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Everything posted by PlainBadLuck

  1. Idk the most efficient level for killing enemies, but I do know that you shouldn't farm 2v2 or 3v3, since it counts each group of enemies as a single enemy in the special quest.
  2. It was 1v1 season at the time, this match is from last week now. This was an actual match, I was trying to get my daily arena coins.
  3. Are these mechs based solely on the items you currently have?
  4. No, I'm not that merciful, especially given how annoying I found r5.
  5. Ok, so I entered arena and was confused when it put me in immediately, and even more confused when I found out it was only one mech... it turns out I made it to rank 5 for the first time ever without noticing lol.
  6. RNJesus is a fickle being, and feels no pity for the heretics who do not worship Him. Your opponent, a most devout believer, prayed to Him and found salvation. Repent, and He may bless you with much damage, if He so chooses.
  7. I wish I'd saved for this offer, I need it to complete my set of fortress mods and fix up the mod setups for both of my mechs.
  8. *main ranges* But more weapons with unique ranges like vandal rage would be interesting.
  9. It would make them more versatile for close range builds, but usually you don't end your turn with an opponent at range 1, so I don't think it would be too strong.
  10. I haven't played as much 3v3 campaign, but 1v1 and 2v2 are basically full of older items. I understand that the ai of this game may not be able to effectively use newer weapons as well, and that remaking these campaigns to include newer items shouldn't a priority. However, a limited time mode, perhaps weekly or monthly, in which we can play a level fighting ai opponents with modern mechs for some kind of reward could be interesting. Not important, but it would be a welcome shakeup from the repetitive, antiquated campaign mechs in the game currently. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
  11. I think supermechs could use more weapon mechanics. Right now, the most impactful one is the push/pull/jump mechanic present on weapons like night eagle, last words, rock recoiler, distance shredder, etc. and their respective elemental variants . A recent example of mechanics added to the game is backfire, but I find backfire to be rather limited in terms of actual impact (you get a higher damage weapon that also damages yourself; not too different from regular weapons, although feel free to convince me otherwise). I suggest adding in new mechanics to change up strategy in ways both big and small. Here are a few ideas: EMP - This mechanic would involve damaging or shutting down mech systems. For example, you could target specific mech systems like legs to disable/reduce movement, weapons to disable/reduce damage, heat/energy damage, etc. Alternatively, if that's too much work or isn't possible with the game's structure, just have it as a weapon that applies a reduction to the mech as a whole, or create specific weapons to target only one part (drone, top weapons, side weapons, grapple/charge/teleport, or legs.) This would be hard to balance, and a lot of restrictions would be needed to prevent it from being op (single use, low damage, high weight, only 1 allowed per mech, and high heat/energy/backfire costs are examples of potential ways to limit strength) Corrosion/damage over time: I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but these weapons would damage the opponent's mech over time. It doesn't have to be limited to health, but could also apply to resistances, heat and energy, or heat and energy regen/cooling and cap. The damage could be split over many turns or a few, but I think 2-4 turns is ideal. More range variety: This isn't a mechanic per se, but the ranges on weapons in this game are limited a bit. Excluding melee and snipers, the main ranges are 1-2, 2-4, 3-6 and 4-8 tiles. This doesn't impact enjoyment of the game thanks to all of the tools we have to move ourselves and our opponents, but it could be interesting to add weapons with different ranges to open up more possibilities for mech creation. For example, make weapons with ranges like 1-3, 3-5, 4-6, or just any reasonable combo not currently present. These are a few of the more interesting ideas. I'd love feedback on the general idea (more weapon mechanics), specifics, and to hear any ideas others have!
  12. OD6 isn't a boss level though, unless you meant OD8.
  13. If you are referring to the crates you receive for leveling up, I believe that after level 60 you only get 1 box every 10 levels. So, once you hit level 70 you get a box, then 80, etc. If referring to regular mission rewards, see the above posts.
  14. The hybrid weapons are really annoying. Flaminator and hot flash are relatively common at lower ranks (even in r6-r7, where I am now), and fighting them as a typical heat or energy build without hybrid weapons is difficult, unless the opponent just has a bad/underlevelled mech. I don't think hybrid weapons are too strong, they're just a pain and I despise playing against them.
  15. Disclaimer: *I run an energy for my main mech on my main account* A response thread to the nerf energy one? Anyways, I agree that energy could use a slight buff. I underperform against most physical and heat builds, unless they're built to counter other heats. It's only gotten more annoying in r7-r6 with all of the counter builds.
  16. Energy and heat are powerful at lower ranks because people have bad mods, then get worse as you encounter more counter builds and people's mods get better. No need to nerf it, this is just part of the game. People just tend to upgrade mods last since they have less impact than torsos, legs or weapons. As for the original poster's comments on energy's extra damage, you have to drain your opponent in the first place, (which gets harder at higher ranks due to better mods, as I mentioned), and energy weapons do less damage than their phys counterparts to compensate. The extra damage is needed to make them somewhat competitive, especially with how common energy-free weapons are at this point.
  17. The builds look pretty good. Just upgrade stuff and pray for luck in matchmaking. I came within a star of rank 5 last season with only 4 max mythed modules, so it's doable with some luck.
  18. Ah yes, taking a bite out of the apple, a long-standing symbol of knowledge and education. Many layers to this image.
  19. Got 2 legendary relics out of my r7 box, used them on this.
  20. First divined premium Hard portal drop Beat insane with 2 revives, now I have 2 falcons lol.
  21. This is from today's offer. Besides these, I got 5 other foodable legendaries and 3 boxes of purples.
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