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50 premium packs by 4000 tokens



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7 minutes ago, Ad1tya said:

Well if we had this event, many f2p players will invest in this offer 
its a win-win for both the players and Gato team 

I think it is good choice for free players. Maybe making a cool promo with wow factor to open eyes 😲🧐😳👁👁in an advanced promo ahead like saying one time in life or whatever so get your packs or cry 😢 later. 🤣😋🤭

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2 hours ago, Ad1tya said:

50 packs are 17.5k tokens 
This event would be broken

This would be 80 tokens a pack 
A premium box is 75 tokens

C'mon dude, This won't happen

well i wouldnt rule it out that it will never happen

didnt they do a special where it was like 2000 tokens for 20 packs? 🤔

resident shelf sitter

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5 hours ago, Ad1tya said:

50 packs are 17.5k tokens 
This event would be broken

This would be 80 tokens a pack 
A premium box is 75 tokens

C'mon dude, This won't happen

I actually think, in fairness, this is around how much they should cost.

I'll average the proposed cost to 4k for my purposes. if we're implying about a 25% bulk buy discont that takes us to 5k undiscounted cost.:

100 -> 4000

1 -> 40

125 -> 5000

40 packs equalling 5k would mean 125 for a premium pack.


I think 125 tokens is a much fairer price. I think at this point you reach that sweetspot where its worth spoending for the average joe who doesnt work at a top level company, make tonnes of disposable income trading, or is willing to fritter large sums of a generous retirement package now that the house is paid down and the kids have flown the nest (your average "whale"'s circumstances)

some of you might be going "dude wtf? thats like a third of the cost right now"

well, firstly, its acyually a little more than a third.

secondly, it only seems ludicrous for them to be that cheap because you have been conditioned to accept as astandard the TS prices, which by most game's standards, are EXTREMELY overpriced.

I will also note here, that those games for ewhich this current deal is overpriced, net much greater revenue. Because, like I said, they achieve the sweet spot in pricing, where it makes the devs the money to keep going while also making it accessible to the average player.

will this revolutionise SM? no. but it will do a long way to eliminate those moments, which are more than frequent in the current game, where you can spend upwards of 40, 50, even 60 dollars and get NO premiums, or even NO legendaries.

in the very least, a per standard bulk buying discount would be nice anyways.


if you had made a poll OP, I would have voted in your favour, but meh.


keep in mind, you musn't become fluent in the currency of tokens in such a way that it dissasociates the actual price from what you're talking about. when you spend 1.1k tokens, thats 20 USD. when you spend 1.1k tokens ingame and get NOTHING (which is quite possible, even likely) you spend 20 DOLLARS on nothing. dont let your brain be tricked into thinking "well, I spend 1.1k tokens and got nothing"; instead think "I spent 20 DOLLARS and got nothing" and then the absurdity of current pricing comes into full focus.

Edited by Fidelio (see edit history)
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