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Counter culture!


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We all say it. We all see it. “Counters”

if I use a module that adds HP, am I countering opponents who want to destroy me?

if I use a resistance module, am I countering any opponent with that element type weapon?

if I use heat and or energy modules am I countering those element weapons?

is an energy free build an energy counter?

are resistance drainers resistance counters?

I always viewed a counter As an imbalance of one type of module that maximizes your odds against one type of element and left you vulnerable to another element’s attack. But by this logic…. is  a counter build within itself a counter, to itself?

or is a counter simply a build that is better than the  build you brought to the fight?

Edited by Fordekash (see edit history)
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A counter is any mech that goes all out into defenses for 1 or 2 types of damage instead of being able to win against all 3. These types of mechs are characterized by instantly quitting if you happen to be using the one damage type they are not countering as they will always lose against it. 

1 hour ago, Fordekash said:

if I use a module that adds HP, am I countering opponents who want to destroy me?


1 hour ago, Fordekash said:

if I use a resistance module, am I countering any opponent with that element type weapon?


1 hour ago, Fordekash said:

if I use heat and or energy modules am I countering those element weapons?

If you only use one type and are not running an energy free then yes

1 hour ago, Fordekash said:

is an energy free build an energy counter?

Not necessarily. You are trading your electric resistance for the ability to use your weapons even when drained. That being said, any mech whose majority of weapons use energy and lacks any energy modules is a counter.

1 hour ago, Fordekash said:

are resistance drainers resistance counters?

Yes, that is their purpose

1 hour ago, Fordekash said:

or is a counter simply a build that is better than the  build you brought to the fight?

Well, not by the definition we use. Some mechs can have a split in wins if you execute the battle multiple times from different starting positions, accounting for RNG etc. A mech that can consistently defeat another mech is considered a counter to that mech.

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10 hours ago, Deimos said:

A counter is any mech that goes all out into defenses for 1 or 2 types of damage instead of being able to win against all 3. These types of mechs are characterized by instantly quitting if you happen to be using the one damage type they are not countering as they will always lose against it. 

Also known as a “hard counter” if you think a regular build is an all around counter…

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I've always labeled counters as any mech designed to beat two types with no attention paid to the third type. This usually manifests itself as phys mechs with 249/77 energy stats.

I guess in a way it counters the user because it loses you respect in arena? Just stick to rounded mechs, folks. It's the highest expression of skill achievable in this p2w skinner box. 

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