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Everything posted by PlainBadLuck

  1. Yeah, I'll just have to grind out tokens and get back to 2k in case we get an offer soon.
  2. I accidentally bought a pack on my alt... I'm now beneath 2k tokens, don't know whether to be happy for the drops or mad that I bought it.
  3. Nah, just send Marija a message via forums. The term isn't specific to discord.
  4. The trading discussion's been done to death. Needless to say it would create problems if players could trade items willy-nilly. My alternative: A special shop where you can exchange your epics or legendaries for different items of the same rarity. Items for trade refresh weekly The trades would be e-m to e-m and premium to premium, no e-m to premium Due to lack of utility and/or being easily attainable, any item below e-m would be excluded from both the shop and the player's items to trade (ie nightmare, sith, banshee, chimera, etc) There would be an additional fee (coins or tokens) for the trade so players don't trade out their trash for op items with no cost The cost would be higher for premium trades than e-m trades, and higher for legendary trades than epic trades Not something I need added to the game, but better imo than unrestricted trading with other players.
  5. I guess I'm late to the "tournament is over" party, but gg and congrats to the winners. It was nice to have some positive interactions with players I didn't know. Also, please don't turn this thread from a lighthearted tourney conversation into toxic complaints about the rewards, or complaints about the people complaining about the rewards. Let's not ruin the fun vibe of the tournament.
  6. Remastered campaign in which the enemies have more varied items. They currently consist of the same old mechs using old items and it gets boring fast, whether grinding or progressing through campaign.
  7. Quad cores would be useful, but what I really need is a plasma fortress to complete my set, platinum plates to ramp up the health of my 2nd mech, and a max protector or defense matrix to give my 1st mech some res
  8. I have 3k tokens... it pains me, but I think I'll keep saving.
  9. I agree that this is needed, as I have dozens of common and rare relics sitting in my inventory which will never be used. However, 2 to 1 is too few to upgrade. 5 to 1 sounds more balanced to me. Another way to give them utility would be giving relics a power value, so you can use them to upgrade items (although a converter would be better imo).
  10. level 188 180 slots Nope I don't think it matters that much what element of torso you have, as long as the mods can make up the difference. My first mech, an energy mech, used heat monkey (no other options) but I was able to make up the energy difference with a few energy engines. Phys and heat are fine with heat torsos too. I don't care for most perks, but why not.
  11. Adding weapons just because other types have a similar version seems pointless, but this is an exception, as heat doesn't have any e-m pull weapons. Something like this would open up more variety for non-premium heat builds, so I can appreciate it.
  12. I doubt it would be considered an exploit, since it still takes the time and coins it would take to make that many cards
  13. PlainBadLuck


    What, people can't have a civil and respectful discussion? I suppose that it is rather strange these days, and on an internet forum no less.
  14. It was 1 year ago, this past Christmas the snowball was in the portal and the box was distributed in game.
  15. If you look at the 3rd post in the News section, titled "Merry Christmas," Alexander mentions a notification for the box and a link for the snowball perk, both free.
  16. Yeah. I believe the box was linked here last year, but this year it was distributed entirely within the game.
  17. PlainBadLuck


    I can see where you're coming from, but I'm afraid I must disagree.
  18. Today's offer... Idk how to scale how good paid offers are
  19. A lucky arena drop. I already have 2 molten vests and a heat monkey, so I guess this will eventually phase out the heat monkey on my energy mech.
  20. Already have mine, the black an red aesthetic is so clean.
  21. A few things: I agree that new content is desirable, but for the purpose of shifting up the meta up top, balancing items to make more builds viable will be healthier and more impactful than adding new, stronger items I'm not sure what Gato is working on rn (maybe big updates, tidying up game code, or other projects, I know nothing about this kind of thing) but we can't do anything besides wait. I can understand feeling like the game's grown a little stale, but I don't think bringing it up will change anything. Either Gato is already making or planning future changes, or they aren't.
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