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    epicspeedster got a reaction from MightyFire in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
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    epicspeedster got a reaction from OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    more duplicates I guess

    and I've been too lazy to myth something, so yeah, lots of myth food and some premiums
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    epicspeedster got a reaction from Bunboy in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    more duplicates I guess

    and I've been too lazy to myth something, so yeah, lots of myth food and some premiums
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    epicspeedster reacted to WarrMachine in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
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    epicspeedster reacted to OKI DOKI in ...CANDELA INC...   
    Hy pilots,
    Sad news, my body SHABBA left the clan till he can fix the internet connection issue.
    As a great leader has been he let us know he does not want to be a load to the clan not been able to help and entrusting the leadership to another cool guy 😎 👍 Scorpion.  
    For me it is a bit sad moment because he is the reason of me been in the clan on first place and been buddies in the chat from starting the game with my niece. 
    We are hopping the internet connectivity back in his country c a n be resolved and re-integrate him to the clan but  in mean time there is an spot in the clan. 
    If someone it is interested to join us as permanent member let us know. The rule above still in place. Adding that we always do war, collect titan ticket, fight 7 star titan without missing them. 
    We are really active in wins and we always reach those goals with clan freedom to do what we can do helping each other. We are a cool 😎 clan but of course we check🤫  members are doing their job 👀.
    Drop a line if you are interested but not a clan hopper jumping from left to right. 
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    epicspeedster reacted to Mr Lord in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    reached that with my self made build🤩
  7. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to SawzAll in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    I got this while farming 1v1 campaign final boss in hard mode.  I already have 3 x monkeys so what will happen is I'll upgrade this over time until it's max, then swap it for the energy monkey i'm using for my physical mech.

  8. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to urvmech in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Got my 4th blue vest from fortune box this Valentine's.

    I guess a myth food this time, and I managed to maxed these...

    ...just to use the rare ascension relics.
  9. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to OKI DOKI in epicspeedster's youtube videos   
    cool, I haven't much time lately to watch everyone videos. Well, I need t do some wins now but nice to see the video. Good drop an progress with your energy mech. Good explanation in the video. 👌
    oops, M.C. for you too a it late.  Nice fights.  Offer drop was regular. 
    cool, lots of L40 parts. Keep farming. 🙃
    nice, well done having a plating. Just be careful not to use all epics or legends parts if do not have spares of similar kind in case need the parts in the future. nice fights soon will move up in rank.
     I have bad luck to get FB's farming for them and when I get one I get just rare. You at list got a bunch of epics, 
  10. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from OKI DOKI in epicspeedster's youtube videos   
    Thanks for watching, and Happy New Year!
    Note: this video premires 12 am PST
  11. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from OKI DOKI in epicspeedster's youtube videos   
    Thanks for watching
  12. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from OKI DOKI in epicspeedster's youtube videos   
    thanks for watching
  13. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from OKI DOKI in epicspeedster's youtube videos   
    thanks for watching, also merry christmas
  14. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from OKI DOKI in epicspeedster's youtube videos   
    thanks for watching
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    epicspeedster reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Well, I totally forgot about this item will come today or next week and I wasn't prepared for it so I had to work on a lot today to get the part and be ready for deception. In this case I decided  to show my normal bad luck in boxes so enjoy and laugh at me as best and drop any comment you will like.
    In order to get if I want a drop rate item I normally prepare epics at L30 and use epics granted from the premium boxes and maximize the wasted money in my bad luck as always.
    Below some sequence of what I did to get the part and the parts given utilization. YOU  can see my tokens dropping like ice cream melting in the desert. The good news I was saving some gold so I kept some balance in the making.
    OK, let see the frustrated MOJO in action 🤫
    The first 2 pictures are showing my mix boxes availability and how much gold in reserve before start to make parts to L30 and be ready for collecting the epics from premimiums boxes of nithingness🤣
    The next 2 pictures are the fortress and I used parts already made from my epics time ago before I started to report their making and making first myth transformation.
    The next 5 pictures are showing 2 offers I had without been opened but when I was using mix boxes to create L30 epics the system switched boxes positions from mix box to special items 2 times and I opened by mistake because I was opening fast so the game have the tendency to switch boxes to open position to force you to open them and restric your free space and mess your mind set work on hand. That issue need to be fixed and it is not a glitch I really think it is set to harm you on purpose so you get stuck and have to do things you do not like to do at the moment. That it is not cool at all. 🤬
    The rest of the pictures are showing the making of L30 epics and the premium boxes opened plus getting a solo drop of the new item and the use of those epics making legends.. I use some crafted parts from the base to myth the new part.
    I hope you like and think properly about money. 🤫

  16. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Dwightx in Supermechs⛅ 3v3 INSANE Final Mission 🔥 Hell Gate 🔥[Part 9 of 9]   
    it was very difficult. Clever had 12 plates i had 7. The scopes really helped and the live discord people helped me too. I got extremely lucky rng to even beat it.
  17. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Dwightx in Supermechs⛅ 3v3 INSANE Final Mission 🔥 Hell Gate 🔥[Part 9 of 9]   
    congrats, you are the 4th person to beat hellgate insane. Without a p2w inventory like clever, or a hacked inventory like roman. It must've taken you a long time to design builds that would work
  18. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Shared-NW in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    last one.
    my collection is complete 😎

  19. Thanks
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  21. Sad
    epicspeedster reacted to ISayMeow in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Im gonna take a break for 2 days c':

  22. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to HeIIfire in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Hi guys, just here to flex my fourth and fifth L-M drop in the course of three days in a row

  23. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Benja07 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    that plat is going go straight into ettin
  24. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Wombat in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    ^lucky 54 fortune boxes, relics were from saved up FB from relic portal

    made a lot of kits after cleaning my inventory

    and flex all the myth food and premiums I have lying around

    more flex
    it would be even more if I used up the myth food I have on both accounts
  25. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Bunboy in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    level 38 reward
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