to grant Fortune Boxes. I am not talking of the Bosses spots that everyone knows, there were others at those levels across the campaign and I guess maybe still there. 

That happens when I was close to L40 in my accounts then further L50 stopped on those spots no matter what I tried to get more I got none. 

When I was powerful enough to play Hard, there was few spots also providing them at the last boss and there were one or two others around and I use those to get fortune boxes in all my accounts. 

I really got tons of legends with fortune boxes on those places back in 2019 last 3 months and first half of 2020.

I got weapons for sure, but I had issues with modules lacking on them at start. Later on, by 2020 Summertime, my niece asked me to buy an item because she wanted to test been attacked many times with it and losing a part of that era of Frantic, claw heat hugger, snipers, energy mechs remaining days of power and counters super HP mechs. Those where the Magma Blast. There was an offer for general sales as we got regulars offers as you see every week but also back then, the game owner and the administration with SARAH, they used to have exclusive offers directly only to the forum members apart of the everyone weekly offers.  I got the regular offer then the same week or next day or so, Sarah added the same item in the forum, and I got the offers in OKI DOKI and OKI DOKI FARM(O.D.FARM).

There was another offer just for the forum Seraph Blade with a repulser and a Bunker Shell all close to each other, so I pleased my niece been my cash purchases in the game.  I was already top when played serious thing I did few times to test power, but modules were under development, so I was weak in that area. Sure I was setting up 3 mechs already with the game fortune boxes grants with Monkey torsos, claws, nightfall, Mercy, rock recoiler, night eagle with a max protector but playing my Regular R10 not at full power or serious and my niece for some time was the solo player of OKI DOKI been the co-owner because we built the account together at the beginning under my name been my account to start with but I gave the account to her in full till she gave back because got a job plus university was hard on her to keep playing the game. 

So, she never developed the parts, but she was focused on modules and future mechs to stand on higher rank as basic not fighting much. 



At some point, the game started to provide tons of modules and basic parts and I accumulated them not eating them and I decided to open space to have more storage capacity because was low cost at the beginning on free tokens. 

Back then I was accused as liar when first joined the forum by some players including CLEVERNAME even I said the truth. To be honest, I wanted to send everyone to hell when I was honest and give them the finger. I had no reason to lie, and I was not using the forum till many other players wanted me to join the forum and those were top players and in the end were rude to me. 

Passing that summer and me already in the old forum and my niece decided can't play more and me taking back the account OKI, I decided then to get offers because hunting fortune boxes became a waste of time giving me then very few and just common and rare opening, so I give up the waste time and kept OD6 farming till today. 

Resuming, at the beginning I got many parts trough F.B. and had tons of parts to use but not modules to support them all for free. Became R2 in 2V2 with R10 mechs counter time. Then few items and back to F.B. hunt then just for fun and to develop parts for fun, I decided to buy offers time to time. Not many offers but time to time got them. 


The OD6 for some time gave to me needed parts but then with the offers I got, I started to get them and save them. I opened 60 boxes and saved almost all the parts EPICS and Legends which can be seen in my progress threads and was including TITAN premium packs accumulated. Spend 12k clan coins getting 6 premium packs. 

Sadly, in some ways because I was under development, the game owner started to release the new modules in the portals as used to be for the new item releases. I got some of them in the portals then those were my fun to go to buy items base in modules and stopped to develop the old ones never completed in my accounts. By that time, GATO was owner in full and stopped to sale parts and focused only on module sales. 🤷‍♂️

These were the basic set ups when I switched to build new modules but never finished reason can be seen in my post some not completed. I had 3 claw phys hugger plus others under development and testing in the forum for long but had to switch because the game changed again in the arena. 




As a funny note, this former Phys META credited to Clever and Invictus below picture, it was under my development and testing in the game chats 1v1 like around 6 months before clever released making 3 of them and became his reign of 3 mechs fully divined getting his 3v3 SOLO gold medals week after week.  I played with many and one of them was ZONER who told me when I was done to max them, he will give me a spot in his clan. 🤣 Never finished because the game changed and many copied clever and the game became same mech and clever changed to jump and energy then hugger something like that in trios. 


Some of my old items under development on those days. The original version was hard to make because old modules restricted a lot and weight was bad to use the old drainer which I had set back them image.png.8c46797d424f92beee0e77b61a2ec709.png then the new release of drainer was released. 






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  • 1 month later...

Hi groovy SM pilots

How are you? I hope all goes well for you all.

This will be OKI DOKI last update of the year. As you noticed, before I used to update every 2 weeks but now is more like every 3 months or so. Before my development was fast now half or less on speed and accumulation of what was and of course progress frequent updates are not necessary. 

I am doing fine. Today is my normal day off but tomorrow New Year now here 3:15pm USA West Coast time Zone, I have to work. Getting a beer or two is out of limit for me because then I will get the 3er with dinner. 🤣 Do not get confused, I am not a heavy drinker or so, I rarely have a beer and normally is at home when I cook at the BBQ or kitchen having one very cold dressed like a bride then one with the dinner or when I do yard work by summer, I get few more to combat the heat. 🤗 

Do not offer beer to my mom, she will get them all and you will lose the one in your hand. 😂

My son is next to me and send greetings and Happy New Year to all of you. 🍻 My kids do not have forum or Discord accounts and do not like to talk much in this game. 🤷‍♂️

Well, talking about the game, let's take a look to OKI DOKI last look of the year and goal set in mind.


Hmm, as all we know, the game with some players with bad behaviors around, they create a lot of issues to make the game good to play for those who wants to progress in the ranking or to play fairly etc. It is sad that some issues still going on and not been fixed. 🥴

In the other hand or my personal play style and purpose in this game, it does not affect me much and I can look to the side and not care about it. Sure, I do care as part of the community and as basic player, but I do not have much time available to deal with it, so I guess focus on my basic as player regardless the issues around.  

My goal for this next year will be a bit weird for many around because the current game issues. 🤷‍♂️

My goal now is to increase tokens to 60,000 and to increase with them the premium packs and reach 1000 for my own fun. I will do it slowly taking the time during this year. I can have them, but my kids last summer created a mess with their cousins in my account opening boxes and I was clearing the mess, but I still have some to resolve. 

I was able to control the Myth inventory at L1 and maxed them and now I have just few controlled and will get max slowly and in mean time, I will increase to 500 million mark and then increase a bit more to deal with some epics and divine them and that will cost millions. So, I will stay in the 500 million target line bouncing making parts and divining some around for the entire year and longer. Beyond 500 is hard in the way I play normally, and I want to open those boxes for fun and will be impossible to get more gold farming to get enough power kits and max future parts regardless the epics grants opening the boxes. 

I need to get ready and prepare lots of power kits before the opening and max them and that will be very very hard to accomplish and will take long. 

Right now, my account has been progressing slow but moving forward a bit more than the O.D. FARM been more focused in this one on farming even when I farm one, I farm the other but less misses.

The account as O.D. FARM, still solos account out of clans till my kids have the desire to join one. They still have no desire to join clans even I would like to join and get some clan war and possible relics grants. 😭

I was able to increase from 411 million from my last post to 472 million in gold. I will get 500 by the end of February or so and increased to 50,000 in tokens and will move up as mentioned or will stay around till get the necessary to get 1000 premium packs.  


Haven't use the BASE for long to make power kits and still the same not finishing. I will keep it like that for few more years or so about to finished. 


I still controlling Mix Boxes. I will be increasing premium boxes to reach 1000. 


Someday will use them. 😂


Future Premium boxes. 🍻


Parts- Basically the same since last time been focused into increase gold plus finishing MYTH at L1 to L50. Done but added few more and working on it slowly. 





















Stay cool and have a nice New Year celebration with family and friends. Do not get in trouble. Best wished for you all in the new year. 


Image result for HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024 Cheers Beer Girls



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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hi Pilots

How are you doing?

I am fine. 

The sun is rising again even here is cloudy and raining but the change is coming. 

Living in different parts offshore, I used to live in different climates especially tropical. It was very nice to hang out with friends. Now I live in a place is cloudy around the year and I like. 😂 I do not know; I think I got old and colder weather it does feels better to me, and I can sleep better. Raining colder days are nice just different than nice raining days at night in tropical area in houses with zinc roofing. 

It was nice on those old-style houses and that roofing and falling the rain. Hard to listen others but awesome to sleep with that noise and mosquito bed net. 

Just old memories living in different places or staying around for some times jumping around with my dad. 

Anyway, let's talk about game progress. 

The account improvement it has been minimal and regular on gold accumulation but moving forward. 

I was able to increase gold from 472 to almost 530 million. 

I decided to purchase few offers as I mentioned to increase premium packs to 1000 by the end of the year. No rushing. Just taking my time slowly for fun. 


The BASE has not been touched since 2022 not making parts to increase gold reserves.


Mix boxes keeping them high as usual normally no less than 500 maxing parts and premium packs started to growth.


Clan coins are growing slowly but when can, I play the Titan. I had to walk away of my clan because there was a glitch and was unable to collect titan coins and created now this new clan 6.0 and titan changed. image.thumb.png.002973f5e44addef1c08628c0219438a.png


Someday I will use this image.png.65c54edfd02def68c72593193074df3d.png

My kids play pvp time to time. Not every day but few days a week. I just keep farming and help raid to be completed if they forget to do it. 

Very terrible luck to get a gold relic with rank at 7. Just getting epic meet and not often epic relic. 😡 No getting luck with fortune boxes. 

I have been making just collection parts using only mix boxes farmed. Parts not for top combat but for testing at L50 for my normal fun for the future if I play few rounds around the year at mid rank and to add for a weapon not in the arsenal. You know, my typical fun if do a play for data collection. 

Let see parts!

There is a total of 



EPIC= 78 

Legends has been decreasing using current to make myths. I have too many legends that I will not use and will make one part and the rest will be eaten step by step making room for the future opening and I need the space. It is sad to eat them after so much time invested and few dollars around throughout the years. I saved some captures for my records as always just in case my mistakes. 🥴 There are more to go. 😭



The progress will stay slow for now and will increase some more gold needed by the end of the year to make power kits for future weapons from the fun opening and gold will drop fast due to maxing those new future parts and I will do it fast and gold itis essential for it. I am making an average of 2 parts per month give or take depending how much I was able to farm and at some point, I will make divine epic parts one per week to reduce relics accumulated even are not many not getting them often and it is annoying thing to be honest that bad luck. 

Current parts. 








Image result for CHEERS beer anime

Edited by OKI DOKI (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hi Pilots

How are you doing?

I am fine. 

The sun is rising again even here is cloudy and raining but the change is coming. 

Living in different parts offshore, I used to live in different climates especially tropical. It was very nice to hang out with friends. Now I live in a place is cloudy around the year and I like. 😂 I do not know; I think I got old and colder weather it does feels better to me, and I can sleep better. Raining colder days are nice just different than nice raining days at night in tropical area in houses with zinc roofing. 

It was nice on those old-style houses and that roofing and falling the rain. Hard to listen others but awesome to sleep with that noise and mosquito bed net. 

Just old memories living in different places or staying around for some times jumping around with my dad. 

Anyway, let's talk about game progress. 

The account improvement it has been minimal and regular on gold accumulation but moving forward. 

I was able to increase gold from 472 to almost 530 million. 

I decided to purchase few offers as I mentioned to increase premium packs to 1000 by the end of the year. No rushing. Just taking my time slowly for fun. 


The BASE has not been touched since 2022 not making parts to increase gold reserves.


Mix boxes keeping them high as usual normally no less than 500 maxing parts and premium packs started to growth.


Clan coins are growing slowly but when can, I play the Titan. I had to walk away of my clan because there was a glitch and was unable to collect titan coins and created now this new clan 6.0 and titan changed. image.thumb.png.002973f5e44addef1c08628c0219438a.png


Someday I will use this image.png.65c54edfd02def68c72593193074df3d.png

My kids play pvp time to time. Not every day but few days a week. I just keep farming and help raid to be completed if they forget to do it. 

Very terrible luck to get a gold relic with rank at 7. Just getting epic meet and not often epic relic. 😡 No getting luck with fortune boxes. 

I have been making just collection parts using only mix boxes farmed. Parts not for top combat but for testing at L50 for my normal fun for the future if I play few rounds around the year at mid rank and to add for a weapon not in the arsenal. You know, my typical fun if do a play for data collection. 

Let see parts!

There is a total of 



EPIC= 78 

Legends has been decreasing using current to make myths. I have too many legends that I will not use and will make one part and the rest will be eaten step by step making room for the future opening and I need the space. It is sad to eat them after so much time invested and few dollars around throughout the years. I saved some captures for my records as always just in case my mistakes. 🥴 There are more to go. 😭



The progress will stay slow for now and will increase some more gold needed by the end of the year to make power kits for future weapons from the fun opening and gold will drop fast due to maxing those new future parts and I will do it fast and gold itis essential for it. I am making an average of 2 parts per month give or take depending how much I was able to farm and at some point, I will make divine epic parts one per week to reduce relics accumulated even are not many not getting them often and it is annoying thing to be honest that bad luck. 

Current parts. 








Image result for CHEERS beer anime

Excellent Cheers 🥂 that is my favourite part 🤣

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3 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hi Pilots

How are you doing?

I am fine. 

The sun is rising again even here is cloudy and raining but the change is coming. 

Living in different parts offshore, I used to live in different climates especially tropical. It was very nice to hang out with friends. Now I live in a place is cloudy around the year and I like. 😂 I do not know; I think I got old and colder weather it does feels better to me, and I can sleep better. Raining colder days are nice just different than nice raining days at night in tropical area in houses with zinc roofing. 

It was nice on those old-style houses and that roofing and falling the rain. Hard to listen others but awesome to sleep with that noise and mosquito bed net. 

Just old memories living in different places or staying around for some times jumping around with my dad. 

Anyway, let's talk about game progress. 

The account improvement it has been minimal and regular on gold accumulation but moving forward. 

I was able to increase gold from 472 to almost 530 million. 

I decided to purchase few offers as I mentioned to increase premium packs to 1000 by the end of the year. No rushing. Just taking my time slowly for fun. 


The BASE has not been touched since 2022 not making parts to increase gold reserves.


Mix boxes keeping them high as usual normally no less than 500 maxing parts and premium packs started to growth.


Clan coins are growing slowly but when can, I play the Titan. I had to walk away of my clan because there was a glitch and was unable to collect titan coins and created now this new clan 6.0 and titan changed. image.thumb.png.002973f5e44addef1c08628c0219438a.png


Someday I will use this image.png.65c54edfd02def68c72593193074df3d.png

My kids play pvp time to time. Not every day but few days a week. I just keep farming and help raid to be completed if they forget to do it. 

Very terrible luck to get a gold relic with rank at 7. Just getting epic meet and not often epic relic. 😡 No getting luck with fortune boxes. 

I have been making just collection parts using only mix boxes farmed. Parts not for top combat but for testing at L50 for my normal fun for the future if I play few rounds around the year at mid rank and to add for a weapon not in the arsenal. You know, my typical fun if do a play for data collection. 

Let see parts!

There is a total of 



EPIC= 78 

Legends has been decreasing using current to make myths. I have too many legends that I will not use and will make one part and the rest will be eaten step by step making room for the future opening and I need the space. It is sad to eat them after so much time invested and few dollars around throughout the years. I saved some captures for my records as always just in case my mistakes. 🥴 There are more to go. 😭



The progress will stay slow for now and will increase some more gold needed by the end of the year to make power kits for future weapons from the fun opening and gold will drop fast due to maxing those new future parts and I will do it fast and gold itis essential for it. I am making an average of 2 parts per month give or take depending how much I was able to farm and at some point, I will make divine epic parts one per week to reduce relics accumulated even are not many not getting them often and it is annoying thing to be honest that bad luck. 

Current parts. 








Image result for CHEERS beer anime

Wow....That's a lot.....I'm memorized by your account. You can make like so many mechs.  My flash back idea came back seen all you have.  Creating Clan bases campaigns. Very NICE...

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54 minutes ago, JamAnime said:

Wow....That's a lot.....I'm memorized by your account. You can make like so many mechs.  My flash back idea came back seen all you have.  Creating Clan bases campaigns. Very NICE...

Ha-ha. You have been around way longer than me and a pro already when I just opened the account. 😂

Let's kill rookie OKI. The favorite top player's sandbag for their testing. 😂 Let's tackle him for fun. 🤣

Image result for football dummy

Yeah, it is fun when people can play games and do it for that initial fun. I have not lost that reason why I still play as I do play when I can. Real entertainment. Is like the campaign to be completed. I can finish but I take my time or the BASE like you mentioned when you collected such valuable information lost in the old forum or this forum to have fun with players like you. Play the way I want because it does, please me in that way and makes me smile. 

I can't get frustrated because the essential idea for me is to play as things are. Sure, sometimes like in any game, disappointed let say if spend money and no get parts but that it is in the choice and in mean time, I can see the progress through the time reason of the thread thanks to you and your idea for me to join and crate that too. 👍

Funny when look back and people asking who asked me to join the forum and had to explain and you ended up confirming you were one of them. 🤣 Years has passed but I do remember. 🍻

How many times you killed me? 🤣

Looks familiar. 🤔

Image result for kill OKI doki


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1 hour ago, OKI DOKI said:

Ha-ha. You have been around way longer than me and a pro already when I just opened the account. 😂

Let's kill rookie OKI. The favorite top player's sandbag for their testing. 😂 Let's tackle him for fun. 🤣

Image result for football dummy

Yeah, it is fun when people can play games and do it for that initial fun. I have not lost that reason why I still play as I do play when I can. Real entertainment. Is like the campaign to be completed. I can finish but I take my time or the BASE like you mentioned when you collected such valuable information lost in the old forum or this forum to have fun with players like you. Play the way I want because it does, please me in that way and makes me smile. 

I can't get frustrated because the essential idea for me is to play as things are. Sure, sometimes like in any game, disappointed let say if spend money and no get parts but that it is in the choice and in mean time, I can see the progress through the time reason of the thread thanks to you and your idea for me to join and crate that too. 👍

Funny when look back and people asking who asked me to join the forum and had to explain and you ended up confirming you were one of them. 🤣 Years has passed but I do remember. 🍻

How many times you killed me? 🤣

Looks familiar. 🤔

Image result for kill OKI doki


We kill each other back and forth... By the way, what's your max inventory? Mine is 500. Yours has to be like 1000 or more.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Survivor Pilots

How are you?

I am doing ok but today I am at home taking take of some medical's things. You know, I am old so what do you expect. 🤡

There is very nice temperature outside at 12c degrees. Inside the house at 60F as I like. It was a nice to sleep but sadly did not materialize. 🥴 

My kids are back from school but today I was doing some level ups and has been farming as usual. 

I hope all goes well for you all. 

About the account, I will add just few things for this month. I won't be adding the full list today leaving that for next month or so.

I have been focusing in to increase gold reserves and slowly making parts not as I used to do. I still do not use the BASE to craft power kits trying to accumulate enough gold.

My plan on going, is to increase to 1000 premium boxes collection and as the goal to reach that number by next December before Christmas time. 

I have purchased 1 offer in March of 4K and out of the goal not looking for it, I decided to buy 50 EGG's and opened just 10 of them. 

My expectation is to buy 1 offer every month of 4k to reach that number. According to the math will be in December. 

It will take the next 8 months including this one to get the 1000. 

I will need 32k tokens to get that which I do have on tokens reserves. I will get few others tokens to keep some around for some weapons offers I would like to see and get but will be maybe impossible in the way it is now. Anyway, I like to have some reserves. 

Since the last time I updated on March 4, I have increased some premiums packs. 

I moved from 765 to now 792, Not a lot but just slow planned increase. 🤡


Because the goal is 1000 packs, I do not include the others on reserve. I do have now 41 Eggs around as reserve. 


Also, I do have some goodies with clan coins around image.png.059d8d0fdc4452639dddca91849e5bc6.png

Currently I can say I do have 897 packs if sum what it is right now in accumulation. Not bad for a slow add. By the time I get into 1000 premium packs, I will have some extra around that number. 

The current progress it is slow. I keep the mix parts in balance maxing parts slowly to avoid going to a negative week reserve keeping every week in the positive side adding gold. 


I have a total of 

Divine/Myth= 324 including 2 under progress to go to L50. 

Legendary= 132 and decreasing because I need room so eating what I do not need

EPIC= 66 and reducing to make room after work with part as collection. 

Room Capacity-= 615

Let see Maxed parts since last post. Those are just for collection no weapons in need for ranks. 


And divined 




Increase gold from 529 million to image.png.4e816b20cd167d6acb9603f3dea7be01.pngnot that bad. 

Because low rank and no matter if the account was played in R3 or R5 recently, the rewards are a sad thing to watch as always. 




I opened 10 Eggs. Looks like I am missing a file. OPPs.  



I think it is not a bad progress in the last month. Iam currently working with the Spartan and the Terror Blade. 🤡 




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  • 1 month later...
On 4/9/2024 at 4:07 AM, OKI DOKI said:

Hi Survivor Pilots

How are you?

I am doing ok but today I am at home taking take of some medical's things. You know, I am old so what do you expect. 🤡

There is very nice temperature outside at 12c degrees. Inside the house at 60F as I like. It was a nice to sleep but sadly did not materialize. 🥴 

My kids are back from school but today I was doing some level ups and has been farming as usual. 

I hope all goes well for you all. 

About the account, I will add just few things for this month. I won't be adding the full list today leaving that for next month or so.

I have been focusing in to increase gold reserves and slowly making parts not as I used to do. I still do not use the BASE to craft power kits trying to accumulate enough gold.

My plan on going, is to increase to 1000 premium boxes collection and as the goal to reach that number by next December before Christmas time. 

I have purchased 1 offer in March of 4K and out of the goal not looking for it, I decided to buy 50 EGG's and opened just 10 of them. 

My expectation is to buy 1 offer every month of 4k to reach that number. According to the math will be in December. 

It will take the next 8 months including this one to get the 1000. 

I will need 32k tokens to get that which I do have on tokens reserves. I will get few others tokens to keep some around for some weapons offers I would like to see and get but will be maybe impossible in the way it is now. Anyway, I like to have some reserves. 

Since the last time I updated on March 4, I have increased some premiums packs. 

I moved from 765 to now 792, Not a lot but just slow planned increase. 🤡


Because the goal is 1000 packs, I do not include the others on reserve. I do have now 41 Eggs around as reserve. 


Also, I do have some goodies with clan coins around image.png.059d8d0fdc4452639dddca91849e5bc6.png

Currently I can say I do have 897 packs if sum what it is right now in accumulation. Not bad for a slow add. By the time I get into 1000 premium packs, I will have some extra around that number. 

The current progress it is slow. I keep the mix parts in balance maxing parts slowly to avoid going to a negative week reserve keeping every week in the positive side adding gold. 


I have a total of 

Divine/Myth= 324 including 2 under progress to go to L50. 

Legendary= 132 and decreasing because I need room so eating what I do not need

EPIC= 66 and reducing to make room after work with part as collection. 

Room Capacity-= 615

Let see Maxed parts since last post. Those are just for collection no weapons in need for ranks. 


And divined 




Increase gold from 529 million to image.png.4e816b20cd167d6acb9603f3dea7be01.pngnot that bad. 

Because low rank and no matter if the account was played in R3 or R5 recently, the rewards are a sad thing to watch as always. 




I opened 10 Eggs. Looks like I am missing a file. OPPs.  



I think it is not a bad progress in the last month. Iam currently working with the Spartan and the Terror Blade. 🤡 




You probably have the biggest inventory in the game right now. My question is what are you gonna do with all this in the end? Are you gonna get top 1 in every season are you gonna open 1000 premium packs?

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On 4/9/2024 at 4:07 AM, OKI DOKI said:

Hi Survivor Pilots

How are you?

I am doing ok but today I am at home taking take of some medical's things. You know, I am old so what do you expect. 🤡

There is very nice temperature outside at 12c degrees. Inside the house at 60F as I like. It was a nice to sleep but sadly did not materialize. 🥴 

My kids are back from school but today I was doing some level ups and has been farming as usual. 

I hope all goes well for you all. 

About the account, I will add just few things for this month. I won't be adding the full list today leaving that for next month or so.

I have been focusing in to increase gold reserves and slowly making parts not as I used to do. I still do not use the BASE to craft power kits trying to accumulate enough gold.

My plan on going, is to increase to 1000 premium boxes collection and as the goal to reach that number by next December before Christmas time. 

I have purchased 1 offer in March of 4K and out of the goal not looking for it, I decided to buy 50 EGG's and opened just 10 of them. 

My expectation is to buy 1 offer every month of 4k to reach that number. According to the math will be in December. 

It will take the next 8 months including this one to get the 1000. 

I will need 32k tokens to get that which I do have on tokens reserves. I will get few others tokens to keep some around for some weapons offers I would like to see and get but will be maybe impossible in the way it is now. Anyway, I like to have some reserves. 

Since the last time I updated on March 4, I have increased some premiums packs. 

I moved from 765 to now 792, Not a lot but just slow planned increase. 🤡


Because the goal is 1000 packs, I do not include the others on reserve. I do have now 41 Eggs around as reserve. 


Also, I do have some goodies with clan coins around image.png.059d8d0fdc4452639dddca91849e5bc6.png

Currently I can say I do have 897 packs if sum what it is right now in accumulation. Not bad for a slow add. By the time I get into 1000 premium packs, I will have some extra around that number. 

The current progress it is slow. I keep the mix parts in balance maxing parts slowly to avoid going to a negative week reserve keeping every week in the positive side adding gold. 


I have a total of 

Divine/Myth= 324 including 2 under progress to go to L50. 

Legendary= 132 and decreasing because I need room so eating what I do not need

EPIC= 66 and reducing to make room after work with part as collection. 

Room Capacity-= 615

Let see Maxed parts since last post. Those are just for collection no weapons in need for ranks. 


And divined 




Increase gold from 529 million to image.png.4e816b20cd167d6acb9603f3dea7be01.pngnot that bad. 

Because low rank and no matter if the account was played in R3 or R5 recently, the rewards are a sad thing to watch as always. 




I opened 10 Eggs. Looks like I am missing a file. OPPs.  



I think it is not a bad progress in the last month. Iam currently working with the Spartan and the Terror Blade. 🤡 




YOU DID IT [Little slime]!



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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, gRedsz said:

You probably have the biggest inventory in the game right now. My question is what are you gonna do with all this in the end? Are you gonna get top 1 in every season are you gonna open 1000 premium packs?

No by far. No, I do not have the biggest inventory. That account still around and it belongs to CLEVERNAME.

There are other players also that they farm a lot, and they have bigger accounts, and no quantity means quality. 

What will I do in the end? 🤣 

My goal here it has been exclusively entertainment in a relaxed way. I have never intended to be a PRO PLAYER with medals. I can't careless more than. 

My fun here is simply farm and make parts and make friends around in the game. That have not changed so far. 

If I will go to be top? Never has been my goal. Sure, I can be every week for years all seasons. It is not my thing here and is boring. I like fun play no medals or be the best here. I already proved myself been able to win against the best in the game in all seasons just to test for fun for some months and then moved back to my regular fun play to test, play fool around, farm and have fun with different mechs around for the fun of it as should be a game. 




Yes, I will open1000 premium packs for fun. I can have them long ago, but my kids opened hundreds last summer with their cousins making a mess in the 2 accounts which recently I was able to clear in OKI DOKI but still working on O.D.FARM for months to come. 

11 hours ago, BigBoi said:

YOU DID IT [Little slime]!





Edited by OKI DOKI (see edit history)
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