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Posts posted by MasterChief

  1. 12 minutes ago, SawzAll said:


    That you know of.

    Plenty did.


    I will, because what we are talking about is the future of the game.  And no human being can predict the future, thus everyone who tries to will get the same reply from me: "you don't know."


    Sure seems that way though.


    Nope, not sensitive, just no tolerance for bull krap.  You didn't impact my day.  You didn't impact my emotions.  You were just a random nuisance.  "You're too sensitive" is often the last refuge of someone caught in the act of spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

    Based on what?  Your decades of game market research?  Your master's degree in business administration?


    But you don't know.  And you can't read minds.  So I'll say the same thing to you, too: stop spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

    Also, who would buy a dying game?  Sounds like a horrible idea to me.  Given what I've seen from Alexander, he's not dumb, so he wouldn't buy a game that is dying.

    Besides, given the ads we see in this game for other games, SM looks really good.  Most the games being advertised in SM, other outside games, look horrible.

    damn boi you just fcking murdered him.... 

  2. cluttered inventory? not enough gold/tokens? well, now you can sell them! you can sell mythicals for 75 tokens 50,000 gold, legendaries for 50 tokens 40,000 gold, epics for 15 tokens, 5,000 gold, and rares/commons for 1 token, 1,000 gold. yes or no?

  3. 34 minutes ago, Dark conon mech said:

    Lol every week there someone who wants to disable base lucky for me i have alt without base :))

    same lol. also, ppl, stop necroposting ppl. necroposting is someone who attempts to revive a dead thread.

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