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  1. Like
    rc got a reaction from Spam in "Insert Clickbait Title Here"   
    Thanks! ❤️
  2. Like
    rc got a reaction from MasterChief in "Insert Clickbait Title Here"   
    I’ll add a like to that comment later.
  3. Like
    rc got a reaction from Spam in "Insert Clickbait Title Here"   
    Oof! There goes my “likes”...
    Yup, I find it convenient to use likes. Sometimes, a picture is worth a 1000 words.
  4. Like
    rc got a reaction from Spam in "Insert Clickbait Title Here"   
    Also, the old forum tells you when the likes refresh. That’s not the case here.
    Obviously, likes isn’t a big deal here. To me, the reactions/likes are another way of communicating still.
  5. Thanks
    rc reacted to Spam in "Insert Clickbait Title Here"   
    I can this to the list of things this forum is missing a needs.
  6. Like
    rc reacted to Spam in "Insert Clickbait Title Here"   
    Also, it's fun to see how many people click on my threads for the title.
    My like are gone and I just got on the forum *sigh*
  7. Like
    rc reacted to Spam in Iron Boots Or Massive Stone Feet?   
    Teach me pls
  8. Like
    rc reacted to Spam in Iron Boots Or Massive Stone Feet?   
    how did you post multiple comments without them being merged?
  9. Like
    rc reacted to Atusiff in Iron Boots Or Massive Stone Feet?   
    Massive Stone Feet all the way. They have more health, weigh less, and give resistance.
  10. Haha
    rc reacted to Dark conon mech in Confetti Paint   
    Conffeti paint is giving me epilepsy 
  11. Like
    rc reacted to Pink555 in mythical transformation to divine   
    Clan war box
  12. Like
    rc reacted to Spam in mythical transformation to divine   
    Arena box
  13. Like
    rc reacted to Spam in Confetti Paint   
    Red, also makes it look like the legacy version.
    also red looks better than yellow...

  14. Thanks
    rc reacted to Jahy Sama in Time for me to go   
    Im back but...
    Im back

  15. Haha
    rc got a reaction from Andypandy in Leaving Thread   
    Enjoy life on the other side!
  16. Like
    rc got a reaction from Grosboss in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    Finally! A deal I can sink my teeth into. It’d be nice if the Platinum Fortress has more resist, but you can’t go wrong with extra HP.
    Really! Oh yeah, it is $40! Lol, my God! 💸
    However, the cost for 6 premium packs alone is worth 2010 tokens. On top of the 6 premium packs, there’s the Platinum Fortress, and the relics and coins are a nice bonus.
    Besides, 2k tokens has always been Tacticsoft’s normal sales price. The only exception is I’m getting the impression Alexander is churning out these sales like WW2 T-34 tanks.
  17. Haha
    rc reacted to TeaIsMyLife in Atom Legacy clan recruitment   
    Привет мой друг. Набор кланов Аtom Legacy открыт.
    От нас:
    • Дружелюбное сообщество, which always will help you.
    • Хорошее занятие.
    • Регулярные бои с титанами и клановые войны.
    From you:
    • 25 wins/week.
    • Adequacy.
    The clan was originally created as a community of people with general leisure activities. We don't need 24/7 activity and top places. We just need active and outgoing players. If you play a little, then we are not on the way, if you do not respect your clans, then we are not on the way, if you are a sociopath, then we will not on the way. Only active and friendly players are welcome!
    We will be glad to see you in our clan. See you! 🙂
  18. Like
    rc reacted to Spam in Confetti Paint   
    I thought it needed color to, I just didn't think it would look good.
  19. Like
    rc reacted to Spam in Confetti Paint   
    Thank you, Also why is archimode's head circled?
    And is the old google sheet where everyone put there fanart still a thing?
  20. Like
    rc reacted to MasterChief in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    true, true :V he is the only game dev rn :V
  21. Haha
    rc got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    Finally! A deal I can sink my teeth into. It’d be nice if the Platinum Fortress has more resist, but you can’t go wrong with extra HP.
    Really! Oh yeah, it is $40! Lol, my God! 💸
    However, the cost for 6 premium packs alone is worth 2010 tokens. On top of the 6 premium packs, there’s the Platinum Fortress, and the relics and coins are a nice bonus.
    Besides, 2k tokens has always been Tacticsoft’s normal sales price. The only exception is I’m getting the impression Alexander is churning out these sales like WW2 T-34 tanks.
  22. Like
    rc got a reaction from Shared-NW in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    Finally! A deal I can sink my teeth into. It’d be nice if the Platinum Fortress has more resist, but you can’t go wrong with extra HP.
    Really! Oh yeah, it is $40! Lol, my God! 💸
    However, the cost for 6 premium packs alone is worth 2010 tokens. On top of the 6 premium packs, there’s the Platinum Fortress, and the relics and coins are a nice bonus.
    Besides, 2k tokens has always been Tacticsoft’s normal sales price. The only exception is I’m getting the impression Alexander is churning out these sales like WW2 T-34 tanks.
  23. Like
    rc reacted to MasterChief in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    actually, me being a commander signifies that i am a well liked person in this community who is VERY active. i currently have over 900 posts. besides, someone else already said this info. i was merely repeating it.
  24. Like
    rc got a reaction from Jahy Sama in Time for me to go   
    Dude, I know the feeling.
    I wake up; I’m playing the game. Before bed, I’m lying down on my bed; I got the game going on my phone.
    I pass out on my bed; the game is still going.

    Sad thing is I don’t stand a chance once my head hits the bed. I’m a goner. I don’t even see it coming. It’s total nights out.

    I’ll say it again to Alexander. For the love of God! Streamline your game, so I don’t live my life on it!
    Anyway, gg, man! School is more important than some game.
    Hey, welcome back, Jahy! At least there’s one positive thing.
  25. Haha
    rc reacted to MasterChief in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    a new weapon will be a while. alex isnt planning on any new ones or any item portals for a while. im pretty sure hes the only person working on SM in gato :V
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