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Everything posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. If you did a token hack, the chances of your account being returned are extremely slim. I mean, you could always promise to Alexander that you will destroy all of the items, spend all of the gold, and waste all of the tokens that you got through hacking.. But that won't likely work unless he's willing to give you a chance and that you could prove that he can trust you to do those things.
  2. Ah yes, I forgot about that: Step Literally Anywhere: Be Consumed by the Desire to Push Things into Corners
  3. How to be a Reloaded Autopilot with a Shield: Step 1: Deploy Drone on First Turn Step 2: Deploy Shield as First Action on Second Turn Step 3: Dispose of Every Unit of Energy with Reckless Abandon / Burn Yourself Alive from Heat with Reckless Abandon Step 4: Win the Fight or Die due to the Reckless Abandon from Step 3 Step 5: Don't Question about What Went Wrong during that Fight And: Step 3.5: Regain Energy or Cool Heat Level down and Redeploy Shield. Repeat Step 3 until Shield goes Down then Repeat this Step
  4. Either OP, not as useful, or absolutely game-breaking once the game starts having seizures due to not understanding the mechanics of the shields that it once used to know like the back of its metaphorical hands.
  5. Warning: This is just a thought/idea, so please refrain from treating it as if it was something that was gonna be added to the game. Thank you. Introduction You all know how this game has 3 campaigns, one for each battle type (1v1/2v2/3v3) and how 3v3 is the "finale" to the campaign trilogy? Well, I've been pondering about one thing, which is the ending.. Or should I say, the lack of an ending. I honestly think that the game could've had a better ending apart from Overlord saying "I'll be back" for the 3rd time when the 3v3 campaign is the final campaign in the game, which is why I decided to make this topic to share my idea on how the game could have a wrap-up to its campaign trilogy. So without further ado, here we go. The Idea The idea that I came up with for the wrap-up is a final showdown that becomes unlocked after 3v3 is completed. It won't show up on the campaign select menu but once Hellgate is defeated on Normal, a new campaign will appear called "The Final Confrontation" or "Final Push for Liberation". The campaign would be nothing but boss nodes, starting from Ramboy and ending with Hellgate, each node containing nothing but each boss on their own. The fights will all be 1v1 against each boss as they would all have myth-level stats, making even the 1v1 bosses into tough confrontations for those who aren't prepared. The campaign itself would have the 3v3 campaign map style, where every section of the map is war-torn and destroyed but as you progress further through the map, the sections would gradually become more damaged until you reach Overlord's Den, which would have a hellish appearance. In Overlord's Den, there would only be one node but the node itself would have a different appearance (something more hellish or edgy). Why? Because within that node, the stage would have an entirely different format from any other boss node.. This node will only be a straight corridor that leads right to the first of the three bosses. Who would that boss be? It would be Hellgate. Upon defeating Hellgate, there would be 2 supply kit points in 2 pockets beside the corridor before it leads to the next boss fight. The next boss wouldn't show on the VS screen but instead, it would appear as a hazy figure and once you enter the fight, God Mode will teleport in via a red bolt that strikes down in the arena and the sky would become red for the duration of the fight. Of course, God Mode would have a lot more HP than what he originally did back in Legacy but he would maintain his standard properties and he would have increased physical damage and heat damage. After that fight, you would get yet another 2 supply kit points before reaching the final boss, who is revealed to be a modified Bigboy that resembles USA on USA Transporters. He would have a high HP pool, high stats, and more damage per attack than he's done before. The battle itself would take place at the peak of the tower with a blood moon lingering in the background, giving the fight a feeling of dread and making the environment feel like the battle is one where only one mech can truly be victorious in this conclusion to end the war. Once Bigboy has been defeated, he would slowly detonate, piece by piece as he lets out a roar with each detonation until he combusts into a massive explosion. The Ending The mission map would change to show a devastated tower from the battle as you would be placed in a large square area that has a single corridor with 2 square rooms that contain nothing but gold boxes and upon completing the node, a cutscene would play where the Overlord struggles to recover from the damages it has received from losing its minions a second time before its glow fades and crashes to the ground, signaling its ultimate defeat and the sought-after resolution to the conflict that has gone on for years. A campaign complete screen would then appear but would have a transparent background with a slight black tint, still showing the defeated Overlord. On the "badge", your completed mechs that you have at the time will show up and the words "The world is finally free, thanks to you, pilot." while a single special star is given underneath the wording. You are then taken back to the hangar where you are given 3 special boxes that contain: 2 legendaries 1 guaranteed premium 3 of each relic 6 transform relics 1 special Veteran Pilot perk - turns your mech's paint into a carbon black with gold accents paintjob with a special star insignia (same as the one given on the campaign complete screen) on the side of your mech's torso (positioning and size would vary based on the torso). If the torso is divine, the paintjob's accents and the star would glow with the torso's divine rarity color when taking damage. *Note: Changeable if the idea's box drops are too much or too little. Conclusion So, what do you think? Good? Bad? Plausible for a canon ending? And before you ask, yes, I'm aware that something like this would be too complicated for the game itself but I wanted to think up of something creative and detailed that would be cool for an epic conclusion to a game that revolved around a war that never had a true ending. But yeah, that's what I thought up and I wanted to see what you (the reader) think about this. Anyways, that's all I have for this topic. Thank you for taking some time from out of your day to read this outlandish idea/thought, it really means a quite a lot to see that my ideas are interesting enough to catch the attention of others, even if it's just one or two people who end up reading this. This is Whiteout, signing off.
  6. Some legacy items are capable of being used in today's arena despite drawbacks, some being: The Barrier Leg Series - Light weight, good stomp damage, 3 walking (no jump as a drawback), good elemental damage (Magma Barrier/Electric Mass) Firewall - 6 knockback, cheap to use, infinite use Push - 1 range-capable, acts like a repulser, cheap to use Surfboard - 3 movement, light weight *Feel free to add onto the list or correct me. But while some legacy items are usable, most of them would serve as a way to enjoy the game in a second-hand sense, where you can interact with items that function much differently to the reloaded ones that we get used to rather quickly upon getting. Messing around with legacy items is a fun and challenging way to play the game since it acts like a nerf to your overall capabilities in combat but gives you much more ways to fight since every legacy item has a unique attribute, adding onto that experimental side of things.. Though, that experimentation would only be usable in campaign.
  7. Sounds like a great idea.. But there's just one very small problem with that.. Since legacy items are outdated due to having way lower damage and having heavier weight than reloaded items, would there be a point of creating a legacy portal for those items? I would honestly enjoy that idea, don't get me wrong, but I'm also thinking out loud about this and well, only a few legacy items will be remotely usable nowadays. Nice idea, though.
  8. But it wasn't enough to stop the evil water overlords.
  9. And where gluten is the leading cause of seizures.
  10. To the clash of kevlar and baguettes.
  11. Of the next French Revolution uprising.
  12. Divined an Annihilation, maxed a Backstabber, and mythed my first energy engine.

    I'm feeling good but my luck is shit because Overlord's Den - 6 is refusing to give me fortune boxes now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T


      Nice drops but HeronMark and Magma Blast would've been better because you could make a heat hugger with those items alongside Red Rain.

    3. W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T


      Nice drops, nonetheless.



      thx man but the thing is i already got a heat mech/boiler mech 🙂


  13. And then you met God because of that extreme concussion.
  14. There's probably a good reason why that doesn't exist.. Perhaps the fact that the "random myth" part of things could spell "mythical Swoop", "mythical Falcon", "mythical Fractured Heat Armor".. I think you already know where I'm going with this.. If not, getting free mythical items through a quest is a really bad idea, especially when that quest could potentially give out extremely powerful premiums at random, which would lead to an imbalance in all ranks since everyone could get a good, bad, batshit, or god-tier item. In other words, RNG + Free Powerful Items + A Lot of Players = Disaster. Post Merge - An Idea as a Contribution In order to contribute to the idea, I have a suggestion. Perhaps make it into a tougher version of existing quests (Warrior, Destroy Structures, Engineer, Obtain Items, etc.) and upon completion, you get a free special premium box that guarantees legendaries. The box's legendary drop rates would be like this: 45% - Rare to Mythical 35% - Epic to Mythical 15% - Legendary to Mythical (Premium) >5% - Transform Relic The box itself could drop 3 items that follow the drop rates above. However, the drop rates can be tweaked, so the drop rates above are just a "sketch".
  15. You are aware that Advanced Repulser is hard to get, does extremely low damage, has a 61 heat cost, no resist break at all, has only 2-4 range, and has the aforementioned 2 uses? Reducing the Advanced Repulser's max uses to 1 would just make it much less useful than its already barebone usefulness level since only scopes and desolation builds really use the Repulser. In other words, you're not doing much against scopes since they still have weapons like Ejection Blast and Dark Eagle if you take out their most specifically used weapon. Also this. Nerfing it wouldn't do much since hammers and recoilers exist.. But still this.
  16. There's no excuse for the lack of L-M heat rollers because USA Transporters Mark I existed back then, which are literally heat Sparked Runners, so the sprite's already available. All that's left is to make stats for the item and use the sprite in order to bring a set of L-M heat rollers into the game and save the poor dual Deso builds that have to use Sparked Runners in order to get their 3-movement fix.
  17. Energy counters and scope builds should never be in the same sentence, especially when it involves them combining into a dual nightmare.
  18. We don't talk about those moments in order to appease the will of SuperMechs.
  19. Every Scope build without a Claw: Legs = Scope with High Damage Output = Annoyance = Meanwhile, Bobson = Legs = Scopes = The Desire to Merge People with the Corners of the Stages = Dual Malices to Assert Dominance over more Simplistic Scope Builds = Limits to Powers = Mortality = Repulsers =
  20. I need any paints from that portal because I've never played that portal before due to a break from the game that I had during the time of the portal.
  21. Imagine it being 3k backfire for 3k damage and 300 resistance break for both sides.
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