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Posts posted by MasterChief

  1. 29 minutes ago, SomeOneBad said:

    Hello SP Community . am trying to remember my password for my old account that i forgot  it cuz i didnt play for 3 years or more i only remember my username and in game name and some gears thats am using this is my childhood game probably that why i forgot my password [ if you can only let me see my email that i registered with it maybe i can get it back] thank you 😄

    ask @Alexander in a PM

  2. 5 hours ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

    Oh, and @MasterChief, I also recognized that you like my posts and topics a lot, so I would definitely make a topic for your birthday... But I don't know when that is. Either way, here's a sideline shout out for you in case you felt overshadowed because of this topic.

    july 11th 2006

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