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Everything posted by AftoKrator

  1. well, you can always edit out the reload/re-login process for recordings and stuff
  2. that bug's been there for quite a while... just log out and log back in and it should work again
  3. oh ok..... oh and i just made a 50000 hp mech
  4. I just when to the Workshop Unlimited today and found this: ↓ just look at those stats...... and the picture is wrong
  5. you know, instead of buffing the hp, i think we should do something special with it... i mean, it is an L-M and most L-Ms have their own special thing. I'm suggesting that we can give a little hp buff, like 100-150, but buff the cooling and regen by a lot, like 100 for each.... maybe that too much, but hey, it'll be the first regen/cooling heavy torso.
  6. scopes huh.... maybe there should also be a high backfire for this weapons.......maybe 180 per shot for 2 uses
  7. hmm, As a "family", i dont think the resistance of HPV should be shifted at all... in fact, it should keep its high energy resistance to compensate for currently being the worst one in the "family". Imo, i think it should be increased to the same values as the other 2 vests, respectively, with 22 phy resistance, 31 exp resistance, and 77 ene resistance (w/ arena buff). Also, if you look at the "family" of monkeys, the hollow monkey have less hp because its generally less useful as a pure physical torso, and so maybe it was right for the HPV to have less hp. Tho it does seem that its hp is a little low. I'd probably raise it to 1138 (100 less than other vests w/ arena buffs) or maybe just 1153 like what you said. Also, i do believe (like what you wrote on your post) that the energy/heat stats should be about even. Tho i would probably change the regen/cooling to 96 (to compensate for low hp and being the underdog).
  8. So you basically wanted a energy version of a Vandal, but with higher damage, 2 knockbacks, and a much bigger range, not to mention that you did state anything about uses, i'll just assume that it have infinite uses. hmm, honestly, i think it might be pretty good.... maybe a little OP, so i'd probably cut some of the regen damage, and energy damage, and maybe cut the electric damage by 50 or so. And maybe, on top of that, if it still seems a little op, maybe cut it to 2 uses and make it L-M. In general, its a bit too op and probably a bad idea......
  9. So now that we've all talked about the cost, maybe we should think about the waiting time.... I think we should have something like 5 days for chance of legendary other stuff (legs, torso, mods, weapons) and maybe a week for the transform relics and special items.
  10. it does seem a little disturbing... especially the gold mine the one eye in the middle and its sticking its tongue out
  11. hmmm.... 400k for epics is alot of gold, but if we can somehow put transform relics... that would be awesome. but then there would also have to be epic transform relics... which isn't a thing yet (and i doubt it will ever be) either way, i fully support the transform relic option, but maybe not on the other 4
  12. just like what Tirreggregars said.... maybe a little more damage, but i personlly if we add more damage to war hammer, its gona be too op... near 600 damage thats basically like a 1 range, multiple use, physical bunkershell/magmablast
  13. All you need to do is: Farm a lot........ save up tokens for premium packs (not premium boxes) don't waste tokens on paint pray that you'll get good drops (tho it never really works.....) do as much titan as you can (especially weak titans) for titan rewards try to farm power kits for upgrades I did all this and my legacy account is now doing fine after about 2 month of hard work
  14. AftoKrator

    Hat bug.

    oh, btw, did anyone try the floating mech thing with other rollers, cuz i'm pretty sure the float phenomenon is only visible when Sizzling Rollers are used. or maybe its just because sizzling rollers are smaller than all the other rollers
  15. yeah.... thats kinda true actually....... well, yeah... ofc since this is a game, but a few hours can mean a lot.... especially on a +50% gold day
  16. its never a bad thing to have more free items.... is it?
  17. AftoKrator

    Hat bug.

    i seriously doubt that mechs are supposed to float
  18. AftoKrator

    Hat bug.

    As far as i know, all hats have the same effect... (not sure for christmas hat cuz i dont have one) The Mexican hat can also make a flying mech.... just doesn't fly as high. Also, the smaller the torso, the higher it flies with hats on.
  19. oh, sorry, well i guess its also good to have a more experience pilot answer the question
  20. The relics will only be of any use for Maxed Mythicals. When a Mythical item is Maxed (level 50), it can be ascended to Divine class (the final transformation level above Mythical). Otherwise, the relics are basically useless (and you can't just trash them or use them to upgrade). The grey relics are for ascending items with a rarity of common to myth. only items are: Interceptor, Nightmare, Sith, Scorching Feet, Iron Boots, Charged Walkers (i think i got those names right). Blue relics are for ascending items with a rarity of rare to myth. Purple relics are for E-M (epic to myth) items. And yellow relics are for L-M (legendary to myth) items. There is also a difference in cost when using relics. They are as follow: Common divine relic (grey): uses 2 per transformation and costs 100k gold. Rare divine relic (blue): uses 3 per transformation and costs 200k (or maybe 250k) gold. Epic divine relic (purple): uses 4 per transformation and costs 500k gold. Legendary divine relic (yellow): uses 5 per transformation and costs 1000k (or 1 million) gold. That should cover all of it... hope it helps. ..... Btw, relics can only be obtained from seasonal arena rewards and clan wars.
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