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Savior Resistance vs Iron Plating


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Warning: scientific, hypothetical thread.  Also, there isn't a general discussion area for this type of topic.

ABSTRACT: Savior Resistance is likely better for the campaigns, but Iron Plating for the Arena.

INTRODUCTION: Being the newbie that I am, I do not have a max protector or platinum plating yet.  So I was wondering which of the two, iron plating or savior resistance, is best and for what situations.  I have two Thanos torso mechs and so this topic is important to me.  I would hear various things in various places from pros about which, hit points or resistance, mattered most.  So I did some semi-scientific research.

Iron plating is only worth 145 hit points (without buffs obviously) and savior resistance is worth (without buffs) 16 resistance points per element.

As you probably know, a lot of people "farm" mission 7 in 1V1 campaign overlord's den to convert fuel into gold (and sometimes items).

METHODOLOGY: I let the computer play my heat mech in level 7 on hard mode with my heat mech.  At the time, I had roughly 1900 hit points (with buffs), nearly all my weapons were mythical level 30+ (savagery, corrupt light, flaming hammer) and my Terror Cry was roughly level 33 legendary.  My torso is a mythical level 40 fractured heat armor, and my legs level 30 massive lava feet. 

RESULTS: I noticed that enemy mechs hit me 5 times on average (reducing my resistance from 19 to 8 over the fight), tanks hit me twice (reducing resitance from 19 to 8 ) and buggies hit me once (reducing resistance from 19 to 14).

On average, I got hit a total of 21 times per mission.

On average, due to reductions from enemy fire, my resistance was at value 13.  I calculated it this way to guess conservatively (lower value).

This means, on average, each of the hits I receive is reduced by 13.  Thirteen average resistance times 21 total enemy fire hits equals roughly 273 points of reduction in damage.

Further testing (because my heat mech sometimes can't beat mission 7 on hard with the computer playing, if I don't have a savior resistance) seems to validate my hypothesis.

DISCUSSION: This seems to make sense because in a campaign match, every time you or the computer clicks on an enemy and you fight, your resistance is back to its original value. 

However, in the arena, one does not get a resistance reset.  For instance, if I face two heat mechs with my mechs, and I begin with my heat mech, even if I beat the enemy's first mech, if that mech reduced my resistance to -50 heat, the second mech will have a clear advantage because my resistance is now still -50.

CONCLUSION: In my "arena rank 11" opinion, therefore, I think it's best to leave a module slot open and switch based on what I'm doing.  When it's time to go to the arena, I should swap in an iron plating.  If I am in the campaign, I should swap in a savior resistance.

Obviously, if I have a platinum plating module, that trumps both the other two modules, and I should use that.  If I have both the platinum plating and the max protector, I should probably continue to use the same policy of resistance for campaign and hit points for the arena.

LIMITATIONS:  First, I'm a newbie.  Second, I did not run 40 campaign levels to test my theory: I ran only one.  Further testing will be needed before I can claim that this is a scientific fact, or close to one.  Third, I don't have a platinum plating or a max protector yet, so I cannot know if the same policy of resistance for campaigns and hit points for the arena works out the same.  I will have to wait until I get both.

Feel free to reply, as I'm a newbie.  I did this up more like a scientific journal entry because of my own sense of humor, but I am serious about my conclusion.  So I want your input, please.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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  • 3 weeks later...

I normally build mech in excel then simulate damage inflection to see if the resistance build is better than health build. 

my observation is that health build will “go more rounds” that resistance build with the non L-M items. 

without the massive feet or arena buffs I think plating is the way to go.

with massive feet and arena buffs it’s close. A vest build + resistance module + massive feet is about the turning point for campaign builds.


as for arena the extra resistance is ok if you have the slot for it but my personal opinion is that health modules over resistance until you get the L-M items


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1 hour ago, Shoultz262 said:

Why is this in clan discussions though? @Alexander Can you move it?

Because I couldn't find a better place.  Can we please have an area for scientific or general theory-related discussions?  Because I don't want to annoy anyone by posting in the wrong place.........

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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Just now, SawzAll said:

Because I couldn't find a better place.  Can we please have an area for scientific or general theory-related discussions?  Because I don't want to annoy anyone by posting in the wrong place.........

Then it's just part of general discussions, you shouldn't have put it here.

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