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    S_k reacted to error19031 in Drop Rate of Fortune Boxes   
    When I get a fortune box, I get a legend card with a 60% chance. And from the daily ones, I got a legend every time, but now it's rare
  2. Like
    S_k reacted to Melanös in Drop Rate of Fortune Boxes   
    Im pretty sure that fortune box legendary droprate changes from where you get it. the first time you do a campaign boss, the droprate is really bad, like 1% however from portals, it seems like closer to 30%. and the daily reward fortune boxes seem more like 5-10% (at least in my experience)
  3. Like
    S_k reacted to Pink555 in Drop Rate of Fortune Boxes   
    For me they are shit i havent got a lehendary in fotune box simce april no new items since april... im getting bored of this game people keep getting the "all" items
  4. Like
    S_k reacted to rc in Drop Rate of Fortune Boxes   
    Wepwawet, that’s unfortunate to hear that’s the case for you.
    Luckily for me, I fare much better from fortune boxes. From my perspective, it seems the fortune boxes’ drop rate is similar to premium boxes/packs. With that said, I get a lot of rares and epics, rarely any myth food, and a tiny amount of premium legendaries.
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    S_k got a reaction from Spam in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    This is BRUTAL !
  6. Like
    S_k reacted to Spam in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    Molten Launcher, better names are welcome.
    Inferno Canon, name by @AftoKrator.
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    S_k reacted to Abudi 21 in I play 3 vs 3 campagne and i won. I dont get my reward   
    I play 3 vs 3 campagne and i win. I dont get my reward, why ?
  8. Like
    S_k reacted to Spam in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    Armor Piercer (cleaned it up a bit),

  9. Like
    S_k reacted to Spam in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    Skull Piercer? Name's up for debate.

    Also I figured out that you can make the background of gravit designer clear too. 
  10. Thanks
    S_k got a reaction from Spam in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    Great, it reminds me of the side weapons that god mode had.
  11. Like
    S_k reacted to hackercat13 in Where has Alexander gone?   
    Anyone know?  It's been two months (April 5th) since he gave any info or updates on the forums, and that was a ban wave announcement.  Seems like the game is limping along with no new updates, items, etc.  As long as it works, I'll keep playing, but it's starting to feel like an abandoned game.
  12. Like
    S_k reacted to Spam in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    Soul Incinerator, this brutal enough @SonnY-ku?

    Inspired by Dragoon and Zeus from war robots.
  13. Like
    S_k reacted to Spam in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    I know it looks weird rn, but it should get better soon,

  14. Thanks
    S_k got a reaction from Spam in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    You could make an ultra overpower weapon with one use
  15. Like
    S_k reacted to Spam in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    Dragon Crushers?
  16. Like
    S_k reacted to bestplayeroftheworld in S.T.A.L.K.E.R or Left 4 Dead?   
    Farmville ...
  17. Thanks
    S_k reacted to Eevee in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    maybe they should recolor the premium packs purple
  18. Like
    S_k reacted to THUNDER GOD in Farming   
    you could level 6 insane (overloads den) thats what i done and im level 180  with 15,436,723
  19. Like
    S_k reacted to Spam in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    Burning Bazar.

    Solar Centrifuge 

    Photon Factory
  20. Like
    S_k got a reaction from Spam in About legacy items…   
    They were not completely removed, players are free to do so using the Legacy converter but they cant obtain legacy in this ver.
  21. Thanks
    S_k reacted to W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T in About legacy items…   
    The original Legacy items were removed entirely from the game while their sprites were mostly reused or remastered for the new items that are currently seen today.
    The remastered sprites can easily be identified how they look like their legacy counterpart but with minor to significant design changes while the reused ones are simple re-shadings of the originals.
    Oh, and some sprites are also combinations and/or "evolutions" of legacy items (like Avenger, which I suspect to be the result of an Engine + Roman hybrid). So if you see some reloaded items that have parts that seem familiar to legacy items but don't share a similar design with one of their design part's origin, just keep in mind that it may be a culmination of multiple parts from different legacy items.
    Bonus - Remastered Sprite Examples (If you wanted to know)
    Golem (Epic) - Ultraspade but with red glow and overall sprite size reduction
    Golem (Legendary) - Diamond Shell but with a single fin on the rear instead of two horns and overall sprite size reduction
    Fenrir (Epic) - Spider but with blue glow and the 8 red eyes were replaced by a single blue scope eye. Overall sprite size reduction
    Ettin (Rare) - Dragon but with blue glow and sprite size reduction
    Cyber Armors - Lava Scope but with various redesigns and glow changes for the 3 variants and sprite size increase (the Cyber Armors look like Lava Scope design massacres, not gonna lie)
    I hope this cleared some things that you were wondering about. If not, feel free to ignore this or ask for clarification and I'll try my best to go into further detail.. Or ask for more sprite examples if you want more of those, I guess.
  22. Like
    S_k reacted to SC2A in What Do You Think Other Pilots Look Like?   
    :v I did it
  23. Thanks
    S_k reacted to Dwightx_Biggest_Fan in Remastered yoshmino legs?   
    I think thats nice japanse legs that much people used yoshmino legs and we need kits item that doesnt get removed a item in supermechs but its consumable item
  24. Like
    S_k reacted to Stompy Boi in Are the parts for USA MK1 still available   
    Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!
  25. Thanks
    S_k reacted to Stompy Boi in Are the parts for USA MK1 still available   
    The torso’s my favorite part. I was wondering if I can still acquire it
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