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Everything posted by Deimos

  1. Archimonde is one of the best looking torsos, too bad the stats suck
  2. I'd say top 5 is pretty good. Especially if your build warrants extra mobility and you've got the spare weight.
  3. That's what she gets for using counters.
  4. Why dead to huggers? I was saying I'd use it instead of ORB or ER, I'd still have magma recoiler. I'd rather cause a few overheats than do slightly more damage with a hybrid.
  5. It's not. Idk why it was suggested I don't wanna make it a hybrid.. Is shadow wolf good enough? Don't have either of those.
  6. Finally reached rank 1 again after coming back to the game. 1v1 season is counter hell, luckily the dual mods I got recently combined with an energy free heat lead me to easily defeating any energy mech, counter or not. Heat and Phys were 50/50, even managed to defeat a couple of counters so all in all it was worth it.
  7. Don't listen to them, hybrids are based. They shine especially in 1v1 cause everyone and their grandma runs a counter.
  8. Replace the pointless phys weapon with flaming hammer gg ez
  9. I've got cockpit burner, what build do you suggest?
  10. Yooooo nice. You can make that build I suggested now.
  11. Relatable. Lately my dmg rolls in the arena are exclusively the lowest possible ones.
  12. Those are some awesome drops, glad I wasn't the only one with RNG on my side.
  13. Oh yeah, don't get me started on that. Just putting items on divine costs almost more than completely upgrading them from lvl 1 legendary to lvl 50 myth
  14. Yeah, I bought it exclusively for the ascension relics since the arena drop rates are miserable and clan wars are slow af
  15. Deimos


    You're free to carry on, that was just a suggestion in case you weren't aware. Anyways, welcome to the forum, hopefully the first impression from some of these individuals won't sour your view on this entire community.
  16. Deimos


    I feel like the SM Discord is a better place if you're looking for friends, here it's slow and inefficient.
  17. Lmao that's perfect, your profile pic also fits incredibly well "Hmmm, everything went according to calculations" Energy free energy build? Now I've truly seen everything lmao
  18. Looks good for a lower rank energy mech but as you progress you should specialize on a specific range either close, mid or long.
  19. If you run into UPC/Valiant/EMP it is pretty likely. You can get drained even if you have 700+ energy.
  20. Unless you're running a phys mech, in that case you indeed use Mercy.
  21. They're not great but increased mobility would work well with the last resort vulcan if you got drained
  22. I just added a sacrifice cannon, replaced mercy for rock recoiler, stone feet for rolling beasts and one heat engine for a cooling mass booster.
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