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  1. no dude, that is due to the update of that date, nowadays the mechs only have 2 top weapons.
  2. that's sad. The only reason I still play this game is because of my few legacy items.
  3. Did your Steel Barricade also disappear?
  4. God mode is the boy in black where there is a number 8 in the pic
  5. Not a fact. Most of the veterans left after Reloaded update. they are no longer in supermechs forum. Most of them. I agree with you on this
  6. Legacy is not a Monster. Why are you guys so rude?
  7. But I'm not the only one who complains about Frantic
  8. Hi, can I make a thread complaining about the game update that messed up SM legacy , the same update that disabled shields and healing drones and messed up campaign and bot AI and added mandatory 2v2 and 3v3 arena battles , and after that , recycled old sprites for renew them in weapons , torsos and legs with cartoon style (not all the items, there are some that are cool)... And finally, can I make a thread to complain about Frantic Brute? (constructive criticism obviously) thx.
  9. In fact the first time they introduced the claw on supermechs it dealt beastly damage with stomp attack and could walk just a point of distance. Later balance updates removed that ability to increase his health to +800
  10. Dude Im gettin old waiting for updates, I hope the dev boys have not died of covid and continue with the fangames
  11. supermechs is the best game from Gatogames, I think they should take the risk to improve the game since I don't know any other game from Gatogames other than supermechs
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