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Mr Lord

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Posts posted by Mr Lord

  1. Yeah I thought about that b4, this item is usless as LM it needs a buff

    13 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

    Maybe.  But the problem is:

    1) You'd need to nerf the other two weapons to fix Bulldog,

    2) They'd all need to be lighter in weight.

    3) You'd piss off everyone who uses Reckoning or Mercy in an energy-free build.

    My opinion: have fun convincing everyone that we need to nerf those other two "side stapler" weapons.

    Sure, that would be the other way to fix the issue, but I feel like it would be much more unpopular.

    It wouldn't just shake up the META.  It would table-flip the META, at least for physical.  And I don't think shaking up the META is the best way to do. this.

    I'm not against nerfing the other two, I just think that would not be the best way to fix the problem.

    No, those items has a low range and high weight, nerfing them is unfair 

    Every shotgun has a feature, and these ones are energy free, that's why they are heavy, 

    If they need nerf then all recoilers need Nerf too

  2. The problem is you should keep the item on lvl 1 if you wanna keep it hidden

    So it works with repulsers and armor breakers

    5 minutes ago, Tirreggregars said:

    Oh, so it's basically useless haha

    Yeah true


    From today's 15 packs offer

    I was hoping to get it and got it on first pack lmao😂👌


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