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  1. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Flawed in Tech Fire or Blue Hell   
    Interesting idea, sadly it would probably be pretty useless since hybrid mechs aren't as good.
  2. Like
    Shredderr reacted to luCyfer in Arena Match making System WTH   
    Because that's the easiest way for inexperienced players to reach higher ranks, you still can overheat or energy break them to at least have a chance 
    I also find this build annoying and almost cancerous but I can't deny it works 
  3. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Zylok in Arena Match making System WTH   
    To be honest with you, smurfing isn't something that only happens lately, it has always been there, and will probably always be.
    Buying stuff instead of having boxes might seem good at first thought, but it really isn't. This way everyone will juust go for meta stuff at the start of their SM career and there won't be any build diversity whatsoever.
  4. Like
    Shredderr reacted to khan in SuperMechs Ownership   
    Gato Games owns SuperMechs, Battledawn and Battledawn 2.
  5. Haha
    Shredderr reacted to NeoPrism in SuperMechs Ownership   
    I own the Company of Gato Games, which owns Supermechs.


  6. Like
    Shredderr reacted to OKI DOKI in Please, help me   
    if you need help, you should provide info of your account mechs and maybe some players can help you arranging your mech or mechs with your current inventory. No promises 
  7. Like
    Shredderr got a reaction from OKI DOKI in I can't pass the level at the energy level, help   
    You should probably use a heat mech, because the opponents have energy free weapons like you said. They can't do much against heat mechs. Also upgrade your modules, and fill up the empty space.
    I'm not as experienced as the others, but I think this could work for you.
  8. Like
    Shredderr reacted to shockwave333 in What is you'r favorite/Dream weapon/Mech parts   
    who was the mebtal genius to scrap that it seem a better way of doing it
  9. Like
    Shredderr reacted to OKI DOKI in Last person to post wins the game (with no timer)   
    my times back in the 70's and my cousin had this one. rich guy. I played back then  
    then I got this 
    and one more
    then the holy grail such fun.
    and got this one from my cousin 


    then xbox and few others back then. 
    one of my old PSP "_" 

    and later many others. then no others for some time and then back to the same with my kids for them having the recent stuff of course only games for many years. 
  10. Like
    Shredderr got a reaction from OKI DOKI in What is you'r favorite/Dream weapon/Mech parts   
    Yep, we could buy all the stuff we wanted from the shop with coins, whereas mythical stuff was bought with tokens.
  11. Like
    Shredderr got a reaction from Scarlet Lorv in Supermechs 3D?   
    Well yes, you can see the pixels if you squint a little, but most of the time, it's not really noticeable. Still, there is room for improvement in the graphics.
    I agree on the point that SM would not fit in 3D. If there was such a game, it would be a different, separate game (like you said), would probably look very different from SM, and would most likely be in 3D or something. I once thought about this, and this is the stuff I came up with:
    It would be a first person view of you sitting in the cockpit, and there would be buttons on a dashboard in front of your seat. The window of the cockpit would change based on what torso you were using.
    When the mech runs out of energy, all lights turn of except for the dashboard, sparks start appearing, and the only light would be coming from outside your cockpit. When your mech overheats, red lights starts flashing around you, with a warning sign on the dashboard, saying 'HEAT CRITICAL' like it shows in the original game, when your mech is about to overheat.
    Lastly, when your mech gets destroyed, all the lights turn off, and your cockpit launches out from the mech from the back, and displays the 'DEFEAT' screen.
  12. Like
    Shredderr got a reaction from Lavroski in I can't pass the level at the energy level, help   
    You should probably use a heat mech, because the opponents have energy free weapons like you said. They can't do much against heat mechs. Also upgrade your modules, and fill up the empty space.
    I'm not as experienced as the others, but I think this could work for you.
  13. Like
    Shredderr got a reaction from shockwave333 in What is you'r favorite/Dream weapon/Mech parts   
    Yep, we could buy all the stuff we wanted from the shop with coins, whereas mythical stuff was bought with tokens.
  14. Haha
    Shredderr reacted to jcool64 in M.G.B: official fight #6   
    thank you i never really thought of that 
  15. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Flawed in M.G.B: official fight #6   
    Holy cow that guy has a Valiant Sniper-
  16. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Lin Riot in M.G.B: official fight #6   
    Just a suggestion, why not make a official thread where you post the videos instead of making a new one each time, 
    Would make it better for your fans to watch your stuff
    as well as removing forum clutter, a win/win if you ask me
  17. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Flawed in Bill cipher Vs fake lego mech?!   
    The mech doesn't have any weapons though. Unbalanced mech.
  18. Like
    Shredderr reacted to jcool64 in M.G.B: official fight #6   
    hello guys I have a real good fight for you today so enjoy
    Screen recording 2023-06-07 08.14.11.webm
  19. Like
    Shredderr reacted to hasn in What is you'r favorite/Dream weapon/Mech parts   
    We hope for this to happen in legacy you were able to buy any part/item no matter now RNG/loot box system sucks and a lot complained about it because getting 1 feels impossible even tho anyone can get (i lack lightning recoiler and i really need it)
    Also same for premium items the L-M which half of them is useless compared to other existing item
    Or same are really need to progress don't come easily like crimson rapture which is very need for raid some how you can't get it because of other L-M items might coming from the box instead of it
  20. Like
    Shredderr reacted to shockwave333 in What is you'r favorite/Dream weapon/Mech parts   
    it would be really nice if we could buy the parts we want from factory instead of relying on blind luck 
    i really want a couple of heat bombs i am thinking of getting 2 of the mechs in the store just for the parts i want 
  21. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Resh in Smurfing taken to the extreme💀💀💀😭   
    I'm pretty sure most of the smurf accounts in R15-R17 are from the same clan and they all have the same [3D] tag in their name
  22. Like
    Shredderr reacted to SolarisHK-CZ805 in Smurfing taken to the extreme💀💀💀😭   
    I say the mods were out of their touch with the community, and I also mean by the smurfer on that picture

    Arena on low ranks is pure hell with these and high ranks, which I was informed recently, basically had exploited things. Basically, Arena is hell on every ranks

    Again, I may not remember anything that I used to know, so may as well take it with a grain of salt
  23. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Flawed in is it worth switching?   
    Hardened Platinum Vest isn't really good I believe, use Nightmare because it's one of the best ones.
  24. Like
    Shredderr reacted to OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    all depend on your inventory and mech desire or possibility. Too many parts around with different module set possibilities. Show your mech and they can help. The torso is better due to in general, it does have better resistance against attacks but that does not mean is best on energy or heat, but average is good. 
  25. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Yakir in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    what modules go well with it ive heard people say its the best torso in the game but i cant figure out how to get good energy and heat with it at the same time
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