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OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little


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On 7/29/2022 at 11:10 PM, OKI DOKI said:

Ron, that is sad for sure. Last year was a bit better for me, not a lot but fine. 🤷‍♂️

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am fine and solo at home. Finally, I was able to escape from work but connected at home to get some data but a bit less stressful. Now I can get a beer in mean time I am cooking or better say the stove. 😃 Ok, I am preparing "pollo guisado" and "Arroz con gandules" plus some "Tostones" Puerto Rican style because I got some ingredients from my old friend living in the island. He was a classmate when I was young, and I used to eat at his parents' home when I used to live there during my father military assignment in that area. 

He is a poor person with a good heart. He does have a lovely wife and kind kids like he is. Very rare to see that around. I was able to bring them to my home here in Oregon multiple times and I paid for it. It is good to have friend from kid time without personal interest to gain something for helping others like they do and been poor at the same time. He does know I like to get some stuff from the island and fresh if possible. I can't get stuff here in Oregon from there. Back at home in New England Ican get it due to many people from the island live there and they have some small markets around but here is about Mexican style all you can think and get in the sense of Latin food. 

My family is traveling having their own fun and me working but it is ok. I have time for me even is working. Just me, myself and my food. My lady does not know how to cook that food. She is too American on food style. That it is really sad. 🤣

Anyway, like in O.D FARM, the progress slowed a lot and not having my kids playing all went down and misses arises. I am just updating current acc like in O.D FARM for reference of my own progress looking back in time. 

Let see....

I was focused into increase gold for some time post heavy investment making some parts and divining some. After that, I was able to increase passing 170 million and decided to make some power kids and do some parts around plus divining. I barely pushed up back to 171million holding back parts development. I have like 400 power kits if not wrong around, but I am holding back to increase gold reserve to use them. 

My current goal is to increase gold and divine some parts using epic relics then increase gold then L40 parts but not sure about it at this point. Just the mood will dictate what I will do. 


No changes at factory and some reserves in place


Packs grows if I get an offer with them. Rare to do but no needs to use them for now.


Clan coins still growing.


Arena coins keeps moving up. No choices. 


I think torsos are the same. No upgrades. Don't remember to be honest.




Legs few added and divined few. 



Side weapons done some of them. I think I divined something there. 












Some parts completed







Some drone completed and firs time divining 4 weapons in 2 years.





Maxed and divined some


No changes here. I think....






Not a lot. I need gold relics. 🥺I will use some pics when get some gold. 






give me that reckoning 🍿

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Ron, I wish I can transfer a reconning to you since I do have spare future meat. 🥴

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I hope all goes well for you all and having some fun. 🥰

Well, my kids still on vacation and in a few days will come back to home. My lady is back to home and giving me hard time already. 🤷‍♂️ My vacations still waiting for approval holding me back again and losing the opportunity to spend some time with the kids. Well, my vacation will be then with my lady and hope my kids' grandparents where they are staying now, will come to stay at home and taking care of them in order I can have a good vacation with her out of here. 😘 Sadly because school will start soon, I can't travel with them. 😔 

About the game....

I have been too busy at work and my kids stopped to play my accounts in daily basis so my accounts pvp are low passing days without play them and grinding has been regular or very low in some days slowing the account progress, but I have no choice or my job or the game. 🤷‍♂️

I have enough maxed parts for now and I do not need to make more parts for now changing my direction to get focus into increase gold and make slowly level up some legend at L1 to L40 with the daily and of course takes long in that way but allow me to increase gold reserves for the future making and no drop too much current gold reserves. My gold making myth parts is to reach 250 by the end of this year and I am shy away of few transformations to reach that number having months on spare to get there slowly. 

Let see what was done post my last full update...

My base has been idle for some time, and I consumed the power kits I had on reserves. Now the base is looking sad. The gold reserves have been increasing reaching 182 million and maybe I will increase to 200 million if not mind change. It will take few months I guess but it will be fine not having time to play the game, but I can still farm often. 



Maxed Parts


Divined Parts

I had to use some relics because I have many purple but because I do not want to spend gold for now divining some parts the amount grew and needed to use some of them. 


WAR/RANK-- No bad in the recent weeks. I hope to stay close like that to advance some parts not having relics for it. 




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On 7/30/2022 at 9:10 AM, OKI DOKI said:

Ron, that is sad for sure. Last year was a bit better for me, not a lot but fine. 🤷‍♂️

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am fine and solo at home. Finally, I was able to escape from work but connected at home to get some data but a bit less stressful. Now I can get a beer in mean time I am cooking or better say the stove. 😃 Ok, I am preparing "pollo guisado" and "Arroz con gandules" plus some "Tostones" Puerto Rican style because I got some ingredients from my old friend living in the island. He was a classmate when I was young, and I used to eat at his parents' home when I used to live there during my father military assignment in that area. 

He is a poor person with a good heart. He does have a lovely wife and kind kids like he is. Very rare to see that around. I was able to bring them to my home here in Oregon multiple times and I paid for it. It is good to have friend from kid time without personal interest to gain something for helping others like they do and been poor at the same time. He does know I like to get some stuff from the island and fresh if possible. I can't get stuff here in Oregon from there. Back at home in New England Ican get it due to many people from the island live there and they have some small markets around but here is about Mexican style all you can think and get in the sense of Latin food. 

My family is traveling having their own fun and me working but it is ok. I have time for me even is working. Just me, myself and my food. My lady does not know how to cook that food. She is too American on food style. That it is really sad. 🤣

Anyway, like in O.D FARM, the progress slowed a lot and not having my kids playing all went down and misses arises. I am just updating current acc like in O.D FARM for reference of my own progress looking back in time. 

Let see....

I was focused into increase gold for some time post heavy investment making some parts and divining some. After that, I was able to increase passing 170 million and decided to make some power kids and do some parts around plus divining. I barely pushed up back to 171million holding back parts development. I have like 400 power kits if not wrong around, but I am holding back to increase gold reserve to use them. 

My current goal is to increase gold and divine some parts using epic relics then increase gold then L40 parts but not sure about it at this point. Just the mood will dictate what I will do. 


No changes at factory and some reserves in place


Packs grows if I get an offer with them. Rare to do but no needs to use them for now.


Clan coins still growing.


Arena coins keeps moving up. No choices. 


I think torsos are the same. No upgrades. Don't remember to be honest.




Legs few added and divined few. 



Side weapons done some of them. I think I divined something there. 












Some parts completed







Some drone completed and firs time divining 4 weapons in 2 years.





Maxed and divined some


No changes here. I think....






Not a lot. I need gold relics. 🥺I will use some pics when get some gold. 






Toooop farm 👍



I like Fluffeh 💀

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3 hours ago, Lord Sunrise said:

Good now lets talking about how you get 22.000 tokens

Hmm, very simple. I work and save money. Generally speaking, I am not a spender. I am a person that save and invest old returns not losing my shorts. 🤣

Now, this is a petty cash of recognitions for my hard work by people. I work on different things, and I get some compliments of some dollars here and there and I preserve that money for my personal fun. The rest of my money apart of investments and savings etc, only have an owner, my lady. I make the money and she spend the money and better I do not raise the voice or will sleep with the dog. 

This is my money 🤏. Her money 💰

Also, I do not spend that much. is limited.🤷‍♂️

2 hours ago, Monke King said:

Oki doesn’t stand many tokens 🥴

I have over 90k between both acc or something like that

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On 8/18/2022 at 6:25 PM, Lord Sunrise said:


Who is that

My wife. 🤫

On 8/18/2022 at 7:56 PM, AcE BaRoN said:


Good show 

Send me a pizza and cold beer would y’a

You know my address 😉  

I won't mind being honest. Will be cool. Local pizzeria or chain pizza? Local beer/can beer/international. 😀 Here in Oregon we have summer beer festivals plus waiting for Oktober fest next month. 🍻

Want to go with me? I will be there at Mt. Angel town drinking some beer and to have fun with the German band, Funny guys. They come from Germany time to time and are fun to watch and sing and drink. Family environment.  Check it out. 🍻

Home - Mt Angel Oktoberfest





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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/23/2022 at 6:05 AM, OKI DOKI said:

My wife. 🤫

I won't mind being honest. Will be cool. Local pizzeria or chain pizza? Local beer/can beer/international. 😀 Here in Oregon we have summer beer festivals plus waiting for Oktober fest next month. 🍻

Want to go with me? I will be there at Mt. Angel town drinking some beer and to have fun with the German band, Funny guys. They come from Germany time to time and are fun to watch and sing and drink. Family environment.  Check it out. 🍻

Home - Mt Angel Oktoberfest





Me too. 🍿

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am fine but tired. Work has been tuff and little to nothing personal time. I recently posted in O.D. FARM thread. Hmm, I am hoping to get a Sabbatical approval to take time of and work with my parents' drama and fix everything. At least I can deal with and not thinking on work time. 

I played limited and farming was not that great, but I was able to reach my goal of 205 million. Took some time but I am happy with it. No is time to work on few things and I will decide tomorrow what I will do without dropping gold reserves beyond 202.5 million and recover back to 205. I will be in this mood for some time. Saving gold does hold back crafting and leveling up parts but for now I am in a good spot to do whatever in the acc no having worries of lacking parts for R1 any season. I will keep my basic mojo of farming and leveling up parts and I have to go for few items and divine them depending on my day mood.  


Base haven't touch in a while.


Maxed Parts


Transformed Parts


WAR/RANK- Missing few I think...





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Pilots

How are you?

As I mentioned just recently in O.D. FARM thread, I have been really busy at work, and I barely played the game. I was hoping my kids will play the accounts, but they are busy playing other games with their friends. The account progress has been limited but I still grinding some not as much as usual. I have been missing some of the game basic not on purpose but too late to get into it and tried to do so.  The account progress is slowing down considerably and will be like that for the time been. Sad progress to be honest. 🥴

Anyway, I was able to increase gold and craft some PK and used them to max some parts around. I am holding back on crafting to increase gold reserve the max few parts around. The goal is to grind what I can and if I can play a few rounds around, I will be happy if not, it will have to wait since I can't play now. 🤷‍♂️




Maxed Parts



Transformed Parts


WAR/RANK/PORTAL---Maybe I am missing few. I am not longer that accurate been too busy. 





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Pilots

How are you?

It has been a while without updates. I will be adding the quarterly update and will skip the recent month update. 

I have been too busy to play the game missing about everything not on purpose but the work environment according to market it created a lot of changes in the company and is very stressful at this point to play the game. My kids are not helping so I do what only I can do if for a miracle I can do something. 

Farming dropped to half and wins barely making them or rank etc. My focus now is having been to ensure the farming as best I can even barely can keep up with 50% or less of what I used to farm. There have been not many upgrades and remained close to the same as early this month. I am increasing gold reserves now not developing generally speaking focusing to increase that gold to be use and divine some parts around. I need to reduce epic relics and divine few premiums, if possible, but the cost is high, and I will do it slowly per week. 

I increased the gold reserve to 233 million first times at that amount on reserve. 

Factory it has been idle all of this time and leveling up parts with regular farmed mix boxes. I got an offer this month.



Current inventory



































CHEERS and have fun playing for fun.


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On 10/31/2022 at 4:38 PM, OKI DOKI said:

Hi Pilots

How are you?

It has been a while without updates. I will be adding the quarterly update and will skip the recent month update. 

I have been too busy to play the game missing about everything not on purpose but the work environment according to market it created a lot of changes in the company and is very stressful at this point to play the game. My kids are not helping so I do what only I can do if for a miracle I can do something. 

Farming dropped to half and wins barely making them or rank etc. My focus now is having been to ensure the farming as best I can even barely can keep up with 50% or less of what I used to farm. There have been not many upgrades and remained close to the same as early this month. I am increasing gold reserves now not developing generally speaking focusing to increase that gold to be use and divine some parts around. I need to reduce epic relics and divine few premiums, if possible, but the cost is high, and I will do it slowly per week. 

I increased the gold reserve to 233 million first times at that amount on reserve. 

Factory it has been idle all of this time and leveling up parts with regular farmed mix boxes. I got an offer this month.



Current inventory



































CHEERS and have fun playing for fun.



Where’d the max greedy?

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1 hour ago, Monke King said:

Where’d the max greedy?

Not greedy for now. I still maxing old parts waiting for 3 years 🙂 and greedy does need a buff to be use. Right now, I am focused to make few parts to complete dual sets which I need epic parts and else. There are some weapons to made for collection and yes greedy will be one but not now.  Drones like selfish as example, do resistance and phys damage so it is currently irrelevant drone unless weight wise.

1 hour ago, bestplayeroftheworld said:

WTH ... how you got 681 Premium Packs ❓
(yes I am envy about 😆 )
That equals to 228,135 Tokens, if they would have been bought with the normal way❗

So, I guess you bought a lot of the special offers ❓


Yes and no, 681 boxes in OKI but also, I have over 600 in my alt making a total around 1300. I do not buy every offer. I am not a rich guy but doing well and it is a pocket money granted from bosses and co-workers for work done through the time accumulated for many years and never used. It is not my paycheck money, and it is the only money I use as personal for my own things since I am not a materialistic person living on my own means not typical American spending what they do not have like mad cows using their credit cards. 🤷‍♂️😱

Those offers it has been accumulated for long. I was free to play till reached top position. My niece used to play my account because we created together and at some point, she owned alone then one time she asked me to buy an item for her and I got the item in summertime 2020 then she stopped to play because work and education at university got too tight to play and I took over again. One time I was bored, and I got an offer of $75 box and got few more and saved then I got some offers with the tokens and accumulated 60 boxes and opened all of them. Got tons of good weapons and fortune boxes cranked up giving me good weapons and because were too many and farming was not good enough to max them, took very long time to max them till recently and I was in the middle of maxing 3 sets of old modules not yet completed and then the new modules started to show up and I have to change strategy not finishing my mechs in use and start to do the portals for the new modules then got offers to complete sets and took long. Those offers boxes except the weapons in need, were saved till now then I got few more just been bored.

Many people open right on the spot but in my case because I already had weapons in the storage to max as premiums but also many epic weapons in need never developed, it was not necessary to open them. 

It does takes longer because low wins, and because I do not play top to get more gold and relics. I just farm due to limited time to play. 🤷‍♂️ Some of the offers were those 24 boxes so it adds faster boxes accumulation. 

Also, I am not including clan tokens fighting the titan since I play titan from start and saved and some offers comes with them now having over 90,000 closing to at some point another 50 boxes for account, so I am close to 1400 in total reserve. 

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  • 3 months later...

HI Pilots

How are you?

I am sick with COVID but recovering. I hope all of you are doing fine. 

I was out for a while traveling out of internet range for a time then back to work but all got more complicated at work with role assignment and responsibilities forcing me to post my return to retired from the game. I have given my accounts to my kids, and they seem are not playing the accounts playing other games with their friends. 

Sadly, you won't see me around playing but will be time to time connected to the forum and read around and make few comments when times allow me. As before, I was already partially playing but now I am off and my kids I do not know if time to time will play but mostly will be raid or so. I don't think they want to push for wins or else. 🥴

Anyway, I will be around the forum time to time. I haven't updated in long time. I will update the current inventory which was under progress till my vacation time back in December and no more play since then. 

OKI DOKI account is out of clan and will remain out of clan for now own till my kids decide to play and join any. They are not clan players that much in this game due to been too young and too many bad mouths around, so they do not like to join in this game. Will see, I hope they join or at least play 3 wins a day but I do not see them doing it for now. 

Oh well....










































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13 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

HI Pilots

How are you?

I am sick with COVID but recovering. I hope all of you are doing fine. 

I was out for a while traveling out of internet range for a time then back to work but all got more complicated at work with role assignment and responsibilities forcing me to post my return to retired from the game. I have given my accounts to my kids, and they seem are not playing the accounts playing other games with their friends. 

Sadly, you won't see me around playing but will be time to time connected to the forum and read around and make few comments when times allow me. As before, I was already partially playing but now I am off and my kids I do not know if time to time will play but mostly will be raid or so. I don't think they want to push for wins or else. 🥴

Anyway, I will be around the forum time to time. I haven't updated in long time. I will update the current inventory which was under progress till my vacation time back in December and no more play since then. 

OKI DOKI account is out of clan and will remain out of clan for now own till my kids decide to play and join any. They are not clan players that much in this game due to been too young and too many bad mouths around, so they do not like to join in this game. Will see, I hope they join or at least play 3 wins a day but I do not see them doing it for now. 

Oh well....










































Oki don’t forget to drop by the clan to say hi to the boys 

Cheers !!

Edited by AcE BaRoN (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

Hi Pilots

How are you? 

I am kind of ok better than last week dealing with my parent's health. It is hard to deal with because they live in the other side of the country thousands of miles away. Anyway, they are a little bit better. 

About the game....

As many know already, I have been retired since the end of last November. Sad moments but work pay my bills specially of my wife because my wife own my paycheck. 😭I work and she spend. Great combo MECH. 🤣

Last time I updated, my kids started to play a bit the accounts OKI DOKI and O.D.FARM even the accounts were idle for months. The progress has been very slow since then, but I am happy that my kids started to farm the accounts. Sadly, they do not want to join clans for now. Looks like they no want clan drama of be compromise on anything not even to help me. You know that rebellious age that comes close to teenage age. They have their own stuff to do and the days to be daddy SUPER HERO 350229214dd2c468da9dfaadf3142bdf.gif&ehk

now they starting to ignore me a bit and I starting to feel like tumblr_nxir587H221qlr8pbo1_500.gifv&ehk=

and when I talk to them is like 8=

Anyway, I am happy that they are farming now and if very helpful for the account. No TITAN for now because too many tickets to collect and waiting to the titan assignment drop more. Previous were 7 stars now to 3 starts but still over 700 tickets. Ridiculous....

They play RAID but they miss some on and off weeks. At least they collect something.  

They were asking to open boxes and because I never let them do it, this time I let them open some but to let drop from 500 in OKI or O.D. FARM but they did it on O.D. FARM forgetting about it. I was not that happy but ok to let it go for their own fun. 

Sadly, they created a mess in both accounts with parts and I had to clean up the mess to get back a bit in order. They had really bad luck on O.D.FARM and some few parts ok in OKI. Just few the rest just meat. 

I will update the accounts in both sides with same comments but different pictures of the inventory. I am tired to make different comments right now. 

OK, Let see what we have here...... 

Gold is currently increasing and my goal it is, if possible, is to get into the 300 millions and 300 parts in both accounts by the end of the year. I am not sure if O.D. will be able to get there but OKI is very close to achieving that. 


Nothing is going on in the BASE


I decided to create OKI and O.D.FARM their own independent clans like used to be. Back to solo original flags and clan names. I just added the version 5.0. I did it in case they decide to play TITAN.  




It is sad to see clan coins in the same state since my last time I played TITAN. 


I still have some boxes around to later own open. Maybe I will let the kids to open them.


I wish I can use those coins in new items or to enhance current ones. 


Ok, let see inventory. 




CHEERS Pilots. Do not forget to farm. 😁



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4 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hi Pilots

How are you? 

I am kind of ok better than last week dealing with my parent's health. It is hard to deal with because they live in the other side of the country thousands of miles away. Anyway, they are a little bit better. 

About the game....

As many know already, I have been retired since the end of last November. Sad moments but work pay my bills specially of my wife because my wife own my paycheck. 😭I work and she spend. Great combo MECH. 🤣

Last time I updated, my kids started to play a bit the accounts OKI DOKI and O.D.FARM even the accounts were idle for months. The progress has been very slow since then, but I am happy that my kids started to farm the accounts. Sadly, they do not want to join clans for now. Looks like they no want clan drama of be compromise on anything not even to help me. You know that rebellious age that comes close to teenage age. They have their own stuff to do and the days to be daddy SUPER HERO 350229214dd2c468da9dfaadf3142bdf.gif&ehk

now they starting to ignore me a bit and I starting to feel like tumblr_nxir587H221qlr8pbo1_500.gifv&ehk=

and when I talk to them is like 8=

Anyway, I am happy that they are farming now and if very helpful for the account. No TITAN for now because too many tickets to collect and waiting to the titan assignment drop more. Previous were 7 stars now to 3 starts but still over 700 tickets. Ridiculous....

They play RAID but they miss some on and off weeks. At least they collect something.  

They were asking to open boxes and because I never let them do it, this time I let them open some but to let drop from 500 in OKI or O.D. FARM but they did it on O.D. FARM forgetting about it. I was not that happy but ok to let it go for their own fun. 

Sadly, they created a mess in both accounts with parts and I had to clean up the mess to get back a bit in order. They had really bad luck on O.D.FARM and some few parts ok in OKI. Just few the rest just meat. 

I will update the accounts in both sides with same comments but different pictures of the inventory. I am tired to make different comments right now. 

OK, Let see what we have here...... 

Gold is currently increasing and my goal it is, if possible, is to get into the 300 millions and 300 parts in both accounts by the end of the year. I am not sure if O.D. will be able to get there but OKI is very close to achieving that. 


Nothing is going on in the BASE


I decided to create OKI and O.D.FARM their own independent clans like used to be. Back to solo original flags and clan names. I just added the version 5.0. I did it in case they decide to play TITAN.  




It is sad to see clan coins in the same state since my last time I played TITAN. 


I still have some boxes around to later own open. Maybe I will let the kids to open them.


I wish I can use those coins in new items or to enhance current ones. 


Ok, let see inventory. 




CHEERS Pilots. Do not forget to farm. 😁



Great work man

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  • 2 months later...

Hi awesome Pilots!

How are you today?

I am fine. Currently on my break time at work. 🤡 

As I mentioned yesterday in O.D. FARM ACCT, my wife sister kids are here at home for the entire summer and OIP.h76TuS4VygLLtCNjC7B8ugAAAA?pid=ImgDe.

Well, the kids are having fun and playing games and my kid's cousins are learning to play SM and are making a mess opening some premium boxes for fun. Well, kids are kids so let it be a bit on summer. 

I have not been playing the game except the grinding part recently and covering sometimes a day for raid or titan but rare mostly grinding reason the resent progress limited but some.

I was able to complete 300 million and 300 parts transformed to MYTH state, sure, now I need to max them out currently working on it. My OKI DOKI goal right now it is to increase gold so I can use some for divine status transformations and maxing parts for now with just daily's. 

Next stage, I will get 100k clan coins soon in this titan. I need to fix a bit the account mess that my kids are doing then I will look into making more parts but for now maxing what I have at Myth status. 

About the account...

I was able to increase from 278 million to 330 million at the same time making parts. It is sad that I do not play and farming it is not optimal but there is a slow progress keeping the account alive. 

This is the current status


The BASE still not in use for close to a year. Not in need for now. 


Mix boxes still controlled making parts.


Premium packs my kids used some of them for fun with their cousins.


OKI still in his solo clan till my kids decide to join any clan or return to the old clan before my retirement. 


Ok, let see the parts. 





I did not include the parts maxed as individuals but all it is in the pictures. 



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6 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hi awesome Pilots!

How are you today?

I am fine. Currently on my break time at work. 🤡 

As I mentioned yesterday in O.D. FARM ACCT, my wife sister kids are here at home for the entire summer and OIP.h76TuS4VygLLtCNjC7B8ugAAAA?pid=ImgDe.

Well, the kids are having fun and playing games and my kid's cousins are learning to play SM and are making a mess opening some premium boxes for fun. Well, kids are kids so let it be a bit on summer. 

I have not been playing the game except the grinding part recently and covering sometimes a day for raid or titan but rare mostly grinding reason the resent progress limited but some.

I was able to complete 300 million and 300 parts transformed to MYTH state, sure, now I need to max them out currently working on it. My OKI DOKI goal right now it is to increase gold so I can use some for divine status transformations and maxing parts for now with just daily's. 

Next stage, I will get 100k clan coins soon in this titan. I need to fix a bit the account mess that my kids are doing then I will look into making more parts but for now maxing what I have at Myth status. 

About the account...

I was able to increase from 278 million to 330 million at the same time making parts. It is sad that I do not play and farming it is not optimal but there is a slow progress keeping the account alive. 

This is the current status


The BASE still not in use for close to a year. Not in need for now. 


Mix boxes still controlled making parts.


Premium packs my kids used some of them for fun with their cousins.


OKI still in his solo clan till my kids decide to join any clan or return to the old clan before my retirement. 


Ok, let see the parts. 





I did not include the parts maxed as individuals but all it is in the pictures. 



Oki what is your  pcs count MAX out ?

counted about 100 mystic 

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3 minutes ago, AcE BaRoN said:

Oki what is your  pcs count MAX out ?



EPIC= 161

TOTAL SPACE= 610 the same as O.D FARM image.png.0ad9845db9bb724ddec5c68a35124407.png I haven't added more since 2021. It is too expensive. 


So I am just eating legends around and stopped to make them and eating epics because running out of space all the time. 😶


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