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    rc reacted to Shared-NW in Again about Raid   

  2. Like
    rc reacted to Dark conon mech in NEW PLAYERS: Lets discuss about Balance/Unbalance/nerf/buff in the game, and repeated topics.   
    Nah those people need to just get gud theres nothing wrong with balance and the idea they have would make it worse >:((
  3. Like
    rc reacted to Electrick010 in Very Sh*t bug help me   
    It is true that we are not obliged to report errors, but for something there is a thing called "Technical Support" and they are there to hear about the errors we experience, you are not required to report., but the rest of us do it to help the game and do better, I think it would be very rude of me not to report errors while Gato Games give us many decent offers and events, each at their discretion, but we are also their community and we also want them to improve.
  4. Like
    rc got a reaction from Dragon Slayer in Bot Improvements(and now some campaign stuff, yay!)   
    If you say that, it’s time to reconsider setting up your mechs for autoplay. There’s no point in wasting time to do the campaign manually.
  5. Like
    rc reacted to Nefertary Meriten-Mut in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    I play by inertia. And because I don't have time to look for another game. Every day I quickly do the 3 pvp to fulfill the daily missions. I don't care if win or lose, I just want to finish fast to raise the 10 tokens. And if it weren't for the tokens, there are days that I wouldn't even make myself look at pvp.
    The only event that I still enjoy a bit is the item portals.
    I think I'm still something useful for the clan, that's why I stay there and help with the titan (when I can) and the clan war. But I don't have much of a will to test new builds or anything like that. The game no longer moves me the floor.
  6. Like
    rc got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Bot Improvements(and now some campaign stuff, yay!)   
    Regarding bot improvements, Tacticsoft hasn’t updated the AI since range specific drones have come out years ago. An upgrade to the AI is definitely needed.
  7. Like
    rc reacted to Spam in Good monrnig   
    This is in the wrong area, please try to figure it out by yourself and only ask if you can't this is the 5th or 6th thread made by people who don't look around to find the answer. Click create<Request in base disable. You must have seen this when creating this thread.
  8. Like
    rc reacted to Conchatumadre in Good monrnig   
    good morning, could you remove the base. please. this is my id: (48957832)
  9. Like
    rc reacted to Dark conon mech in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Yes buy once they see how espensive base is they quit i see people wanting to remove base everyday from in clans to global chat
  10. Sad
    rc reacted to Pavke in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Only LG left because he got bored. Other two is for other reasons. Also, its not only "few" new players.
  11. Like
    rc reacted to Tirreggregars in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    I think SM is generally a tedious game were it not for the fact that I love strategy games, I surely wouldn't be playing.
    I believe Alex is doing a lot, but he is just 1 person, more crew would speed up the process.
    As for what I said before, you can understand there are few new players because progress is sooooo slow, and new players quit before reaching r5, effectively meaning that for me, the matchups are the same over and over and over again.
    The fact that players are leaving is obvious, lg left, boss took a break, bestie took a break to name a few, I could obviously find at least 100, but I can't be bothered, however new players come in as well, and it is normal for people to leave a game. The problem is that since progress is so slow, new players all leave as well.
    Anyways, my point remains, without new items, the game is even more tedious, so I'd appreciate new items, or more events such as the one Alex already made, the 100 tokens for 10 arena wins event, which increased arena participation, making it much more fun. 
    I made a proposal to permanently increase arena participation, hoping Alex looks at it, it got very positive feedback 🙂
  12. Like
    rc got a reaction from Spam in "Insert Clickbait Title Here"   
    Since your confetti colors look nice, you should recommend them to Alexander as new paints.
  13. Like
    rc got a reaction from Spam in "Insert Clickbait Title Here"   
    Yeah, he did. He did some amazing work on coloring items.
  14. Like
    rc got a reaction from Spam in "Insert Clickbait Title Here"   
    Nah, it definitely isn’t Atusiff. If the old forum was active, I could punch out his name since he was a lot more active on that forum.
  15. Like
    rc got a reaction from Spam in "Insert Clickbait Title Here"   
    I don’t recall that person’s name, but it definitely isn’t your name. Anyway, he’s good at coloring items, like you did for the confetti items.
  16. Like
    rc got a reaction from Spam in "Insert Clickbait Title Here"   
    Interesting, I don’t recall that name on the old forum. Alright, Gautham.
    I was guessing you’re someone else. I guessed incorrectly.
  17. Like
    rc got a reaction from Spam in "Insert Clickbait Title Here"   
    What’s your original name on the old forum?
  18. Thanks
    rc reacted to Dark conon mech in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Defence matrix wasnt made by gato games they haven't made any new items what are you on about?
  19. Like
    rc reacted to Bunboy in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Im really surprised at the amount of people who believe this game isn't dying. Must be in denial 🤔. Also the amount people who think the lack of items is the issue. The simple fact is the drops are terrible which why most players quit and why this game gets boring so fast. From my personal experience every week its the same bs. Between the 2k win box, rank rewards box, fortune boxes ,and base boxes the drops are awful and i will go months without getting anything new/useful, and when i finally do get something its pointless because the meta has changed or i need another specific item thats compatible. This game will stay boring amd dry if the drops are ass just my personal opinion. Also the lack of updates is an issue.
  20. Thanks
    rc reacted to Nefertary Meriten-Mut in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Defense Matrix was a creation of Tacticsoft. It was on the TS calendar. Gato has not made any new items. Anyway, I would be more better if there was a balance of what already exists, because each new item that appears reduces the chances of obtaining good items. Either change the box system or is better not to put new things.
  21. Like
    rc reacted to Tirreggregars in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Ah well, here I post again

    Anyways, the game is dying. I think regardless of how many cool sales Alex makes, the lack of new items has really had a dent on player motivation. The only thing that was rendering the game less monotonous were the new items. It means that even in a repetitive strategy game which is stupidly enough based on rng 🤦‍♂️, you cna still develop new strategies, and have new and more "original" fights.
    Now that Alex has stopped releasing items, the game has become an endless loop of boring 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 seasons, with f2p seeing cool deals they cant afford, and p2w seeing cool deals they often don't need. With the few which have only spent little until now progressing very fast creating a mass feeling of discontent. In addition, you meet the same players everyday, with a few rare exceptions, you matchup with the same 15-30 players everyday, leading to near identical matches, with counters and trolls rendering the experience even more tedious.
    This really goes to show the deplorable state of the game, with no new items to keep the player base active, there will be no participation.
    The only good PvP event was the 100 tokens arena fight event, which caused a huge increase in arena participation, yet it only happened once?
  22. Like
    rc reacted to Dark conon mech in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    True but game is kinda boring with no new updates since 2020
  23. Like
    rc reacted to Spam in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Super Mech is not by any means dying, it's only "dying" because thats all that you see on the forum, the forum is dying.
  24. Haha
    rc reacted to MasterChief in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    bruh theres no new items because the only game dev is working on balance changes and bug fixes
  25. Like
    rc reacted to error19031 in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    I don't want to say this, but the game is really rotting and there is almost nothing to do in it, new items do not come out, there are no interesting events, this must be solved, otherwise the game will die in the near future
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