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Everything posted by Deimos

  1. This is kinda weak, requires energy so low HP and does low dmg AND low heat buildup.
  2. Idrc about XP, fortune boxes and more gold are way better imo. Still, I'm already almost at 240 after like year and a half, I started seriously playing early 2019 but then I went on a hiatus mid 2020.
  3. Zarkares has best heat stats, better than Windigo but Windigo beats it in every other aspect. Just checked, it has 13 more heat cap and 12 more exp resist.
  4. I better get one for finishing 4th lmao Yeah. only 5 packs is way too little for how many people participated. Next time I'd say top 10 or 15 should get a pack.
  5. My phone is out of commission for a bit so I'm playing on desktop app and I've noticed ads are completely missing from the menu. Is this permanent or could it be reset? (Option to watch ads is completely gone, I'm not getting the "no more. rewards" error)
  6. Yeah but even then it makes no sense. Might as well add undoing of upgrades and transformations of items at that point.
  7. Screw counters, that's one good thing that came from QCB. There is no excuse to run them, epic energy/heat modules are as common as dirt. I agree with the rest though, energy mechs suffer from them especially since from my experience running a dual magma, equipping dual modules reduces their damage do much they barely take away half my health and they're gone.
  8. Idrc about paint, I'll be saving up for the next fortress offer.
  9. Really? I could've sworn I've seen you around longer than that, ever since I started playing pretty much.
  10. i have like 4 red rains, could trade you one for reckoning and mortal bullet lmao
  11. Nice premium items you got there, why aren't they getting transformed?
  12. Frantics are honestly fine now, used to be much bigger pain before the nerf and 180 res meta
  13. Better version, those heat and energy stats are abysmal + you don't need 2 heat bombs.
  14. Nah, didn't even have the mech I wanted to make for this tournament but GG
  15. Probably because it has the second best heat stats other than Zarkares but yeah, doesn't make much sense since other yellow torsos that have much better heat stats than energy are still classed as physical.
  16. The second one is much better, first would get drained in 1 turn and then it's useless.
  17. ? I'm pretty sure I should be matched against Doom_Bringer, GGoT was eliminated before semifinals
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