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Electrick010 last won the day on December 5 2022

Electrick010 had the most liked content!

About Electrick010

  • Birthday July 8

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Electrick010's Achievements

  1. nice profile picture.

    1. Electrick010


      Thank you ❤, and sorry for my slow response

  2. I congratulate you on the tremendous achievement
  3. No eres el único, solo que aquí los que hablan en español somos minoría (esto no es malo por si te preguntas), es preferible que hables inglés porque es el idioma predeterminado del juego Causa: Es el idioma que nos ayuda a comunicarnos entre todos, ya que no es el único idioma que está aquí presente
  4. New achievement, first time to get 500 Tokens, perfect! I will be able to buy my Energy Fortress soon
  5. It's impressive that I can put up a good battle no matter who or who my opponent is. I'm leaving this because I can still get good things
  6. Every child has to grow up but don't stop loving them, because they will know who to turn to when they need you most.
  7. I was a little late but since I wanted to see if they gave me something good and not, finally I will be able to have better rewards in Raid
  8. Dan caja gratis por una notificación de celular, si no tienes eso no hay más que hacer, lo siento
  9. I didn't know about this and I'm sorry for commenting late, it's good that you feel good Changing the subject, what I can count is that I finally have 5 silver medals, incidentally my first Top 10 in Raid
  10. After a long time, finally a big medal, the bronze one It's true, I'm a little retired, I'll try to comment more often, but I don't promise anything
  11. Well I will give my summary from my last post In 1vs1 I managed to get a Silver medal, now I need 1 to have 10 And in that same 1vs1 I got the best drop of the day And today it looks like I won't get more than two relics for an indefinite time, who knows? XD EZ
  12. I should have shown it at the time, but I'm very busy, however I show it because I love growing up When I was farming with BigBoy I got a small gift, it's not a big deal but it will help me for the dust collection To my surprise I got 200 Tokens in the previous raid, I thought I would get 175, but it is better And to finish I got another gift in a rank 1 box, but it doesn't end there, it turns out that Inmax 2 got its first silver medal, what an achievement and I congratulate Kurt and everyone who contributed to the clan, I know I said it late but it gave me time today
  13. My current progress is from the Platinum Plating + Halloween Portal offer Offer drops: Portal Drops: I only got that because I didn't have much time to play, in Insane of course I did Late but sure arrived
  14. I think you forgot that the boss mostly has about 500/400 hp, so try to kill him with a divine Rock Recoiler
  15. Little by little someone comes happy to show their achievement so that someone else simply breaks their illusions It is obvious that for many it is normal but that raid 2 is a headache without terrorblade/crimson rapture
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