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Everything posted by Deimos

  1. That's odd, were they normal mix boxes or boosted drops?
  2. No idea what defensive mods or drones you have but here is something semi-decent based on what you confirmed you own.
  3. Might as well not add it in that case. 5 to 1 is fair, anything above that is not worth it.
  4. Not at all, they still get a higher W/L ratio since barely anyone uses energy in top ranks.
  5. Stop giving Gato ideas lmao, we can already just barely afford them
  6. Based on previous offers, at the beginning of February there will be a platinum fortress offer again and around the same time in march there will be a plasma fortress offer. Defence matrix is much harder to track down, it may or may not be sold again at some point. Max protector is not getting sold anymore, you best bet is reaching lvl 250 by farming to get one for free.
  7. How exactly does it counter itself?
  8. The fortresses are on loop for the second cycle, dual modules are also being sold just with slight alterations to the offers.
  9. Yes, this is a known bug. Just turn it off in a mission or clan war and it should fix the arena stuff.
  10. Save up for the platinum fortress or dual module, those are always useful.
  11. Agreed, this is desperately needed since there is very few items actually being used that require common and rare relics and we've gone for too long without any update to them.
  12. That was just a prediction, not the official results but thanks for having faith in me lmao
  13. I would have slight doubt if the claim wasn't that it was all just relics, you can get 2 relics tops from an arena box
  14. That doesn't seem right, are you sure it wasn't a clan wars box you mistook for an arena one? Don't think any of them can be just all relics with no items.
  15. If you aren't accounting for the price of upgrade materials then 238k for a L-M to get to lvl 40 legendary and 790k for lvl 50 mythical. Extra mil to divine it. Huh? You mean r15? r5 can't have drops that bad. Yeah, even starting from absolute scratch (0 legy food, 0 gold) it takes me like 4-5 days tops.
  16. Have you got any proof of these claims? If so, try posting it into the help section of SM Discord, the right people are much more likely to see it there.
  17. No because hard counters are built specifically to counter balanced builds.
  18. It's the walmart brightroar, of course it'll look good Why 2 battles?
  19. I'd suggest something like this, of course if you have premium dual modules use those this is just a E-M variant.
  20. Can't relate, lucked out and got 2 health kits on the last 15 fuel run for today's insane portal which saved me from having to waste tokens on a revive.
  21. A counter is any mech that goes all out into defenses for 1 or 2 types of damage instead of being able to win against all 3. These types of mechs are characterized by instantly quitting if you happen to be using the one damage type they are not countering as they will always lose against it. No No If you only use one type and are not running an energy free then yes Not necessarily. You are trading your electric resistance for the ability to use your weapons even when drained. That being said, any mech whose majority of weapons use energy and lacks any energy modules is a counter. Yes, that is their purpose Well, not by the definition we use. Some mechs can have a split in wins if you execute the battle multiple times from different starting positions, accounting for RNG etc. A mech that can consistently defeat another mech is considered a counter to that mech.
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