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Everything posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. Impressive Rank 1 box, honestly. I only got a legendary ascension relic... I'm disappointed. Note: I had a rank 7 box, so don't fret, I'll be getting good epics in no time because I can't keep rank 8 most of the time.
  2. Hmm... I'm gonna need proof of that, Chief. Only the classic will know Cortana's favorite color.
  3. The amount of Hybrid weapons have increased substantially while you were away. About 1 in 6 players now have at least 1 mythed or maxed Hybrid Cannon in the mid ranks. I've also seen a maxed Hybrid Heat Cannon in the low ranks (rank 17) when I was doing arena on my alt.
  4. Welcome to the forums, Master Chief. Quick question, though -- Which Chief is the Chief from the classic trilogy and which one is the chief from the modern era?
  5. He's kinda co-piloting about 17 people including me, lol... But maybe. It honestly depends on if he's available.
  6. Meanwhile, I made cheesy META-based memes in the old forums memes-thread.
  7. I mainly stuck with Empathetic since it was the best title that I had beside Autobiographer.
  8. Titles were more of a customization thing like how you would paint your mech in-game. It wouldn't give you any bonuses but it would make you stand out more.
  9. Achievements weren't stuck in your face as much as the leaderboards on these forums, though.
  10. And there wasn't a popularity contest that kept on pressuring people by forcing them to compete for essentially nothing.
  11. And the polls themselves could be more than 3 questions, each with more than 4 options if you wanted to make it like that.
  12. And topics on the old forum had about 10 people viewing on a daily basis, meaning that it wouldn't take days for someone to notice new content and react to it or reply to it.
  13. Shall we go down the list of reasons why old forums were better than these? You may go first.
  14. Set time? Just asking because it seems that our activity periods are separate from one another, so I want to do the fight when we're both active.
  15. Fair enough. Though, I don't think much will happen while you're gone but I suppose only time will tell in that regard.
  16. Such is the way of the forums, for some reason... But your reactions shall return another day, specifically tomorrow or something.
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