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Everything posted by Deimos

  1. Please do, you actually know what you're talking about unlike the guy who made this thread.
  2. How are you even getting that many fortune boxes from a normal mission? I think you just stopped having godlike luck lmao, if you want reliable fortune box drops you need to farm boss missions like OD8.
  3. Have some consistency my guy. Not admitting fault when multiple people prove you wrong isn't a good look, makes you look like you have a massive ego. I said that having a teleport and also a good mod setup isn't possible on that particular mech so I chose better mod setup to which I was proven wrong by Frero who managed to cram in both. I still stand behind my decision that I would rather have better energy stats than a teleport if you could only have one and you can keep coping in being wrong. What not accepting different opinions does to a mf Rank doesn't mean shit, this was mine last season and I got there while lacking several META items. Unless you're consistently placing at the very top your opinions are not better than anyone else's.
  4. "Sometimes" is not when your opponent is a drain-based energy mech. It won't drain them and you're only reducing your energy for their turn. Fool's errand. Yes, but he also said that you're wrong on the low energy cap and provided a better variant so keep huffing
  5. That won't matter if you won't deal enough damage to kill them once you run out of Mercy uses. I'm aware. This mech however only has a single range 1-2 weapon so if you want to do enough damage for it to matter you need legs that will benefit from the res drainers. Mercy is super volatile and it needs the extra damage if you want to stand a chance against huggers. Literally who said that other than yourself? Only an idiot would use OEMP in their first turn. I'm talking about situations where you're the one starting and even Frero has said you're wrong so might as well stop coping. Phys legs are objectively the best if you have the weight. You're forgetting they also give 60 extra health than their elemental counterparts so that accounts for the less explosive resist.
  6. Finally someone with actual experience speaking up about this. I agree with you on the majority except those spartans, if they don't have at least one armor drainer they're not viable.
  7. Phys resistance is the biggest issue, also it's not about resistance but about the ability to fight huggers. That's not really doable when your heat legs will be doing 10 damage against their full 140 resist. There's no problem with the teleport other than it being dead weight, it's just useless on that build especially since it's en-free. Dropping it in favor of phys legs is the right thing to do. OEMP + drone shot and you're drained. That 400 regen won't be enough to save you with that low of a cap, especially on a build where literally everything is energy reliant. If you're stuck in a corner you use the hammer, the only range where you can't use it would be 4 and that's already valiant range. It's literally only good for one specific situation and that is being stuck in a corner fighting a heat mech that happened to overheat you at that very moment. I'd rather stake it on higher energy that gives you actual chance against other drainers.
  8. Why would you use heat legs and teleport on an en-free phys build? Death to huggers guaranteed, throw that garbage away and use phys legs. What are those energy stats? Get more en cap or death to other drain energy guaranteed. Chuck the tele for more weight, this build doesn't need it. This is literally just a counter. How dare you post garbage like this and call it META? Are you not embarrassed? Replace massive lava feet with phys variant, use single tele Using flame spear on a standard magma build. Need I say more? And just more counters. In conclusion, don't listen to what this guy has to say, he is a clown and if this was really other people suggesting these then they're the entire circus
  9. You're talking like a fourth grader, now I feel bad for insulting a child.
  10. Not using energy resist on an en free build is a death sentence As for the rest, throw away the heat storage and use a different drone, this build doesn't do enough heat damage to warrant the use of swoop and neither does it have enough energy. Might as well go with LPV at that point.
  11. This one's decent, OP is not as useful as QCB but the 21 packs make up for it.
  12. MPV is 31 units heavier than Nightmare.
  13. I just make chance of rare power unit kits.
  14. Frantic that deals up to 5k damage but there is a 1/5 chance the backfire will kill you irl
  15. Main thing is that this thread is pointless since there wasn't enough of a change to warrant a new list.
  16. Sounds like a you problem. Frantics hit me for like 150-250 most of the time. They used to be much worse before the nerf. At least I do think there was one but I was gone for a long time lmao.
  17. That's good since it's important to know how to make good builds for every rank bracket, for example builds that excel at the top wouldn't work in lower ranks since at the top drain/boiler mechs are rarely seen so the builds are shaped around that with less heat/energy stats and more health.
  18. Energy huggers are fine using the claw, it's not META but none of the builds here are except maybe the first one and even that is questionable. That being said you obviously need utilities whenever you use the claw.
  19. If you can spare the weight definitely use the vests, makes your chances against phys infinitely higher.
  20. Yeah, that's how we end up with people like that guy. Only knows how to copy builds they see and not how or why they work/don't work.
  21. It's an improved version of CleverName's build so no, it's not a 2020 build and it most definitely is more META than like half the terrible builds posted here. More nonsense. The META changes if the conditions change, new items, nerfs/buffs etc. I certainly know more than you given the stupid claims you've made, if you're going to be the messenger at least get familiar with the material you're presenting otherwise you'll end up looking like a buffoon e.g. insulting a mod setup presented by me despite the same mod setup being used by some of the builds you posted. From what I've seen several top players came on here to say that the builds presented aren't optimized yet, you're the only one embarrassing yourself and not knowing when to stop talking. I've already explained how that is not true, most of the builds presented by CleverName are still being used with very slight alterations. I think the explanation is quite clear, most people don't have CleverName's infinite inventory so they had to make due with altered builds, what's being used the most =/= META Well that explains it.
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