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It's pretty good, but I still prefer having an energy-free option.  So I would replace the rock recoiler (if this was my mech) with Mercy or Annihilation.  Then I would add a Frantic Brute or Distance Shredder for long range.  Finally, because you have Night Eagle (which implies you want to pull people in close) I would use Tonto over the backfire drone.

Stats are decent but in my opinion the iron plates aren't worth it very much.  Given how many boilers and energy drainers exist in the middle ranks, I'd plus up on energy and heat stats, that's just me.

Do you actually have a max protector?  If so, I'd keep it.  If you don't, I'd add individual resistance modules.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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since these are max stats, low en, low heat


way better imo, you can replace plating with energy engine or cooling booster if you prefer. Cooling is good enough against anything but swoop boilers/huggers. Energy can probably last long enough where you can kill them with charge and hook, but if you want more, simply replace the plate

Clan: Goodbye To A World

epicspeedster, SpeedMachine

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8 hours ago, SawzAll said:

It's pretty good, but I still prefer having an energy-free option.  So I would replace the rock recoiler (if this was my mech) with Mercy or Annihilation.  Then I would add a Frantic Brute or Distance Shredder for long range.  Finally, because you have Night Eagle (which implies you want to pull people in close) I would use Tonto over the backfire drone.

Stats are decent but in my opinion the iron plates aren't worth it very much.  Given how many boilers and energy drainers exist in the middle ranks, I'd plus up on energy and heat stats, that's just me.

Do you actually have a max protector?  If so, I'd keep it.  If you don't, I'd add individual resistance modules.

i got the maxi protector from a fortune box, i wish i had a mercy, i might switch to ahhnialation, and my heat stats are low cuz i've only ever gotten 1 heat engine on this account

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13 hours ago, Melanös said:

i got the maxi protector from a fortune box, i wish i had a mercy, i might switch to ahhnialation, and my heat stats are low cuz i've only ever gotten 1 heat engine on this account

I can tell you from experience that Annihilation is a great thing to have.  In fact, I'm about to be done with a resistance tank build that uses Annihilation in place of Mercy.  Annihilation isn't as powerful as Mercy but it's a great energy-free option.  I like it, personally.  It's also heat-free.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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