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Posts posted by MasterChief

  1. 1 hour ago, Alexander said:

    I think it's a good offer if you want to rank higher, but i'd like to iterate you should only buy things you're comfortable with and have confidence you'll *enjoy*. Don't feel pressured or anything, there'll always be opportunities to get a good mech going. 


    What do you feel is blocking you right now? 🙂 

    energy mechs


  2. 1 minute ago, Alexander said:

    Haven't read all your messages. 


    As for the current deal, it's almost over. It's probably the cheapest way yet to get a plat fortress (outside of relying on luck for boxes during the increased rates), so I hope some of you will manage to raise a rank or two with it. 


    It'd be nice if some of you would keep your progress and share if it helped you or not, if you buy it. My personal hope is to move a few people up to R3

    ah, well, i was saying that you were either the only, or one of the only SM coders/programers/devs rn

    P.S, im probs gonna get it

    plus, i got to r7 for the first time, hopefully i can get to r6 sometime in the next month or 2

  3. 3 minutes ago, Alexander said:

    We'll hire more people as we feel more confident, we're already hiring people on the community side of things. 



    As for sales, not every sale is for every person. I think the opinions people gave on mercy and swoop sale are a bit unfair - you can easily spend hundreds of $ getting one. Even if you don't need the item yourself, it's still a good sale. Just not a sale on something you currently want. 

    Defense matrix is a great item unless you have all 3 other modules, on all 3 of your mechs. Even if you get them in sales on the cheap side, that's 6k tokens per mech. The 20 packs themselves already made that sale more than worth it. 


    I think if you look at every single sale since march 1, every single sale is great value for money on items some players actually want.

    holy... wow alex, its been a while.

  4. 16 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    You are the Master Chief. 🙃

    no to be an asshat, but a MasterChief Petty officer first class 🙃🙃

    2 hours ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

    He doesn't plan item portals? How boring! Is the only entertaining thing about the game. Well ... we will continue with the sales and the madness ...

    he is the only person working on SM in gato games. wouldnt it be kinda hard to proram bug fixes, base disables, ban waves, AND new items?

  5. :V im still workin on it

    flexing my short story: 

    I'm walking down the hallway, when all of a sudden, a blood curdling shriek erupts from one of the doors behind me, and as I whip around, I feel a pain on the side of my head… and then I wake up, with the image of a Black and White monstrosity in front of me. That was one of my weekly nightmares, and yet…. That's the third one I've had of the monster. I don't know what it is, and yet… it felt all too real… real enough that when i awoke, i had a welt right where i had been hit in the nightmare. Strange. This hasn't happened the last time I had the nightmare, so what was happening to me?  And why now? Well, I was certainly about to find out. I was about to learn what was happening to me, and this is a journey I am going to take you on, whether you like it or not. After I got up and took some aspirin for my splitting headache, I did what any sane person would do in this situation: I ditched school. I didn't feel well, and I knew something out of the ordinary was happening. 


    I was wandering around town when i got the feeling something was watching me, but when i whirled around, the street was….. Empty… strange…. I swear there were cars at the stop- I froze. There was no stoplight there anymore, and there certainly weren't any cars. There were just... shapes… I blinked, and instantly, I was back, laying on the ground, with people frantically shaking my body. They told me my heart stopped beating, and from the look on their faces, they thought I was already a goner. When the ambulance arrived, the paramedics were confused at how the reported” dead man” was now a dead man walking. I was immediately taken to the hospital, to go through x-rays, blood tests, the lot. What the paramedics didn't know was that their time was already running short, and I was the cause of it. 


    After sitting in a cold room for what i guessed to be about an hour, the doctors came back and said that i was perfectly healthy: ergo, no dead cells from oxygen loss, just right blood pressure, and no signs of organ failure. I was the perfect human. And then everything went dark. I was still awake, but the lights were gone. Not off, just… gone. There was nothing where the bulbs should have been. Just small, empty spots of darkness. And when I turned around the doctor was already dead. Cut to ribbons by the unseen force which had killed the lights. I dashed into the hallway, looking for an exit, when I saw an all-too familiar creature feasting on a nurse’s corpse. The monster. It was my first good look at it, all black and white. When it moved, it looked almost like a living patch of static. But when it moved, it moved faster than any animal I knew to be on this planet. Compare it to a xenomorph, but without the tail and elongated head, but with an elongated mane, like a lion. It had a whip for a tail and the eyes of something that knew exactly what it was doing. I immediately dubbed it “The NightMare” . I took a step back into the hallway I had just come from, when I tripped backwards on an outstretched hand. The secretary. As I fell backwards, she reached forwards and caught me, being careful to not make any sound whatsoever.  She informed me that she knew exactly what the monsters were: Nightmares. That's what we were. Watchers of nightmares. We quietly snuck into another room to plan out our escape, when we heard a tile squeak from outside. And then it was upon us, tearing through the door and ripping her head off. “I didn't even get to learn her name”  thought, running as fast as I possibly could to escape it. I jumped out the first floor window, landed in a somersault. And noticed all the lights were on in the building. I walked back inside,cautiously, and the lights were off. IT was doing something with the building.


    I could feel IT behind me. The panting, the scraping of its legs on the concrete, and worse of all, it's voice. IT’s voice was deep and gritty, as you might guess someone(or in this case something) sounded like if they lived in the “wild wild west.” Now, as I sprint past an alleyway, another monster joins the first! It's almost as if they come from places where shadows are never explored.... Never explored… i had never explored why i had that dream several times, and it just then occurred to me that maybe I was the cause of these NightMares. I ran, and couldn't escape. I was trapped at a 3-way junction, a NightMare on each street. One leapt and as I dodged out of the way I thought “you're not real.” It instantaneously evaporated. I concentrated, and with a muffled *POP*  another one of the NightMares winked out of existence. That left one. It was larger than the rest, but faster as well. When I concentrated, it too disappeared…… but not until after it has sunk it's claws into my arm, taking the arm with it.



    i didnt work very hard on it :V

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