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Everything posted by firewater789

  1. for 3v3 running the same element mechs work the best. i run two heat mechs and one physical mech. sometimes im able to use the res drainer on my first mech on my enemy's second mech adding so much value to the match. so i recommend running 3 mechs of the same type. PS. dont use 2 boilers they wont work unless you have a red rain on it. im pretty sure he's talking about top ranks 3v3 so running the same type is better
  2. they have slowed down on base disablement and they are also working on more important things right now so it may take some time for base to be disabled
  3. farm overload's den 1v1 Boss level on insane
  4. sorry @Vermillyonfor some reason the desert one has an error i cant fix it for some reason
  5. Congrats i remember barely getting rank in reloaded and watching near everyone in top ranks. those were the good days. but im glad your able to find a new home without any problems. Have fun in reign :)
  6. i like this idea i might make something similar and add feature. well... only if i get the time for it xD
  7. sorry for the late reply @Atusiff and @Vermillyon. I barely use forums :p, gonna start using it more from now on.
  8. Thank you now my rank 32 account can beat this portal
  9. Thanks @Nefertary Meriten-Mut this portal fits me perfectly I can beat insane with over 2600 hp. your the best If you think I’m joking I’m not lol
  10. powerkits dont need the time reduced i think the time to craft leggies needs to be reduced
  11. True the next person has a heat fortress
  12. As most of you know we wlgang have gotten our first medal not too long ago, we worked so hard so we can give BossParody a medal before he leave. After he left i stepped forward and became the new leader of wlgang until he returns. the wlgang family wants him to come back to a surprise, the surprise being more medals. so we are asking you, yes you to join wlgang. We are looking for active players to join wlgang. We need people who are able to get rank 1 in 1v1 and rank 2-3 in 2v2 and 3v3. If your interested in joining then dm me on discord firewater789#8205 or just join the clan. If the main clan is full then join 2.0 or 3.0 and talk to the leader about moving to 1.0. I hope you join and help us reach top 3 each week :).
  13. 2 relics to upgrade is a bit low, it only takes 8 common relics for a legendary one. i think you should change it to 4 then you need 64 common relics for one legendary relic
  14. one day it might get buffed like swoop and be a top drone just you wait
  15. I love all of these ideas, i hope they get added to the game
  16. i think i went a little over with the stats but i want it to have unlimited uses so cutting down the damage or even adding backfire could be fine with me.
  17. It’s pretty much a hysteria but less damage for 2 knockback
  18. This item was heavily inspired by a legacy item that did 2 knock back. Stats of the item: weight: 42kg electric damage: 150-300 energy damage: 120 regen damage: 18 knockback: 2 range: 4-8 heat cost: 0 en cost: 31 (these stats are with arena buff, they could change after posting this) This item should only come in en version since en needs help at this time. This item is to mainly counter the heat hugger meta, i made a mech with the item below (replace vandal with the item) this item will help to keep your enemy at a far distance and still be able to do damage to them. The design is below to on how it should look. i hope this item can get added since it was one of my favorite items from legacy. i am yet to decide on the rarity if it should be e-m or l-m. (this is my second post so i might have did something wrong xD)
  19. creativity: faiola, tacocat Entertainment: stefan, Ace Helpfulness: jiyoon editing: Atusiff
  20. Do you have a knock back drone like shockwave or flame wave?
  21. gato has been working hard, they are looking for more people to hire as they dont have enough rn. Alex has said he's working on a way for people to disable base on their own. Gato is fixing the mistakes that TS left behind. you might not notice much going on but Alex is helping people move from kong to sm. So to be fair gato has done a lot. Banning players (TS left behind), fixing bugs like raid and multi tabbing which they are still working on(TS left behind), Moving players from kong to SM, making a new forum, making a new discord server, making better events like the 250 tokens one, and i even heard they are trying to release meta item offers like the swoop offer. So lets be fair Gato has done a lot and fixed a lot of things TS left behind i forgot to mention they are also trying to learn and fix the drop rates
  22. it wont be a good idea, in legacy drones were not that important but now drones are everything. So if this was added it will be too broken and not used at all.
  23. Maybe making it weaker and making it e-m cause this will make the game more p2w
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