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1 hour ago, Ruben said:

i always farm od6 and i don't remember getting any fortune boxes from it, ever.

OD6 do not grant Fortune Boxes when at higher rank/power and account level. OD6 is more for players not having time to play due to it is quick grinding for gold and fuel not the best on gold but good. It is also the spot for the people who wants to level up their mechs faster because the cost and grant it is the most efficient, I will say in overall for level up with fuel/gold/XP. Me as grinder and level up guy it is best. 

If you will search for fortune boxes you are in the wrong place. Get into let say 2V2 OD8 or OD7 hard. 

There are more places I used to get F.B. in the campaign but I forgot those and only works when you are at low level account then later it won't grant. I tested many times in the past and no even one. 

Now, only one time back in 2020 developing phys mech in O.D FARM having over 900 mix boxes from farming, the game decided to grant like 8 legendary power kits and another set of epic max out power kits. 

Yes, around low acc level and in normal you can get F.B. at different places. I stayed there farming them and getting stronger than the game stopped to grant when my acc level went up and no more F.B. 

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9 minutes ago, Deimos said:

What? If you're not spending tokens on refills you can only do like half of that daily and even that's being generous.

my computer has been open since 8 am this morning. every single time i have five fuel i do the mission.


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